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Bruno Mars: The Man Behind the Myth


There are millions of musicians but there is only one Bruno Mars. The planetary entertainer launched his music career in 2006. Since then, he’s been orbiting around Europa.
The Man Behind the Myth
Bruno Mars pens ballads like Stephen Hawking composes manuscripts about space-time continuums. Science can’t comprehend nor explain supernatural occurrences. Bruno’s more than a musical genius. Mars is a myth within the entertainment world.
When I’m listening to music, I listen for originality. Hooligans immediately recognize the musician’s songs. Bruno Mars sincerely has a passion for music and entertainment. Not many musicians perform on Bruno’s level.
The naturally talented showman demonstrates why he is unstoppable. I consider him the best of his generation because of his incredible vocal range. The passionate crooner’s performances look effortless.

The Role Model

Despite what some believe, celebrities are role models because the media worships entertainment. They’re obsessed over Hollywood hook-ups, marriages and baby bumps. Bruno Mars distances himself from buffoonery. Despite the hooligan name, Mars doesn’t cause trouble, Bruno just raises hell.
In a superficial universe, Bruno Mars is a guardian of the galaxy. The best thing about Bruno Mars is his timeless music and untarnished image. Fast forward a hundred years, and you’ll hear the superstar’s music blasted from Australia to Russia.
Moreover, the celebrity accepts his responsibilities. Bruno doesn’t avoid the Paparazzi or dodge the Thirty Mile Zone. Judging by: his Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, Mars values each of his fans.

Karaoke was invented for ballads like Bruno’s Grenade, Just the Way You Are, Locked Out of Heaven and Uptown Funk.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

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Bradley Cooper Celebrities Chris Pratt comics Entertainment films Guardians of the Galaxy Hollywood Marvel movie review Movies rare soundtrack Vin Diesel Zoe Saldana

Why Guardians of the Galaxy was #1


2014 belonged to Guardians of the Galaxy. The Marvel movie, which made nearly $775 million, was the highest grossing movie of the year. Chris Pratt demonstrated his on screen prowess. And Zoe Saldana showed why she is on top of the fantasy world.
It was an absolute must-see movie. The prison break scene was epic. Rocket Raccoon played by Bradley Cooper stole the show. Although Vin Diesel was unrecognizable as Groot, he was good nonetheless.

Why Guardians of the Galaxy was #1
Music + movies= success. I haven’t heard a better soundtrack than Guardians of the Galaxy in a long time. I give the music an A+.
B-School students should take note of Guardians of the Galaxy’s marketing campaign. Producers didn’t waste a single dollar. This movie could have easily cost Marvel $300 million. Instead, the film was made with a conservative budget of $150 million.
Thanks to casting there was a nice mixture of talent. But, the screenplay missed the mark. Why am I so hard on screenwriters?

With that said, I give the movie a solid B+. I enjoyed the scenes. It was a wonderful experience with amazing computer graphics.
If you want a fun family and action-packed film go with Guardians. It is a highly creative motion picture. This is Hollywood’s finest.
Guardians of the Galaxy was number 1 because everyone could enjoy it. It was a rare film that appeals to grandma and grandson. I highly recommend this highest grossing movie.
Have you seen Guardians? Will you buy it on blue-ray? What was the best part?
I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

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1970 bands Celebrity counterculture electric Entertainment Fans groupies groups guitar Guru Jay Jimi Hendrix Music Musicians Purple Haze Rock and Roll rock stars Songs time travel Woodstock

