Betty White Celebrities commercial Easter healthy Jessica Chastain Kristen Bell Natalie Portman Ne-Yo Nutrition Russell Brand Thom Yorke Usher V8 Veganism Vegans Venus Williams

Part 3: 33 Celebrity Vegans



If you’re like a lot of people, you probably will eat an Easter Ham on Sunday. Before you take your first bite, read my story. You may think twice about chowing down on meat.

You get a thump on your head every time you could’ve had a V8. There are no exceptions to the rule. In other words, eat more fruits and vegetables.

Juicing fruits and veggies is a way of life for millions. Why not join the fun? Jump on the bandwagon of health nuts, fitness freaks and vegetarians.

I’ll admit to falling off the wagon sometimes. But, I always get back on and try again. We’re in for a wild ride and I’m riding until the wheels fall off this thing.

Becoming healthy is a process. Staying healthy is a process of elimination. If you want to be healthier you have to give up junk food, red meat and bad calories.

You may choose to give up meat and animal products. If so, you join 168 million vegans worldwide. Be proud of your accomplishment.

In part 1  I feature the first 11 celebrities. Part 2 consists of 12 – 22 celebrities. You’re reading part 3, the conclusion of the series. Now let’s get to the good stuff. Drum roll please…

V8 Commercial

Celebrities must take good care of their bodies. I appreciate celebrities who decided to go vegan. My post celebrates celebrities who made healthy choices.

You see, celebrities have star power. They can influence their fans to go vegan as well, which is totally awesome. Veganism is a lifestyle. Like all lifestyles veganism take hard work.

Don’t Thump My Forehead

23. Usher

Photo By: Loren Wohl

At number 23, superstar Usher is a famous vegan. I remember the time before Usher rose atop of the music world. He recorded a song called Nice and Slow. When I think of this song, it reminds me to put things in perspective.

If you ever feel like building Rome in a day, don’t forget to take it nice and slow. It works for Usher.
And, it may very well work for you.

24. Natalie Portman

Photo By: Courtney

Natalie Portman is number 24. Just look at her silhouette. She was fantastic in Black Swan. If you want to look like Natalie, chose to become a vegan.

It sounds simple, but it’s not. However, with the right mindset you can be healthier and happier. You will never see Portman getting a thump on her head.

She is vegan for the long haul. If you are committed to an idea, you can do anything. There’s no reason your body can’t feel like Natalie Portman’s.

You won’t get there overnight. But give it 6 months to a year. You’ll be healthy and fit as a bull or ox.

25. Thom Yorke

Photo By: Goldberg

You’re not thumping Thom Yorke’s Radiohead either.  He is number 25 of 33 celebrity vegans. Thom would probably tell you that vegan life is hard.

Yorke can handle it. After all, he is a Rock star. Being a Rock star is difficult, because Rock fans are the hardest to please. Thom Yorke is rare. Most Rock stars naturally lead unhealthy lives, but not Thom.

26. Alanis Morissette

Photo By: livepict

Alanis Morissette comes in at number 26. I am not surprised the vocal singer is a vegan. Judging by her music, she is socially aware and conscience of her decisions.

We need more entertainers like Morissette in the business. While I am not a fan of all her music, I like her main message. So much music is pointless, but Morissette has a socially responsible story.

27. Venus Williams

Photo By: Wikimedia Commons 

At number 27, it is Venus Williams. This tennis icon is amazing. Just take a look at her body of work. Like all vegans and vegetarians, she is a winner.

As a vegan, Venus is a good role model for the youth. She shows you can have the best of both worlds. You can be healthy and happy.

28. Jennifer Connelly

Photo By: GlynLowe

How exactly has Jennifer Connelly lasted so long in show business? For starters, she is a vegan. By choosing to live healthier and happier, you can receive the same benefits as Jennifer.

29. Kristen Bell

Photo By: Mr. O

The actress Kristen Bell is number 29 of 33 celebrities, It’s encouraging to see a young individual such as Kristen choose the vegan way of life. Too much news coverage is focused on the negative aspect of the millennial generation.

30. Jessica Chastain

Photo By: Georges Biard

I know what you’re thinking. You want to thump Jessica Chastain in the head. Don’t we all?

Unfortunately, we can’t thump Jessica’s sexy forehead since she is a vegan. She makes the list at number 30. The versatile actress is on a strict diet.

Vegans stick together like a gang. When you’re a vegan, you’re a vegan all the way. From you’re last cigarette to your last living day. You are well protected. Yeah, I improvised a few lines from the West Side Story.

