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Elle Fanning Is One of Hollywood’s Hottest Under 25

By: Guru Jay

Elle Fanning Is One of Hollywood’s Hottest Under 25 and Beyond Fine

I love writing about actors, especially Hollywood’s hottest actresses. Elle Fanning is beyond fine. Have you ever seen a star shine as bright as Elle? She has an entire magazine named after her after all. Seriously, her name is huge in Twitter Circles and on Instagram. Right now, you can follow her on Instagram along with 6 million other accounts. Where do I start handing out the accolades? Everything you can imagine Fanning can do on the silver screen. She is the 24-karat gold Bruno Mars sings about…that white gold Michelle Pfeiffer/ Uptown Funk. 

Will we ever see another star quite like Elle Fanning again? At 24 years old, she’s already accomplished what 50-year-old actresses have in Hollywood. It’s incredible how this celebrity entertains a wide audience. Like Jennifer Lawrence, everyone can enjoy Fanning’s filmography. From film to TV and now video games, the actor is presenting her talents everywhere. Yes, check out Newsweek for more on the video game development (Death Stranding 2) featuring the Hollywood star. 

I’m looking forward to every work she’s in because I feel she’s fun and pleasant. Plus, she is equipped with a plethora of skills. With her range and my originality, we can take over the world. All I’m saying is that these past few years have been enjoyable and entertaining thanks in large part to Fanning. 

Does she have Tinseltown’s best smile or what? I’ve followed this celebrity for years, and she’s turned my frown upside down on more than one occasion. There is not a bad script she has yet to memorize. All Fanning needs now is her own superhero movie franchise like Scarlett Johansson, and we’ll start having a discussion on her excellence. This could transform my blog. 

Born in Conyers, Georgia, Elle Fanning is a star like no other. I think you might like her performance in Mary Shelley. There is something about this young lady. In the future, they’ll say she was a classic actress. Will she become the Sandra Bullock and Julia Roberts we know she can become? What a time to be alive! We can reflect on and imagine simultaneously whatever we want to. Currently, my attention is on the shining star who I believe is highly gifted and talented. Also, she is a gorgeous beauty who is Hollywood’s crème de la crème. It’s easy to see how she could be Hollywood’s Hottest 25 under 25 and 30 under 30.

Please tell me you’ve seen Hulu’s The Great and The Girl from Plainville. If you haven’t seen them, you don’t know what you’re missing out on. Sometimes I compare celebrities: highlighting differences and similarities. Today, I would compare her with Elizabeth Olsen. Both actors are at the top of their craft on film and television. And both have a big past, present, and future in the entertainment industry. Are you excited as I am about Elle Fanning’s works in progress? Isn’t she a breath of fresh air?

Follow me @IamGuruJay on Twitter and @TheGuruJay on Instagram for more content. Thanks!

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Can Jason Derulo Compete With Chris Brown?


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Can Jason Derulo compete with Chris Brown?

Why isn’t Jason Derulo a bigger name? Thankfully, New Year’s Rockin’ Eve has recognized his greatness. Jason Derulo and Panic! at the Disco are scheduled to perform on the annual special according to Billboard.

Now, maybe Jason Derulo isn’t a bigger name because he hasn’t dated Rihanna. Or you could say he isn’t as talented as Chris Brown; but I don’t think that’s the case. I believe Jason is a bonafide entertainer, who doesn’t rely on luck.

Although Derulo doesn’t have as many collaborations with superstars like Chris Brown, he’s still a superstar. The entertainment industry requires patience. What is more, greatness takes time to develop. In due time, Jason’s name will light up in big words on Usher’s level. You see his style and career compares favorably with Usher.

Jason Derulo already has a big name at 27 years old. And it’s only going to get bigger in 2017. Landing a major contract deal with New Year’s Rockin’ Eve means the world, believe me.

I learned about Jason Derulo because I’m a huge Jordin Sparks fan. Now although their relationship didn’t work out, I won’t penalize Jason for it. You see, the entertainment business will break your heart if you let it. Celebrities date celebrities because coworkers date coworkers. And they breakup for the same reasons.

Everything is a learning process. And Jason Derulo has learned the definitions of patience and greatness. Every time, he takes the stage you’ll notice the purpose in his eyes. Nothing about this guy is mediocre.

Moreover, the Want to Want Me singer is on every woman’s Christmas list. You should see this singer rehearse. He sings with passion and that’s the bottom line. Somebody told me if you do what you love to do, you will never work a day in your life. Jason Derulo is living the good life.

He can compete with Chris Brown or anybody for that matter.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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The Intangible Assets of Alessia Cara


The Intangible Assets of Alessia Cara

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Do you believe in Alessia Cara? Her voice is like magic. I feel there’s something special about her sound; and, I would like to pin point it.

