Academy of Country Music Awards Best Blogs Blake Shelton Celebrities Country music Entertainment Garth Brooks Grammys Guru Jay Hollywood Stars Luke Bryan Music Showbiz Singers Tim McGraw

Tim McGraw Vs. Garth Brooks


Tim McGraw Vs. Garth Brooks

You can only have one. Who do you choose between Tim McGraw and Garth Brooks? Who do you believe is better? I think Tim McGraw wins in the long term, but right now Garth Brooks is the best man for the job.

My motto is “may the best man win.” Moreover, May We All McGraw is letting Garth Brooks outshine him these days. You see Garth Brooks is greater in the short term. His Amazon commercials demonstrate his ability to generate massive appeal. Where are the McGraw advertisements, seriously? Maybe, I’m missing the placements.

For what it’s worth, Tim McGraw has won one more Grammy than Garth Brooks (3 to 2). However, Brooks has earned 22 Academy of Country Music Awards compared to McGraw’s 14. What does this say about the two country music singers? Maybe, McGraw is more mainstream and Brooks is true country.

Both celebrities deserve respect because they are legends. Is this the Luke Bryan Vs. Blake Shelton argument all over again? Luke and Blake are legends in the making. But I believe they would rather be in McGraw’s shoes than Brooks’ boots.

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It is important to pay tribute to legends while they are still here. These days celebrities are becoming scarce. In 2016, we lost a plethora of legendary entertainers. Let’s appreciate who we have and show some respect. In the words of Garth Brooks, we have to appreciate them as “if tomorrow never comes.”

What’s wrong with comparing celebrities? Entertainment is about having fun and escaping from harsh realities. Besides, competition makes for better music.

Let’s go back to the question at hand. Remember, you can only have one. The answer depends on whether you want your steak rare or well done.

I don’t mind waiting for the flower to bloom, so I choose Tim McGraw. McGraw is a sensible choice for a guru, who loves Country. I’ll take my time meditating, then I’ll listen to Tim sing.

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Aloe Blacc Best Blogs Celebrities Country music Entertainment Guru Jay Hip Hop Hollywood Stars John Legend Justin Bieber Justin Timberlake Music pop music Shawn Mendes Showbiz Singers Vevo

Is Aloe Blacc Another John Legend?


Is Aloe Blacc Another John Legend?

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Nowadays, the deep sounding voice is rare in music. That’s what makes Aloe Blacc a diamond in the rough. Now, he’s not Barry White but you get the picture. It’s hard to argue with the fact Aloe is special. He’s another John Legend.

Before John Legend fans launch an attack on me, allow me to explain myself. John Legend is a far better singer than Aloe Blacc and almost everybody else. However, what Aloe Blacc lacks in raw talent, he makes up for with soul. You can’t deny that Aloe Blacc is one of the most passionate crooners showbiz has ever seen.

Justin Bieber, Shawn Mendes, Justin Timberlake and most other male vocalists are known for their high pitches. But who wants to live in a world where music all sounds the same? No knock on Biebs, Mends, and Timbs but the fans have spoken. They want something different from the status quo.

Aloe Blacc is different. He doesn’t subscribe to the status quo at all. You know how they say some writers such as Herman Melville were ahead of their time. I believe this singer is ahead of his time.

Here’s why…

He crosses genres. Who else sings pop, country, and hip-hop? You could say that Nelly crosses all three genres but I remind you that the Hot in Here artist is a rapper.

What is more, Aloe Blacc makes meaningful music. The singer sings about what’s important in the world. He doesn’t brag about how much money he makes and how many girlfriends he has or the good life. Did you know his nickname is Mr. Frugal? I call this Hollywood Conservatism.

I’ve been following Aloe Blacc since his I Need A Dollar days. Green Lights is one of my favorite Aloe Blacc songs. Moreover, I play I’m the Man (Explicit version) when I feel the need. Lately, I’ve been casually listening to his songs on Vevo.

Do you agree that Aloe Blacc is another John Legend?

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Action movies Action Star Actors Babylon A D Box Office Celebrity Entertainment Facebook. Furious 7 Guru Jay Hollywood Stars Movies Showbiz The Last Witch Hunter Vin Diesel XXX: Return of Xander Cage

Why Vin Diesel Is The Ultimate Actor


Why Vin Diesel Is The Ultimate Actor

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After seeing the trailer for XXX: Return of Xander Cage I’m excited for the new year of movies. Vin Diesel has definitely took his precious time creating art and preparing for this role. I fully expect him to deliver a jaw dropping performance as Xander Cage. Aren’t you going to appreciate every minute?

