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Louis C.K. Rolled Into 1 Big Fattie


Do you watch Louie on FX? I used to binge watch episodes every now and then. Louis C.K. is George Carlin, George Lopez, and Jerry Seinfeld rolled into 1 big fattie. The comedian observes life from another lens and a different scope.
Who are your top 10 comedians working today? Louis C.K. makes my top 10 because of his nonchalant style. I like him better than Kevin Hart, who goes overboard sometimes.
Louis C.K. is old fashioned and distinguishable. He gives you just enough. Louie won’t wave a big juicy steak in your face because then you’ll bite off more than you can chew. He’ll feed you one forkful at a time like a true gentleman.
If you appreciate the comedic genius of Kevin James, then Louie is your guy. Comedy is weak without a strong personality. Louis C.K. lays in the cut, but lives on the edge. FX labels his Louie material TVMA (Mature) for this reason.   

The comedy business has changed significantly since yesterday. It’s no longer the hardest gig in the entertainment industry. Talented actors have a much harder time than talented comics. You’re not going to make it unless you look like Olivia Wilde and act like Julia Roberts, sorry.
Let’s campaign for more Louis C.K. movies?
Can you imagine Louis C.K., Jim Carrey, and Ricky Gervais in the same movie? Tell me you would go see that flick.
You see Louis C.K. became a standup comic when the tough got going. Back in his day, getting attention from the media (they called it press) was a science. Nowadays, anything can potentially go viral. 

I admire Louis C.K.’s brand of comedy. Louis C.K. blew up. Who could have predicted that he would get this huge? I highly recommend his standups because they tell the truth and nothing but lies.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!