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Chloe Grace Moretz Vs. Hailee Steinfeld


Right now, Chloe Grace Moretz and Hailee Steinfeld have the whole world ahead of them. These two actresses have made a name for themselves early on in their careers. Their futures can’t be any brighter. You watch, their names will only get bigger and bigger.

The question is who’s better? Hailee has a more impressive filmography. However, Chloe has a finer resume. In other words, Chloe has less typos. 

You see Hailee’s movies score higher box office numbers. That’s because her movies are more mainstream. Have you checked out True Grit, Begin Again, and Pitch Perfect 2? But, Chloe is a winner because of The Equalizer. 

In many ways, Chloe Grace and Hailee are the future of showbiz. That’s why you see their faces on Glamour and Seventeen, respectively. The red carpet will roll at their feet forever. These celebrities will stay on top as long as they take care of their minds and bodies.

Hailee is a version of Amanda Seyfried. Chloe reminds me a lot of Hilary Duff and Jennifer Lawrence. They will turn into juggernauts provided they put the work in at the gym.

Were you shocked when Khloe Kardashian slighted the younger blonde on Twitter? Some say she was being bullied by the reality TV star. Well, Steinfeld recently revealed that she was bullied in real life. Did you know the brunette is a part of Taylor Swift’s squad? 

In the coming years, you’ll learn a great deal about these stars because they’re getting hotter by the day. Plus, neither one is a day over 20 right now. Think about all they have accomplished already. 

For the record, Chloe Grace Moretz stands at 5’4” and Hailee Steinfeld is 5’8.” Let the sun shine because Chloe was born in the age of Aquarius. Hailee, on the other hand, is a Sagittarius.

In a nutshell, Chloe can’t do any wrong. And Hailee can only do right by me. How do you feel? 

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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How To Be Like Kim Kardashian


Kim Kardashian is a reality TV pioneer. You appreciate her because she made something out of nothing. Right now, she has everybody talking.
There’s nothing wrong with trying to be like Kim. If you desire fame and fortune, Kardashian can give you guidance.
The Hollywood celebrity has perfect timing. And she doesn’t beat around the bush, despite dating NFL Running Back Reggie Bush.
If you want to be famous like Kim, start taking Selfies. Kardashians are known to self promote. Remember your most valuable investment is you.
Don’t forget to add squats, jumping jacks, and Pilates to your routine. If you need more tips, check out Kanye West’s New Workout Plan. Also, when you’re out partying make sure you look and act the part.

Let your hair down, and ask the DJ to play your favorite song. Oh yeah, ditch those nerdy glasses. Google glass is ok though, because it is geeky.
The sex symbol is a big tease. I believe she learned how to market her brand from Jennifer Lopez. Check out How To Be Famous In Seven Steps.
Becoming Kim Kardashian-like involves sacrifices. Your personal life is broadcasted for the whole world to see. They’re going to judge every action you take.
You must be comfortable around cameras. This is a good time to practice your poses. Trust and believe the Paparazzi will record all your drama and leave nothing out. So get ready.
You should always be accommodating. Watch your bitch fits, because public opinion pays your bills. Be kind, and teach your sisters how to play your game.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

I’m not talking about Kim’s self-titled Hollywood game. Her real game is called Monopoly. The Huffington Post reports Kim Kardashian has a net worth of $85 million.
Can you keep up with Kim Kardashian?
Right now, she is making fast moves. What is stopping you from doing the same? Try out new things, and live out your dreams.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!