Vin Diesel does an excellent job reprising roles. For instance, the Fast and Furious franchise is built around Vin Diesel’s Dom character. You see the actor has an impressive filmography beyond the action genre. Now, I’m not saying he’s Morgan Freeman but he is the quintessential actor.

His performance in Babylon A D was one for the ages (no pun intended). Have you seen the Last Witch Hunter? The movie is unlike anything else Vin Diesel has done. And who can forget about Furious 7? When it was all said and done, Furious 7 grossed over $1.5 billion at the box office.

His signature style and iconic look play a distinct part in his appeal. On the one hand, there’s something calm and soothing about the Hollywood star. On the other hand, there’s something exhilarating and breathtaking about him. Plus, Vin Diesel executes assignments and takes on an amazing approach.

Did you know he is the most liked actor on Facebook? That’s right. Vin Diesel has amassed over 100 million fans.

Clearly, he has a genuine personality off camera or the fans wouldn’t love him so much. Vin Diesel is a likable guy. Can you picture playing on his basketball or volleyball team? The 6’0” celebrity appears to have a perfect body for sports. Let’s go golfing with the celebrity.

Who wants to play a game of Texas Hold ‘Em with Vin Diesel? You won’t be able to read his face, no matter how hard you try. Chances are high that you’ll lose every hand. Vin Diesel has proven he is the ultimate actor.

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Actors Actress Best Blogs Bryan Cranston Celebrities Christmas movies comedy Entertainment film Funny Guru Jay Hollywood Stars James Franco movie review Movies Showbiz Why Him? Zoey Deutch

Why Him? Movie Review


Why Him? Movie Review

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If you want to laugh your ass off, then watch Why Him?. It is a must-see comedy movie. But let me warn you about the vulgar language. Goodie-twoshoes should stay away because James Franco curses up a storm. Nevertheless, the movie lives up to the hype.

Why Him? is about a smalltown girl named Stephanie from Michigan (played by Zoey Deutch) who falls in love with a wealthy wild California computer guy (played by James Franco), while she attends Stanford. Her parents have no idea who she’s dating. All they know is that Christmas will be spent in California because their daughter invited them. And boy, does this young man have plans for their daughter.

James Franco plays the lead role (Laird). Laird isn’t your stereotypical computer genius. He loves making video games and he loves making love. Laird lives in a mansion with a gatehouse. Buffalos walk around freely on his property. He’s a straightarrow and that’s why he is misunderstood.

He plans on marrying Stephanie, but he wants permission from her father first. Bryan Cranston plays the role of father (Ned). Cranston puts on a memorable performance. You’ll love the climax when Ned finally has had it up to here with Laird.

You see Laird has won over everybody except Ned. First of all, he makes a bad first impression. Secondly, Laird makes a bad second impression. Ned doesn’t like the multimillionaire for a variety of reasons. I won’t discuss the main reason because I don’t want to spoil it for you.

This may be the funniest movie I’ve seen all year. It is a 5 star comedy. James Franco and Zoey Deutch are a believable couple. You couldn’t ask for a more perfect union.

The script was well-written. The acting was phenomenal. I would definitely watch it again. You should see it and laugh your ass off too.

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Actors actresses Celebrities Collateral Beauty Edward Norton Entertainment film Guru Jay Hollywood Stars IMDB Kate Winslet Keira Knightley Michael Pena movie review Movies Showbiz Will Smith

Collateral Beauty Movie Review


Collateral Beauty Movie Review

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Collateral Beauty starring Will Smithcaptivates the audience. The film takes you on a journey of discovery. You discover the characters one by one and the story is put together piece by piece. You’re given all that you need from beginning to end. Not a word is wasted.

Collateral Beauty is about a man (Will Smith) coping with the death of his young daughter. Fortunately, he has built a thriving advertising business. But all the money in the world won’t bring his daughter back to life.

To cope with the unthinkable (losing a child), Howard played by Smith writes and mails letters to 3 abstracts: Love, Time, and Death. A private investigator opens them and reveals the details to his colleagues. Howard is effectively ambushed by his colleagues who stage an intervention to question his competency.

The plot involves subplots such as a woman’s biological clock, a man’s fight with cancer, and a father’s bond with his daughter. Actors literally play a key role in the movie, because the colleagues hire actors to play Love, Time, and Death. The movie has many twists and turns. I guarantee you’ll love it.

Will Smith delivers a powerful performance. His part alone makes the movie an eye opening experience. Give credit to amazing direction and incredible cinematography. No doubt the screenwriting is brilliant. Overall, I give the movie an A.

