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Who is the Best Action Movie Star? Matt Damon Vs. Tom Cruise


The Mission: Impossible and Bourne franchises are the best action movie series to date. Tom Cruise and Matt Damon bring their badass characters to life with their intensity. They kick butt like Cristiano Ronaldo strikes Soccer balls.  
Whether you want some action or not, they will give it to your ass. Over the past 15 years, they’ve built a good reputation. Today, they’re known as the shiniest Hollywood movie stars. 
The Bourne Supremacy ranks in my top 10 favorite action films. I will always remember this Supremacy scene. 

What is brilliant about this sequence is that they’re using their fists instead of guns.
How does Matt Damon make you believe he is Jason Bourne? Like a Mark Wahlberg movie, Damon transforms before our very eyes. Clearly the highly trained actor understands how to captivate his audience.  
In 2002, Matt Damon suffered his first identity crisis as Jason Bourne. His character had more passports and code-names than the President. What is more, Bourne Identity made a great first impression on moviegoers.

The third installment, Bourne Ultimatum, exceeded expectations at the box office by grossing over $440 million worldwide. Ultimatum is by far the trilogy’s highest grossing film. After its completion, Matt Damon entered Hollywood’s elite hall of entertainers.
Moreover, Mission: Impossible 3 showcases nothing but the best. Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s performance is legendary.

You can see how Tom Cruise and Hoffman feed off each other’s energy.
Because of their similarities, I suspect Tom Cruise influenced Matt Damon’s career. The Top Gun sends competition into Oblivion. However, unlike Damon Tom hasn’t won an Academy Award. The judges are out of touch. If the Academy is worth its weight in salt, Tom Cruise will eventually receive an Oscar.
I personally think Tom Cruise is one of the greatest action movie actors of all time. Additionally, I believe the Bourne franchise with Matt Damon sets the tone for the next generation of stars. In a nutshell, Matt Damon is a top action figure but Tom Cruise is best.

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Scandal Premiere Episode Recap


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Last night’s Scandal premiere was like a riddle. The writers used flashbacks and Olivia Pope’s own imagination to tightly grip the audience ahold. And so, another sensational story is finished.
From the start, Pope makes a crucial mistake while being held captive. She sizes up her kidnappers by piecing together her predicament. But she didn’t figure her circumstances were carefully manufactured.
For the first time, the lead character loses complete control. Her Harvard education can’t save her. Olivia needs to use some street smarts.
Pope tries desperately to decipher reality. And in the process of elimination, her assumptions are all wrong. Who exactly is holding her hostage?
Is Olivia her own worst nightmare? She plays into their hands by feeding off scraps from their plate of lies. She eats her words.
The crisis manager is in crisis. Meanwhile, her captors are playing mind games and tricks. Will she cooperate? Can the hostage takers hypnotize Olivia into mental bondage?
Overthinking is Olivia Pope’s biggest problem. For once, can she admit to not having all the answers? The mistress unlocks the dungeon door only to find a false projection.
It appears the character is running through a maze both literally and figuratively. There’s hope after all though, because it seems the black lady is being held hostage in America.
Why hasn’t the Television Academy gave Kerry Washington an Emmy? Seriously, Washington should’ve won multiple awards by now.
This year, Kerry will win an Emmy because it’s long overdo. How can the judging body ignore Washington’s brilliant performances? I have her at #2 on my top 5 TV actresses countdown.
On Jimmy Kimmel, Kerry Washington sang praises to Shonda Rhimes. She’s too modest. While Rhimes might be the mastermind, Kerry is the backbone.
Overall, the premiere was great. I would watch it again. Have you seen it? Did you like last night’s Scandal premiere?

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Why They Designed Grammys For Sir Paul McCartney


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Music is entertainment’s common denominator. That’s why Paul McCartney could have been a math teacher. Picture the legend drawing slopes on your high school’s blackboard.
Fortunately, McCartney became one of the greatest musicians of all time. He’s the most famous Paul since the Apostle. With his large following, the celebrity has mass appeal.
His royal highness elevates the music world. What is more, the music world elevates him. The Beatle benefits from frequent flyer miles.