31. Ne-Yo

Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

Singer Ne-Yo is number 31 of celebrity vegans not eating Easter Ham. Doesn’t he look younger these days? Can you guess his age? He is in fact 31 years old.

It wouldn’t surprise me if the singer still gets carded at clubs and bars. Some of it is genetics. I look much younger than my age. If I were vegan, I probably could pass as a teenager.

32. Russell Brand

Photo By: Eva Rinaldi 

Comedian Russell Brand is 32 of 33 celebrity vegans not eating Easter ham. I was shocked when I confirmed that Brand switched to the vegan lifestyle. I would have never guessed it.

Everybody wants to be healthy and happy. If you don’t choose veganism, at least choose to be healthier and happier.  If Brand can do it, I know you can.

33. Betty White

Photo By: David Shankbone

Respect your elders. The sweet and beautiful Betty White is the 33rdcelebrity vegan not eating Easter

Ham today. She is living proof the vegan lifestyle has rewards. White is a burst of energy in Hot in
Cleveland. She inspires me to try veganism.

And so, there you have it. My video sums up all three parts. Watch and enjoy!

33 Celebrity Vegans Not Eating Easter Ham

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Anne Hathaway Brad Pitt Celebrity Easter Emily Deschanel Forrest Whitaker Health Leona Lewis Pamela Anderson Portia De Rossi Russell Simmons Tobey Maguire Vanessa Williams Veganism Vegans

Part 2: 33 Celebrity Vegans

By: Guru Jay

There are 168 million vegans around the globe. And, this number is increasing. Celebrities are at the cusp of healthy living.

You are what you eat. If you want to look like a celebrity, eat like one. You can’t thump the foreheads of the following celebrities because they have been drinking V8s for a while now.

Don’t Thump My Forehead 

12. Brad Pitt

 Photo By: Blake Nelson Boyd

Brad Pitt continues our list of 33 celebrity vegans not eating Easter Ham. Pitt is always fit. 

Vegan is a lifestyle choice catching on around the world. On the Pacific Coast, you can find a nice variety of vegan. Celebrities in Hollywood try hard to stay in tiptop shape, look sexy as the devil, and eat like angels.

Brad Pitt is an affable vegan. The actor is always on top of his game. I guess that’s why the ladies love him.

There have been numerous reports confirming Angelina Jolie is not a vegan adherent. Don’t bash Jolie for this. By all accounts, she is in good health.

13. Leona Lewis

Photo By: Steven Braganza

X-factor superstar singer Leona Lewis joins our top list of celebrity vegans. You can see she stuns the crowd. She’s young too. So Lewis helps set an example for the youth. It is important for children to live healthier lifestyles.

Wherever Lewis goes, the camera follows. Hamburgers and hotdogs are the last thing our celebrities want to be spotted with.

America is the fast food capital of the world. McDonalds, Burger King, and Wendy’s have got to get more creative or risk losing tons of customers. My recommendation is to stop being fast.

14. Forrest Whitaker

 Photo By: Georges Biard

Take it slow. I want a cup of coffee fast and right now. But, picking up lunch is totally different. Why the heck do we want fast food in 2014?

Give us good healthy and hearty food. I don’t care if the burger tastes like heaven spread on two buns. If it is damaging to my body, I don’t want it. Furthermore, I don’t need it.

Becoming vegan like Forrest Whitaker is a good idea. He’s been acting for decades. Being vegan helps Whitaker stay energetic. Energy is vital for celebrities.

15. Shania Twain 

 Photo By: Katherine Brock

First of all, they need energy to remember thousands of lines. Coffee can only give you so much. Picture eating a big carrot…You see the difference.

If it works for Bugs Bunny and Roger Rabbit, it will work for you. If spinach gives Popeye the sailor man amazing strength, it will help strengthen you also.

I remember growing up in the nineties- watching cartoon after cartoon. It seems like the Looney Tunes and Disney brainwashed us as children to eat carrots and spinach. The cartoons subliminally work in getting children to eat healthier.

Singer Shania Twain absolutely needs energy to perform at concerts. Without a doubt, the vegan lifestyle helps her stay perky.

16. Emily Deschanel

 Photo By: Raven Underwood

When you eat badly it is natural for you to feel bad. When you eat well, you feel good. I don’t know if James Brown was vegan, but everybody feels good after drinking a V8. Emily Deschanel sure feels good.

Ask Emily Deschanel how she manages. Be forewarned Emily will try to convert you. It’s nice to see someone like Emily, who is vocal about the cause. The only way others can jump on the bandwagon is if there’s someone driving the wagon in the first place.