The question is can science explain art. This music artist could have majored in science because her technique is cutting edge. Moreover, the I’m Yours singer’s lyrics are a mix between a biomedical engineer’s equation and a poet’s stanza. Did you know Alessia Cara actually writes poetry and plays the guitar?

Without question, Alessia is an asset to showbiz. Plus, the Canadian has many intangible assets. She gets you both excited and indifferent with her singing and songwriting. Here is a genius song written by a 19 year old.

The celebrity competes with the crème de la crème and you know it. Still, it seems Alessia stays in one lane. She’s a driven celebrity who drives solo by design.

You can’t see everything. Like magic, sometimes you don’t see her and right now you do see Alessia Cara. What is more, the celebrity has a solid fan base. She’ll soon eclipse 1 million Facebook fans and Twitter followers. Cara can shake, rattle, and roll with Zendaya and Tinashe too.

Who would love to see her on the silver screen? She would probably make a better actress than singer because of her humility. Nowadays, the music industry contain the biggest egos.

Alessia Cara reminds me of Alicia Keys due to her messaging. That is an intangible asset. It’s so hard finding lyrics with a deeper meaning.

Anyway, this celebrity was built for the entertainment business- this I know. You’ll discover Alessia’s durability due to her ‘go get it’ attitude and firm mindset. She’s laid back, but not lazy.

A music brand must be built with platinum bricks. Yes, you can go for the gold but why not go even higher? Maybe, you need to adjust your mirrors once in a while.

Iam Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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Who Loves Manika?


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If you like the word love, you’ll like the name Manika. It’s only right to show some love to the How Can I Love songstress. Did you know this beauty is mixed with Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Malaysian, and Spanish? That’s a whole lot of loving right there. That’s not why I love her though.

You see Manika built a brand from scratch. She put the work in, while others just scratched off lottery tickets. She didn’t rely on luck. That’s why Manika became famous and got put on the map.

Plus, she toured with One Direction. And she’s authored books.

Instead of being a Disney princess, she’s a reality TV princess. Have you seen Global Beauty Masters? Have you heard her Love Line radio show? Manika has a mini-conglomerate.

She also sings and raps. How does she sleep? Hey, you’ve gotta be driven in order to do great things. Manika does what it takes. The girl is amazing.

What is more, her music also has a message. Sure, there are many fun songs from her album. You might like I Might Go Lesbian featuring Tyga.

Right now at 22, I believe by her 35th birthday, she could be bigger than Nicole Scherzinger. I like to see her star in a movie with Vanessa Hudgens as well. Like Hudgens, she is a legitimate multitalented/ triple threat celebrity. Her music style reminds me a lot of Fergie.

Moreover, Manika scores major points on creativity. Check out B.Y.O.Bugatti on YouTube. To create a song/ music video on that high level requires a significant amount of skill.  

The Las Vegas bred celebrity appeals to a very large demographic. Her fans are practically everywhere. With 1 million plus Twitter followers and over 3 million Facebook likes, people are listening. And Manika gives us what we love. Who loves Manika?

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

2 Words Best Blogs best singers Celebrity concerts Entertainment Entertainment Business Famous People Guru Jay Hollywood Music Music Blogs Music Industry Musicians Sam Smith Singers Stay With Me voice

2 Words That Describe Sam Smith

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Aren’t you tired of all these catchy commercialized pop songs? All they are just jingles. They may sell like bubblegum but don’t market it to me as music. Call it Juicy Fruit for all I care.
When the wind blows and there’s a thunderstorm, that’s true music. We yearn to hear the lion’s roar for a change. Music should be a natural gift not a Christmas present.
Thankfully, great musicians still exist. Sam Smith is one of the greatest singers alive. I had to unplug my headphones when I listened to him today because his music must be absorbed and not constrained.
I published a piece called English Music Royalties you will enjoy. Sam Smith puts his heart and soul into each note. It’s easy to tell that the remarkable music artist is passionate about his craft. Plus, his fans love him to death.
The English musician is a classic storyteller. If Hemmingway could sing how he wrote, he would sing like Sam Smith. I know Shakespeare would appreciate Writing’s On The Wall. Like Stephen King, who can write anything and make it great, Sam Smith can sing anything and make it great.
Can you imagine Smith singing See You Again? Charlie Puth said in an interview that his sensational song was meant for Sam Smith. I’m actually glad Smith let Puth do it in a way, because that was Puth’s big break. You see Sam Smith isn’t a vulture.
Moreover, he doesn’t need to stab somebody in the back to get ahead. Although the music business may be cutthroat, Mr. Smith is not. He’s only clean-shaven. Anyway, even when he grows out a beard it’s always neat.
2 words describe Sam Smith: Class and Professionalism. The celebrity distinguishes himself from average entertainers because he never settles for mediocrity. Smith strives for perfection.
I believe in striving for perfection through practice. Greatness comes after purposeful preparation. You want a better world, then built it. Construct places filled with positive people. You’re a composite of the people you talk to and spend your time with the most. Avoid negative and pessimistic individuals who minimize your contributions, and seek out new friends who will lift you up. 
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Best Blogs Brad Pitt Celebrity Channing Tatum Entertainment Business Famous People film Guru Jay Hollywood Hollywood Actors Jennifer Lawrence Jonah Hill Movie Blog Movies Oscars Showbiz Tinseltown