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Even in remote places, Paul McCartney is popular. Furthermore, his contributions extend beyond entertainment. As a humanitarian, he’s championed causes for everyone’s betterment. But the media rarely covers celebrities doing good things. They’re too quick to damage an entertainer’s reputation.
Now at the latter stages of his illustrious career, Paul practices self-actualizing according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. What else can McCartney accomplish? ‘Yesterday,’ ‘Let It Be,’ and ‘Ebony and Ivory’ are powerful pieces.
Of course I can’t get enough of ‘Hey Jude,’ ‘Revolution,’ ‘I Want to Hold Your Hand’ and other Beatle songs. I believe the Beatles are the best band ever. The Beatles laid the groundwork for One Direction. Paul McCartney led the coup d’état.

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They designed Grammys for Sir Paul McCartney. The celebrated musician still reigns supreme like Miguel’s subconscious. McCartney also mentors Rihanna and Kanye West.
With 6.3 million Facebook likes and 2.2 million Twitter followers, it’s safe to say Paul has loyal fans. Moreover, the celebrity’s cultivated a diverse following of all ages, races and creeds. Any minute now, Paul can use social networks to promote viral content.

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Who could have predicted 50 years ago that Paul McCartney would soon reach rock star status? Decca Records couldn’t; and rejected the Beatles. The moral of the story is to pursue your passion. Count on having setbacks. And always have a comeback.

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Best Smile + Personality: Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock


If you’re a movie buff, you know what Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock mean to the movie industry. Hollywood banks on the talents of Bullock and Roberts. You rarely see a Razzie nominated performance from Julia and Sandra.

Both actresses have achieved Academy Awards. Furthermore, their achievements compare with Meryl Streep’s accolades. Every actress tries to act like Streep.
‘Blind Side’ and ‘Gravity’ earned Bullock long-awaited recognition, while ‘Pretty Woman’ gave Roberts instant recognition. If Julia’s a modern day Meryl, then Sandra’s the reincarnation of Audrey Hepburn. 
Hopefully, these actresses use their expertise to start directing. There aren’t many female directors. Hollywood could use a fresh perspective from the ‘Mona Lisa Smile’ and ‘Miss Congeniality’ leading actors.
Angelina Jolie successfully crossed over with her recent ‘Unbroken’ film. Do you think Bullock and Roberts are ambitious enough to direct? I believe Julia Roberts is the greatest romantic actor of her time. And, the pleasant entertainer is very versatile.

In my opinion, Sandra Bullock is one of the best actresses alive. She isn’t defined by a genre or typecast. You see, the best actors make you fall in love with their characters. People sometimes forget that these celebrities are pretending.
No, Julia Robert’s didn’t actually leave Richard Gere at the altar. No, Sandra Bullock isn’t an FBI agent. They’re two true thespians.
In real life, Julia is happily married, supportive, and loyal to her husband. Moreover, Sandra Bullock is a bighearted single adoptive mother. Both ladies are highly admired not just in Hollywood but also internationally.

Is there a love affair between Julia Roberts and Tom Hanks or Sandra Bullock and George Clooney? Those actors have great chemistry. Scientists should study their DNA samples. For what it’s worth, the best smile belongs to Julia Roberts. And the best personality is Sandra Bullock.  

Julia, Sandra, Tom, and George need to squash their rivalries before it’s too late. There’s no reason why they can’t make flicks together. Can we at least get a TV drama series as a consolation prize?

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English Music Royalties: Adele, Leona Lewis, and Sam Smith


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Hollywood’s a town big enough for the both of us. Although show business seems cutthroat and ruthless, it still has a low barrier to entry. If you possess skills and talent, there’s a seat for you around Oprah Winfrey’s dining room table.
Advertising, merchandise, album, and ticket sales finance the entertainment industry. If you stay positive you’ll have massive appeal and lucrative royalty checks to show for it. In fact, royalties make up large portions of a celebrity’s paycheck.
Music Royalties
Beautiful music lyrics such as Sam Smith’s ‘Stay With Me’ and dynamic arrangements like Adele’s ‘Rolling in the Deep’ inspire my blogging. In the words of John Legend “My love” for music is “passed the infatuation phase.” There’s something extraordinary about the English sound of music.