17. Anne Hathaway

 Photo By: John Harrison

Anne Hathaway is a recent addition to the vegan fan club. In 2012, she made the news public. Something tells me we can get more converts like Hathaway. The facts speak for themselves. 

It’s hard to argue with the evidence. In the last blog, I discussed counting calories. Well, if you want to count less and less calories, then replace your fast food with fruits and vegetables. And, see the difference.

18. Vanessa Williams 

Photo By: motfemme

You can tell Vanessa Williams, who is number 18, counts her calories. And, she apparently counts her blessings too. Look at her at age 51. She doesn’t look a day over 40.

As you can see, being a vegan has many benefits. Don’t let your body whither of breakdown. Remember to rejuvenate the mind as well as the body and spirit. In my How to be Healthy blog, I recommend trying Yoga. Vanessa Williams is into yoga too.

19. Russell Simmons

 Photo By: David Shankbone

Number 19 is Russell Simmons. He is an older gentleman who doesn’t look his age. Simmons has made living healthy fashionable. 

He has combated the hip-hop notion of a Laissez-faire attitude. As a hip hop icon, maybe his good traits will rub off on young rappers. Nobody is invincible- that’s why it is important to take care of your health.

20. Tobey Maguire

Photo By: Eva Rinaldi

Spider-Man himself, Tobey Maguire, is a health fanatic. In my last blog, I mentioned obsessing over our health. At the end of the day, you are the most important person walking on earth. 

My words can only do you so much justice. It’s time to recognize your inner power. Believe me, you are more powerful than you know. Accomplish the little things and soon you’ll begin posing for the big picture.

21.  Portia De Rossi  

 Photo By: Pulicciano
At number 21, Portia De Rossi is a prime example of excellence. She is a well known vegan in the entertainment world. So, don’t thump her on the forehead because I hear she knows karate. Seriously, you have no reason to thump her.

Again, be forewarned because she is another that will try to convert you. We need more celebrities who will stand up for a worthy cause. Thanks, Portia!

22. Pamela Anderson

Photo By: Darren Stone

Last but not least, Pamela Anderson is a vegan. She is the 22nd celebrity identified as an adherent to Veganism. Maybe, she can motivate some of the guys to eat right.

Jerry Springer Impersonation 

I don’t watch a lot of gossip on television. But, I do read some of the most poignant headlines and articles on the Net. I have to stay on top of all topics categorized as celebrity or entertainment.

I want to deliver to you the best content. We all deserve the best and nothing less. So, keep eating healthy so you can keep reading my blog. In the words of Jerry Springer: take care of yourselves and each other!

To Be Continued….

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Al Gore Bill Clinton Celebs Easter environment Famous golf Good Health Ham lifestyle No Meat Vegans Vegetarians

33 Celebrity Vegans

By: Guru Jay

Obsessive Compulsive Order

Celebrities live a glamorous lifestyle. The Hollywood stars sacrifice good tasting food for nutrition. Each celebrity has a different reason for eating healthy.

Some have experienced health scares such as Bill Clinton. You will find it is important to nurture the body. You don’t need sodium and sugar.

I advise you to stay away from fattening foods. Let me be candid. I’m not a vegan or vegetarian. So, I’m not going to tell you to become one.

But, I do try to eat healthy, which means I eat more good stuff than bad. In my How to Be Healthy blog, I proclaimed that 2014 is our year for staying in good health.

In my article, I suggested playing golf. Golf is the ultimate social sport. You not only network but you get a moderate level of exercise at the same time. If you just work out a little, that can have a big impact.

You can find many celebrities on the golf course. Samuel L. Jackson obsesses over the game. Tons of celebrity golf tournaments are held every year. Many proceeds go to charities.

You can learn a lot from celebrities. They can teach you how to live a healthy lifestyle. Many celebrities are obsessed with being healthy.

Obsess over your health. If you start now it’s better than not starting at all. Remember, every bit helps.

I don’t think obsessing over health is a bad thing. Sure, you can take anything to an extreme. But, trying to naturally live longer is a worthy cause.

Count on the following celebrities to chug down a pitcher of vegetable juice daily. You won’t ever have to thump them on the head and say, “you could have had a V8.”

Don’t Thump My Forehead

1. Alicia Silverstone

Photo By: RavenU

The Clueless star is not clueless when it comes to good health. So, don’t thump her on the forehead. She’s not dumb.

Silverstone wrote The Kind Diet in 2009. She stayed vegan her entire pregnancy. One thing she preaches is limiting calorie intake.

