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Tom Hanks Vs. John Travolta: Who Is The Best Legend?

Tom Hanks Vs. John Travolta: Who Is The Best Legend?

Whenever you doubt your abilities watch Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump played by Tom Hanks beats the odds despite possessing a low IQ. It goes to show you anything is possible.
If you desire nostalgic moments, rewind to “back in the day” and press play on movies such as Saturday Night Fever, Grease, and Look Who’s Talking. Pilot John Travolta flies high in movies and in real life. He’s on everybody’s radar screen from air traffic controllers to movie producers and goers.

Tom Hanks and John Travolta are legends. I use “legend” sparingly because too many folks misuse the word. Moreover, I rarely refer to a living person as a legend. But I believe Travolta and Hanks have done enough.
Obviously, Tom has more fans because his movies are more family friendly. That doesn’t make John any lesser of a movie star though. You see R rated movies are harder to produce than Disney- Pixar flicks.

Still, both celebrities care deeply about their families. This has been well documented. They didn’t run from their responsibilities.

One criticism is that Tom Hanks stays in his square. Do you think Tom plays it too safe? I believe John takes more risks like Taking Pelham 123.
Although I respect Hanks, he’s Steven Spielberg’s surrogate. You can say the same thing about Leonardo DiCaprio belonging to Martin Scorsese. John Travolta doesn’t belong to a director.
Let’s appreciate all they offer in front of the camera and behind the scenes. Actors gush when filming with Tom and John.
It is difficult to determine who is the best. If we’re only discussing numbers, Tom is better. If we’re factoring intangibles, Travolta wins.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

The From Paris with Love actor does all the little things right. He came out his mother’s womb acting. The Big star requires a big production, while Travolta can adjust to budget cuts.
Both have mastered their crafts. Both have debuted world premieres. There is only one Tom Hanks and John Travolta per generation.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! 
90s Boy Meets World Celebrity Disney drama Entertainment Family Guy films Forrest Gump Guru Jay Lion King Movies Power Rangers Romance Saved By the Bell sitcoms Titanic Toy Story TV TV shows

The 90s Movies and TV



The first movie I remember watching is Who Framed Roger Rabbit. That was in the late eighties.
I was a toddler when the studios released the classic funny bunny movie. The film came on TV all of the time. So, as a child I learned Roger Rabbit’s lines verbatim.
If you were alive in the 1980’s, I don’t have to tell you those were tough times. There was a stock market crash in 1987. I had a college teacher who lost $50,000 during the free fall. Fortunately, I was born in the 1980s and raised in the 1990s.
Enter the 90s. The 90s were a prosperous time in American History. The 1990s were a lot like the 1920s.
The 90s were animated. Animation equals domination. I can’t forget about the Lion King or Toy Story. Disney films made a major impact in movie history.
Here are a few good movies from the 90s: Titanic, Who’s Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle, and Forrest Gump. In the words of the family guy Archie Man, “those were the days.”

Don’t get me started on 90’s TV shows. This was the best time to be a kid. We had enough cartoons to sink a battleship. 
I used to watch Saved By the Bell and Power Rangersbefore going to school. I’d come home and watch Full House. Who remembers when Boy Meets World aired on T.G.I.F.? Who knows the Step By Step theme song word for word?
Expect more remakes and reruns from the 1990s.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!