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Adele, Leona Lewis, and Sam Smith were ordinary people before becoming music royalties. They have singlehandedly transformed our listening experience with their hit singles. Whenever I listen to ‘Bleeding Love’ it stays stuck in my head for 48 hours.
Ladies and gentlemen, we’re witnessing legends in the making. Adele’s soaring popularity is on par with Katy Perry’s social media fame. Furthermore, Adele has created several staple songs capable of reaching billions, and lasting for generations to come.
TV, Radio, and the Internet
I’ll never forget this TV commercial that introduced me to Adele’s music. Moreover, I remember first listening to Leona Lewis on the radio. And, I found Sam Smith via a viral Internet video.
Music artists utilize multiple platforms to permeate their messages. Fortunately Adele, Leona, and Sam produce mainly positive and uplifting lyrics. Anyone with British background is greatly proud of these English music royalties. All three musicians connect with broad audiences and adorn genuine styles.

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What Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera Meant to Music


Before YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter were invented, Britney Spears was a monarch social butterfly. Before Apple announced iPhones or Google created Androids, the Disney princess’s number was first in Oprah Winfrey’s Rolodex. Before technology changed the music business, Britney Spears was unquestionably the most famous person alive.
Strike while the iron’s hot
Britney Spears didn’t waste time showcasing talent, revealing assets, and selling sexuality. From the beginning, the celebrity understood branding and secured lucrative endorsements. Who can forget the critically acclaimed Pepsi Super Bowl commercial, which solidified her brand’s identity?
If Justin Timberlake’s President, then Britney’s Chancellor. Supporters are still waiting for a Britney and Justin collaboration. A duet together would propel both Spears and Timberlake.

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People purchased Britney Spears’ merchandise because they identified with Britney’s background and personality. Always smiling, the superstar personified happiness. Moreover, the music artist clearly appreciated her fandom.
Name your favorite Britney Spears’ music videos, albums, and concerts.
Christina Aguilera

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The sensational singer/ incredible vocalist Christina Aguilera is music’s Jennie Barbara Eden. There’s a reason why Xtina was a judge for ‘The Voice.’ Musicians respect the superstar’s ability to control pitch like Mick Jagger and Adam Levine. The entertainer isn’t a Maroon 5 member or Rolling Stone but she’s a powerful songstress.
Xtina will soon pass 14 million Twitter followers and the celebrity currently has 26 million Facebook likes. Aguilera collects social media friends like Coca-Cola collects bottle caps. Furthermore, Christina reaches millions with her wonderful performances and beautiful songs. You can’t deny Christina Aguilera’s strong effect.
Once upon a time, there was a bitter rivalry between Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. There’s still a remnant of competition among the celebrities. The young entertainers fueled the entertainment business with their fuel-efficient drives and ferocities.

Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera meant the world to the music industry.

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Bob Marley’s Legacy


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Bob Marley represented more than just Reggae. The legendary singer symbolized music in all forms. If you keenly listen to lyrics, you’ll appreciate the celebrity’s creative mastery.
The Jamaican icon made songs with such ease.
The great musicians get their juices flowing in all directions. By in large, Marley’s music brings you to higher ground.
Name your favorite Bob Marley songs. My top five favorites are: One Love, Three Little Birds, Stir It Up, I Shot the Sheriff, and Bad Boys. There’s something special about the singer’s vocal command, which I can’t put to words.

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Bob Marley’s legacy will last forever because his timeless music resonates with multimillions. Like Stevie Wonder, Marley’s sound cannot be replicated. There isn’t a Karaoke imitator on Earth that can fully capture Bob’s brilliance.
When you need encouragement, search through Bob Marley’s catalog. Because of his originality and skillfullness, his albums sellout quickly. Moreover, his positive message desensitizes injustice, oppression, cruelty and evilness.
Rastafarianism considers Bob Marley to be a pivotal prophet and messenger. Furthermore, the celebrity transformed popular culture with music- rallying hundreds of thousands on several continents. Despite death, the Rastafarian’s message still spreads across nations like wildfire.
From Sean Kingston to Blake Shelton, Bob Marley definitely influences modern musicians. While alive Marley lived a laidback lifestyle, where he minimized pressures and maximized pleasures. Although the musician lived in luxury, Bob identified with poor people as evidenced by his generosity.
The celebrity’s thriving story illustrates the importance of perseverance. Never allow your trials and tribulations to stop your success. Stop struggling and throwing pity parties. Essentially, be like Lady Gaga and start attending Monster Balls.
Bob Marley was not only a bricklayer but a lion in the concrete jungle.

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