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Why Michelle Rodriguez Is a Rough Diamond


Cinematographers dream about filming Michelle Rodriguez. Her mindboggling beauty is elevated on the silver screen. Everybody from the makeup room to the boardroom enjoys working with Rodriguez.
You will hardly find a better supporting actress. When in doubt, directors call Michelle into audition. The Lost actress is the puzzle’s missing piece. 
Of course she has a hot body and hot body of work like Sofia Vergara. However, those eyes capture your full attention. Michelle Rodriguez’s eyes tell a story of their own. Who remembers her gorgeous gaze toward Vin Diesel in Furious 7?
I watched countless hours of Michelle’s movies this month. I can’t get enough of her. I saw at least 3 Lost episodes (the ones where she takes over). Plus I saw the Latina’s Battle: Los Angeles and SWAT. You can always count on Michelle Rodriguez to bring out her best.
Previously, I wrote a story called Who’s the Best? Michelle Rodriguez Vs. Eva Mendes. Check it out. If you’re anything like me, you want to know everything about Rodriguez. 
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You see showbiz has all shapes, sizes, and colors. That’s the beauty of it all. With so many choices, there’s no reason a movie should be boring. Entertainment business professionals must not make excuses for poor films. Also, give the supporting actresses more credit for their works.
According to Box Office Mojo, Michelle’s movies have grossed $2.1 billion domestically. What is more, Rodriguez is a worldwide box office attraction. Entertainment Weekly named her “the $5 billion Woman” in 2013. 2 years before Furious 7 became the fastest film to a billion dollars.
Outstanding supporting actress Michelle Rodriguez is a jewel too. You see she’s not a diamond in the rough. Michelle Rodriguez is a rough diamond.
A diamond in the rough is an unexpected treasure. A rough diamond is expected glory. Michelle Rodriguez meets great expectations.
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Enjoying Jennifer Lawrence

Forget dating Jennifer Lawrence. How about we party and become friends. It’s easy enjoying the Joy actress because the celebrity knows how to have fun.
Can you imagine Jennifer doing anything other than acting? Are you happy that she was discovered? What would Hunger Gamesbe without Jennifer Lawrence?
Are you looking forward to seeing X-Men: Apocalypse? Check out my movie review of X-Men: Days of Future Past. JLaw was made to play the Mystique role. Dave Cockrum and Chris Claremont had someone like her in mind when they created the comic.

You name the movie- all eyes are on Jennifer’s body. Producers should put Megan Fox in one of the Starz movies. Maybe, Megan can be her love interest.
I highly recommend watching Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle. You won’t find better acting anywhere. Also, the stories are interesting and suspenseful. Bradley Cooper demonstrates why he deserves an Oscar. And Christian Bale proves why he is a top 5 actor.
Jennifer brings out the best in Christian and Bradley. That’s why these movies are great. Surround yourself with greatness because working with great people will rub off on you.

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Another highly anticipated movie is Passengers.In it, Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt have a sex scene. By all accounts she’s in it to win it. It’s amazing this was her first time on screen.
Sexiness is one of the benefits of being Jennifer Lawrence. The red carpet rolls out for her even when she’s on the beach. Who’s taking trips to Tinseltown just to spot the star? It wouldn’t surprise me if the 5 star actor only dines at 5 star restaurants and sleeps in 5 star hotels.
Check out Channing Tatum, Jennifer Lawrence, and the Center Hollywood Squares if you enjoyed this blog. Remember we like to party.

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How To Be Like Kim Kardashian


Kim Kardashian is a reality TV pioneer. You appreciate her because she made something out of nothing. Right now, she has everybody talking.
There’s nothing wrong with trying to be like Kim. If you desire fame and fortune, Kardashian can give you guidance.
The Hollywood celebrity has perfect timing. And she doesn’t beat around the bush, despite dating NFL Running Back Reggie Bush.
If you want to be famous like Kim, start taking Selfies. Kardashians are known to self promote. Remember your most valuable investment is you.
Don’t forget to add squats, jumping jacks, and Pilates to your routine. If you need more tips, check out Kanye West’s New Workout Plan. Also, when you’re out partying make sure you look and act the part.

Let your hair down, and ask the DJ to play your favorite song. Oh yeah, ditch those nerdy glasses. Google glass is ok though, because it is geeky.
The sex symbol is a big tease. I believe she learned how to market her brand from Jennifer Lopez. Check out How To Be Famous In Seven Steps.
Becoming Kim Kardashian-like involves sacrifices. Your personal life is broadcasted for the whole world to see. They’re going to judge every action you take.
You must be comfortable around cameras. This is a good time to practice your poses. Trust and believe the Paparazzi will record all your drama and leave nothing out. So get ready.
You should always be accommodating. Watch your bitch fits, because public opinion pays your bills. Be kind, and teach your sisters how to play your game.

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I’m not talking about Kim’s self-titled Hollywood game. Her real game is called Monopoly. The Huffington Post reports Kim Kardashian has a net worth of $85 million.
Can you keep up with Kim Kardashian?
Right now, she is making fast moves. What is stopping you from doing the same? Try out new things, and live out your dreams.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!