Why Jimi Hendrix Was the Greatest


 He made the guitar talk!
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Do you like rock and roll? I like it when the band jumps into the crowd.Then, at the very end they smash the guitar to pieces and the stage catches on fire.
It’s well known that every rock star destroys property. Go inside a rock band’s hotel room. You’ll find that everything is broken because that’s how real rock stars roll.
Groupies are probably the best part of the tour. The majority of us live in a conformist society. So, alternative lifestyles are appealing to music fans.
Jimi Hendrix
Although Jimi Hendrix died in 1970, most of his groupies were born in the ‘80s and 90’s. Why is this the case? Jimi Hendrix was young at heart.
It’s unfortunate that his life was cut short. While Jimi’s body left the world when he was only 27, his spirit is still with us. His music lives forever. 
Hendrix was the greatest guitar soloist of all time. Contrary to popular belief, he didn’t play the electric guitar. No, the man played with electricity. 
He was more than a musician. Did you know he was a soldier? After getting arrested for theft, the judge said he could go to prison or enlist in the army.
What’s your favorite Jimi Hendrix song? Do you like Purple Haze? If you love music, listen to The Jimi Hendrix Experience.
Can you imagine Woodstock without the electric guitarist? Without question, Jimi Hendrix still has a strong impact on music. If I could time travel, I’d go back to 1970 and save Jimi Hendrix.
I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! 
90s Boy Meets World Celebrity Disney drama Entertainment Family Guy films Forrest Gump Guru Jay Lion King Movies Power Rangers Romance Saved By the Bell sitcoms Titanic Toy Story TV TV shows

The 90s Movies and TV



The first movie I remember watching is Who Framed Roger Rabbit. That was in the late eighties.
I was a toddler when the studios released the classic funny bunny movie. The film came on TV all of the time. So, as a child I learned Roger Rabbit’s lines verbatim.
If you were alive in the 1980’s, I don’t have to tell you those were tough times. There was a stock market crash in 1987. I had a college teacher who lost $50,000 during the free fall. Fortunately, I was born in the 1980s and raised in the 1990s.
Enter the 90s. The 90s were a prosperous time in American History. The 1990s were a lot like the 1920s.
The 90s were animated. Animation equals domination. I can’t forget about the Lion King or Toy Story. Disney films made a major impact in movie history.
Here are a few good movies from the 90s: Titanic, Who’s Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle, and Forrest Gump. In the words of the family guy Archie Man, “those were the days.”

Don’t get me started on 90’s TV shows. This was the best time to be a kid. We had enough cartoons to sink a battleship. 
I used to watch Saved By the Bell and Power Rangersbefore going to school. I’d come home and watch Full House. Who remembers when Boy Meets World aired on T.G.I.F.? Who knows the Step By Step theme song word for word?
Expect more remakes and reruns from the 1990s.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Browncoats Celebrity Entertainment fantasy Firefly Guru Jay Serenity space Star Dust Star Trek Star Wars time travel True Blood TV TV and Showbiz TV shows Twilight Saga Twilight Zone vampires

Are You a Browncoat? How About That Firefly TV Show


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Do you like Firefly? Are you a Browncoat? If you enjoy science fiction you’ll like this TV show. Although it survived only 1 season, there are a number of great episodes.
Firefly gives you value. It’s a low budget Star Dust with high aspirations. In other words, it’s a wannabe Star Trek/ Star Wars.
The TV show allows the audience to escape. For an hour, you forget about your bills due next week. For an hour, your worries go away.
In itself Firefly is unrealistic. But, if you have a vivid imagination, then this is your show! Firefly uniquely blends space and time travel.
If you can’t sleep, watch Firefly on demand.
It’s fun. Gina Torres reminds me a lot of Rudolph the red nose reindeer because she’s a brownnoser. And she makes the season bright.
The Serenity movie falls short of writing, direction, and production. There are YouTube videos better than this film. I’m a Firefly fan who dislikes Serenity. Am I the only 1?
When it’s late at night, I sometimes watch the Tonight Show. I used to stay up longer in watch Conan O’Brien when he was on NBC. Then, after that I watch Science Fiction and Fantasy.
TV always gets better with time because you can go back into the archive. Let’s dig up a little dirt. Stephenie Meyer needs to give credit to the Twilight Zone and True Blood.
Firefly has a highly engaged fan base. Check out the community. You’ll learn facts about characters, storylines, and more.
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Actors actresses Celebrities Celebrity Entertainment Guru Jay Hollywood hot Hunger Games Jennifer Lawrence JLaw Julia Roberts Kristen Stewart KStew Liam Hemsworth Movies People Sexy Twilight Saga