What Brad Pitt Can Teach Channing Tatum

Tinseltown was created for stars like Brad Pitt and Channing Tatum. For what it’s worth, Matthew McConaughey falls in the middle. Eventually Brad Pitt will retire as promised.
Looking back at Brad Pitt’s career, he has every reason to rest on his laurels. First of all, he’s married to one of the sexiest women alive. Plus, he has all the money in the world. Thanks to World War Z, Brad is immune to poverty.
Have you seen Inglorious Basterds, The Big Short and By the Sea?
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button actor should have won an Oscar already. I could build cases for his performances in Burn After Reading and Fury too. By the way, I forgot to say he is one of the sexiest men alive. Do you agree? Millions of adoring fans worship at his feet.
Brad Pitt has taken on challenging roles all while making it look easy. I feel Channing Tatum best deserves to inherit Pitt’s best-kept secrets. Noticeably, Tatum engages his audience through Twitter and social media. Pitt is old school in this respect.
Moreover, Channing Tatum movies are by in large lighter than Brad Pitt’s films. Brad Pitt can teach Channing how to be taken more seriously and still have a good time. White House Down displayed the movie star in his finest element.
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I also thoroughly enjoyed his performances in 21 Jump Street and 22 Jump Street. His chemistry with Jonah Hill can’t be faked. Like Brad Pitt, Channing Tatum can play a variety of parts.
I want to see a Channing Tatum and Jennifer Lawrence sex scene before it’s too late. For now, we can look forward to the Hot Commodity Chris Pratt having sex with Jennifer in The Passengers.
I believe Brad Pitt should mentor Channing Tatum. Hollywood’s secrets should be passed down only to the worthy. Channing Tatum has proven his worthiness.  
I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
American Idol Best Blogs Celebrity Entertainment Entertainment Business Famous People Guru Jay Hollywood Actress Jennifer Hudson Movie Blog Movies Music Music Blog Music Industry Oscars Singers voice

How Jennifer Hudson Is a Winner


American Idol was the launching pad for many great musicians. Although Jennifer Hudson didn’t win the contest, she’s had one amazing career. What is more, she won the Best Supporting Actress for Dreamgirls.
Do you remember when American Idol was the number 1 rated TV show? How many years was Paula Abdul at Simon Cowell’s mercy? And don’t forget about our DAWG Randy Jackson. Kelly Clarkson was the first winner 15 years ago and is still relevant.

I believe Jennifer Hudson is a better actress than singer. She’s a fine performer. The Chicago native works hard and directors like that about her.

The celebrity can change expressions at the drop of a dime. Moreover, give Hudson credit for being conscience of the roles she accepts. She’s not hungry for a paycheck. However, she’s ready to deliver topnotch performances. Do you want to see her on Broadway or what?

Without question, her voice was made to be loud and sweet. I feel Jennifer Hudson is unique. Do they even make her pedigree anymore? Watch her American Idolaudition and you’ll see what I mean. Plus, the star shed 80 pounds since auditioning; and she was a spokeswoman for Weight Watchers.
In addition to a striking vocal range, Hudson demonstrates terrific acting range. Her Mister & Pete performance conveys enormous emotions. She’ll take you there. Wherever you want to go, let this Chicago homegirl be your tour guide.

There’s no doubt JHud is a multitalented entertainer. Clive Davis is on the record calling Jennifer Hudson the next Whitney Houston. There’s still some time left for Hudson to produce a few best selling albums.
It seems her movie success has stalled her music success. Right now I believe she should focus exclusively on singing, recording, and touring because Whitney Houston set an extremely high bar musically. This year I expect Jennifer to turn up her music game a level.

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The Think Like A Man music video shows the star in glowing light. Coincidentally, I love her Spotlight single. The No One Gonna Love You songstress gets her fair share of love shown from fans and collaborators.

Can you picture a Jamie Foxx and Jennifer Hudson duet? What if Jennifer made a love song with Jordin Sparks? It could be similar to Beyoncé and Alicia KeysPut It In A Love Song.
Final point, Jennifer Hudson is a fighter. She was an underdog. Like Erykah Badu and Jill Scott, she’s got soul. I’m always rooting for her to win on the job and in life.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!