Plus, the movie showcases a dynamic cast. Edward Norton, Kate Winslet, and Michael Pena were excellent additions. Let’s not forget about Keira Knightley, who never looks a day over 25. They say she always gets her beauty sleep.

Collateral Beauty is about recognizing Death and staring her in the face. Accept the things you can’t change. And change what you can. What is more, come to grips that death is a natural part of life. Live your life abudantly, so that you can die peacefully. In the event, something unexpected happens, realize the collateral beauty.

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Blake Shelton Celebrities Entertainment Garth Brooks Guru Jay Harry Connick Jr. Hollywood Stars legends Longevity Michael Buble Mick Jagger Music Oldest Entertainers Singers Tony Bennett Willie Nelson

The Longevity of Willie Nelson and Tony Bennett


The Longevity of Willie Nelson and Tony Bennett

I like Willie Nelson because of his longevity. The man is 83 and performs as if he were still 33. We’ve got to respect the legends while they’re still here. It’s just like giving grandpa his respect during the Holidays. Now, wouldn’t it be cool if Willie were your grandpa? Did you know Willie was raised by his grandparents?

Imagine snow sledding with Willie on a November night in Aspen, Colorado. We would visit Dolly Parton and paint the town red together. Just because he’s an outlaw doesn’t mean we’ll get into trouble. The outlaw might get us into a lot of fun.

I’m getting older myself and I’ve been noticing things, you know. I’ve seen singers turn into legends and legends die. Rest in peace David Bowie. Moreover, I’ve seen legends live also. Tony Bennett just turned 90 in August. This guy was around with Frank Sinatra.

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Bennett is one of the oldest active entertainers alive. I want to be 100 years old and still blogging. Plus, I want to be rocking hard like Mick Jagger. Right now, I’ve got them moves like Jagger.

Willie Nelson and Tony Bennett are living legends. When Tony Bennett walks in a room he’s supposed to receive a standing ovation automatically. Willie Nelson shouldn’t have to go to jury duty or court, even if he shot the sheriff; because in the words of Bob Marley it was self defense.

All I am saying is we must honor the elders of music. They opened the doors yesterday for today’s celebrities. Where would Garth Brooks be without Willie Nelson? Doesn’t Blake Shelton echo Willie’s sound? And don’t you see Michael Buble and Harry Connick Jr. bowing down to Tony?

Tony Bennett and Willie Nelson came a long way. Bennett almost died from a cocaine overdose. Nelson has been arrested more than a handful of times. At the end of the day, everybody makes mistakes. The key is to learn from them and to keep making them. Just don’t keep making the same ones.

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Best Blogs Billboard Celebrity Chris Brown Entertainment Business Guru Jay Hollywood Stars Jason Derulo Jordin Sparks Music New Year's Rockin Eve Rihanna Singers superstars Usher Want to Want Me

Can Jason Derulo Compete With Chris Brown?


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Can Jason Derulo compete with Chris Brown?

Why isn’t Jason Derulo a bigger name? Thankfully, New Year’s Rockin’ Eve has recognized his greatness. Jason Derulo and Panic! at the Disco are scheduled to perform on the annual special according to Billboard.

Now, maybe Jason Derulo isn’t a bigger name because he hasn’t dated Rihanna. Or you could say he isn’t as talented as Chris Brown; but I don’t think that’s the case. I believe Jason is a bonafide entertainer, who doesn’t rely on luck.

Although Derulo doesn’t have as many collaborations with superstars like Chris Brown, he’s still a superstar. The entertainment industry requires patience. What is more, greatness takes time to develop. In due time, Jason’s name will light up in big words on Usher’s level. You see his style and career compares favorably with Usher.

Jason Derulo already has a big name at 27 years old. And it’s only going to get bigger in 2017. Landing a major contract deal with New Year’s Rockin’ Eve means the world, believe me.

I learned about Jason Derulo because I’m a huge Jordin Sparks fan. Now although their relationship didn’t work out, I won’t penalize Jason for it. You see, the entertainment business will break your heart if you let it. Celebrities date celebrities because coworkers date coworkers. And they breakup for the same reasons.

Everything is a learning process. And Jason Derulo has learned the definitions of patience and greatness. Every time, he takes the stage you’ll notice the purpose in his eyes. Nothing about this guy is mediocre.

Moreover, the Want to Want Me singer is on every woman’s Christmas list. You should see this singer rehearse. He sings with passion and that’s the bottom line. Somebody told me if you do what you love to do, you will never work a day in your life. Jason Derulo is living the good life.

He can compete with Chris Brown or anybody for that matter.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!