Kristen Stewart Vs. Jennifer Lawrence BATTLE of the SEXIEST


Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we have a battle of the sexiest. Let’s get ready to rumble!!! It’s showtime…

In the red corner, she’s the Twilight Saga blood sucker…standing at 5 feet 5 inches short…weighing in at 120 pounds…24 years young…from Los Angeles, California girl/ Disneyland’s Kristen Stewart!

In the blue corner, best known for the Hunger Games with People’s sexiest man Liam Hemsworth…standing 5 feet 9 inches tall…weighing 139 pounds…24 year-old Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence!


Who’s the best looking? Who’s sexier? Who’s the most talented?

Pound for pound, I give KStew the nod for attractiveness and sexiness. Her beautiful blue eyes and long flowing hair makes me believe in fairytales. If Stewart wants it bad enough, she could be our generation’s Audrey Hepburn.

But, JLaw is the best actress. Kristen could learn how to act from Jennifer Lawrence. Studios want to get their hands on JLaw like the new Iphone. She’s a director’s dream.

Have you seen Silver Linings Playbook? You won’t find a better looking 21 year old on the silver screen than Jennifer. JLaw rocks a brunette hair color and turns more heads than DJango Unchained

Someday KStew and JLaw will make a movie together. I’d bet both would compromise their salaries for art’s sake. Artistically, I see Kristen as surpassing pretty woman Julia Roberts. 

The media constantly covers JLaw and neglects KStew. They’re doing fans a disservice. Wouldn’t you like to hear more about Kristen Stewart?

Nowadays if you want good news, you have to know where to look. Aren’t you tired of seeing the same story? Go to and I guarantee you won’t get bored. Search the blog archive for more fun.

I am Guru Jay and I don’t join the discussion. I start it. And sometimes I finish it. I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

Burger King Celebrity Coca-Cola Darth Vader Entertainment fantasy Guru Jay Monopoly Movies rockets science fiction space Spock Star Dust Star Trek Star Wars Stars time travel Yoda

Star Wars Vs. Star Trek


Star Wars Vs. Star Trek
What’s your pick, Star Wars or Star Trek? As a movie critic, I admire both series. I believe they complement each other. What would Stars Wars be without Star Trek, and vice-versa? The answer: a monopoly.
Nobody likes monopolies. People want choices. Picture only drinking Pepsi. There’s been a universal ban of Coca-Cola. We can go to McDonald’s, but Burger King has gone out of business. That would be the day!
You see Star Trek needs Star Wars just as much as summer needs winter? Rather than picking one, let’s appreciate it all.
Star Wars offers something valuable and so does Star Trek. Its characters Darth Vader, Yoda and R2-D2 fascinate me. James Earl Jones’ voice is legendary.

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What is Star Trek’s answer: Spock. Oh yeah, William Shatner wasn’t too bad either.
On the flip side, Spock. Spock exemplifies the future of space travel. He’s the leader you want in case of an all out galactic universal war.
Star Trek has the most devoted fans. Star Wars’ fans seem flaky. Numbers matter in the entertainment industry.
In financial terms, Star Wars leaves Star Trek behind in the Star Dust. By the way, who is a fan of Star Dust? Star Wars is worth $30 billion.
From a marketing perspective, Star Wars has a clear advantage. Who remembers taking a Star Wars lunchbox to Kindergarten? Merchandise is a big part of the equation.
As a child, I had Star Wars’ toys. Does Star Trek even make toys? Call me superficial, but I am in awe at the commercial success of Star Wars.

Star Wars captures your imagination. That’s why it’s better. And, It’s bigger too.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!