I recommend you get an app that keeps track of your calories.

She is one of the most famous pregnant vegans. Moreover, she made a decision that impacted her as well as her children. Kudos, Alicia!

2. Olivia Wilde

Photo By: Cristiano Del Riccio

Olivia Wilde did the opposite of Alicia Silverstone. She has always been a vegan. But, she decided to ditch the life while pregnant.  

The fact she is ditching the Vegan lifestyle for nine months is breaking news in the Vegan World. Here is what Olivia had to say, “[Being vegan] is not always easy and accessible. But it’s a way of life and makes me as a person feel really good and physically look better.” You see, she has a valid point.

3. Common

Photo By: Kelsey Marie Bell

Chicago Rapper/Actor Common is a well-known vegan in the Hip Hop Community. His name comes from the word commonsense. That’s why it makes sense he is a vegan.

In my how to be healthy photos, I endorsed drinking almond milk. You see, when you’re a vegan you stay away from all animal products. This means you can’t drink milk from a cow.

That’s why you have to respect celebrities like Common for embracing a challenging but meaningful way of life.

4. Woody Harrelson

Photo By: David Shankbone

What’s not to love about Woody Harrelson? He’s a great actor, a vegan, and a charitable celebrity.

It is wonderful to know Woody is trying to live better. At times, we may make bad choices. You could choose to have a slice of cake you should have a slice of vegetable pie.

It’s crucial you don’t beat up yourself. Harrelson doesn’t. He admits to having multiple vices. Just make sure you have a few virtues to offset your vices.

5. Joss Stone

Photo By: Patrik Hamberg

Joss Stone is 26 and she’s a vegan. She is also an awesome singer. She is able to influence the next generation. Let’s hope she stays on the right path.

Becoming vegan is a solution to health problems. Try adopting the vegan lifestyle for a couple of weeks. That’s what Jay Z and Beyonce did.

Of course, Joss Stone is a vegan for life. Who knows? She may live to 100.

6. Mike Tyson

Photo By: Octal@Flickr

Hey, are you really thinking about thumping Mike Tyson’s forehead? If you do, it will most likely be your last thumping; because, you’re going to get thumped up messing with Mike Tyson.

You probably never guessed Mike Tyson was a vegan. But, it kind of makes sense. It’s no secret the athlete/actor loves pigeons. And, the former heavyweight champion does not try to hide his affection for animals.

So, it’s clear he is a vegan. In the future, let’s say in 200 years, I believe the majority of the world will be vegan. It’s good to see athletes living the vegan lifestyle.

7. Carrie Underwood

Don’t thump Carrie Underwood’s forehead either. The American Idol has been a vegetarian since the age of 13. Imagine ten million 13 year old vegans.

It takes courage to announce to the world you are a vegan. That’s exactly what Underwood has done. There’s no turning back she can’t renege now.

As an American Idol winner, Underwood is a role model. She sets an example for the youth.  We need more role models like her.

8. Joaquin Phoenix

Photo By: Tony Shek

Golden Globe Award Winning Actor Joaquin Phoenix has been a vegan since the age of three. In fact, his whole acting family is vegan. I’m in no shape or form a PETA fan. However, I feel animals should be treated ethically.

Joaquin Phoenix and his siblings realized the importance of ethical treatment of animals at an early age.

9. Paul McCartney

Photo By: The_Admiralty

Legendary Beatle Paul McCartney is a famous vegan. In the words of the great, Let it Be. McCartney’s career is exceptional because he makes music with a message.

Paul and Bono are in a league of their own. They are both humanitarians. Vegans are helping make the world a better place.

10. Bill Clinton

Former Leader of the Free World Bill Clinton is the most famous vegan. He used to eat a ton of barbecue until doctors advised him to eat healthier. Lately, it seems Clinton is more vibrant and smoother than ever.

Right now, health is President Clinton’s primary concern. By looking at him, you would never guess he had emergency heart surgery in 2004. He shows us that it is never too late to start living healthier.

11. Al Gore

Finally, Vice President Al Gore is a vegan. Of course, he is most famous as an Environmentalist. He won a Nobel Peace Prize for his documentary Inconvenient Truth.

One way to protect the environment is to not eat the creatures. It’s good to see the former president and vice president agreeing on a bipartisan issue.

I can’t tell you to be a vegan, because I am not a vegan. But, I can tell you it is an excellent lifestyle choice. These celebrities have proven you don’t need meat to eat well. Stay tuned for part 2. Coming soon!

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