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The Upside Movie Review


The Upside Movie Review

I decided to write a movie review on The Upside because it contains an important message.We must come to grip with our reality. The Upside is about a wealthy man and a poor man coming to grip with their reality. The two men both lack substance in their lives. On the one hand, the wealthy man seems to have it all. The poor man seems to have nothing. In the end, you’ll find out what true wealth is.

The wealthy man must come to grip with his situation. It isn’t in his power to be able to walk again. It is not his fault he can’t move his body. He must stop being hard on himself. Unfortunately, he needs help doing the little things people often take for granted such as: taking a shower, getting dressed, and eating.

The poor man must face his family. He has neglected them, and he hasn’t fulfilled his potential as a father, husband, and man. He’s made a ton of mistakes. He went to jail and paid his debt though. You can make excuses for him, but he’s failed multiple times. Just because you fail though, doesn’t make you a failure.

Obviously, the wealthy man is a success. That’s why he’s wealthy. He’s wrote books, buys art and loves opera. In his own words, he’s richer than Jay Z, and the man can buy the Brooklyn Nets. He’s both succeeded and failed simultaneously. You see, he can’t move on from his past marriage. In fact, he still wears his wedding ring.

The film is about making connections. The three main characters are played by Kevin Hart, Bryan Cranston, and Nicole Kidman. They are connected, just like we are connected. Everything is connected. The Upside is a love and life story. It is based on a true story. The message is that money can’t buy love or life.

Moreover, The Upside is about fate and faith. What is fate? What is faith? And how are the two concepts connected?

Overall, the acting in the film is phenomenal. The script is heartwarming. Everybody did a beautiful job. To make a movie like this come together takes brilliance.

I give the film a B+. The Upside earns 4 and a half stars out of 5. I think family and friends will enjoy every minute together (like they should) watching this movie. I would watch it twice because the message is very poignant.

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Academy Awards Best Blogs Celebrity drama Entertainment Business Famous People Guru Jay Hollywood Hollywood Actors Movie Industry Movies Oscars Showbiz theatre Tom Cruise Tom Hanks Tom-Tom

Tom-Tom: How Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise Control Hollywood

Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise represent strong ideologies. I know where you think I’m going with this. Hold on a second.
I won’t discuss Scientology although the subject matter might generate considerable attention for me and controversy. The ideologies I’m referring to are their mentalities and philosophies about approaching acting and filmmaking. I consider Tom Hanks to be the best actor. And I believe Tom Cruise is the best movie star.
I call this phenomenon Tom-Tom. Tom-Tom is a popular navigation tool aka GPS. This device pinpoints location and directs drivers to destinations. Without question, Tom-Tom’s creator created one of technology’s greatest breakthroughs.
Because of satellites, software, and advanced mappings, we arrive at point B more precisely. Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise combine their talents and efforts to create Hollywood’s own Tom-Tom. Their movies have long influenced the entertainment business like no others.
In a sense, they control Hollywood’s current with their well-polished wind turbines and fancy solar panels, which brings me to my question. How much energy can two people generate?

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Show Tom Cruise more respect for his acting ability. In order to perform at the peak, one needs peak skills. What is the Mission Impossible movie franchise without the franchise player? The notion that a movie star can’t be an actor and vice versa is false. Cruise should have won an Oscar because the actor is undeniably great.
Also, ask a Tom Hanks fan if she considers the Forrest Gump actor to be a movie star. I’m here to say you can get a taste of the best of both worlds. It’s been proven that life is full of possibilities. Always ask what if…? because you’re unlimited when passion takes over.
I respect Hanks and Cruise because they navigate their waters like Christopher Columbus. Both men command their ships like captains. Here’s a great segue.
Tom Hanks’ performance in Captain Phillipswas one for the ages. How does he keep getting better with every film? What director doesn’t fantasize about casting the Castaway?
Moreover, Vanilla Sky remains one of my favorite movies. I wonder if Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz would ever tie the knot. I could watch Vanilla Skyeveryday because of the onscreen relationship between Cruise and Diaz.
In closing, Tom-Tom controls Hollywood. All films schools (worth their tuition) should study Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise. What is more, Tom-Tom movies are worth their prices of admissions.

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acting Actors Anna Faris Best Blogs Celebrity Chris Pratt drama Famous People Funny Guru Jay Hollywood Actress Kate Hudson Movies Romantic Comedies Scary Movie Showbiz The House Bunny theatre Thespian

Why Anna Faris Is Scarce


Anna Faris carved her career path with a machete. She started professionally acting in Hollywood after auditioning for Scary Movie. In fact, Scary Movie was her very first audition.
Actors deal with rejection on a regular basis. Moreover, an actress rarely receives a callback after only one audition. That’s why Anna Farris is scarce.
Celebrities must subscribe to the foot in the door strategy. I call this the Hollywood Hokey Pokey. “You put you’re right foot in, you take you’re right foot out, you do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around and that’s what it’s all about.” Becoming famous like Anna Faris simply involves taking steps toward your goals.
Although Anna Faris was born in Baltimore, Maryland, she was raised in a small town near Seattle, Washington. Eventually, Anna arrived at Tinseltown with a dream.

Showbiz provides abundant opportunities, although the likelihood of someone striking riches is slim. Luckily Anna disregarded the statistics and overcame the odds. The actress possesses a burning passion for theatre.
This thespian’s skills are underestimated. She can play comedic roles and serious parts. Farris deserves recognition for her performance in Brokeback Mountain.
She is known for making you laugh and cry like Kate Hudsonby playing stereotypical roles such as the amazingly attractive but dumb blonde. In reality, Anna Faris is a bright brunette. Locking down husband Chris Pratt was a smart decision. It goes both ways because Pratt is fortunate to have married the sweet and kind Hollywood actress. Additionally, she is a good reason why he’s such a hot commodity.

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Girls like Anna Faris are scarce. Right now she is probably in the kitchen cooking a Rachael Ray recipe and rehearsing lines with Chris. The celebrity likely has Martha Stewart’s phone number on speed dial. The House Bunny runs her home efficiently. Anna is a good wife and mother.
If you’re an aspiring actress, entertainer, or celebrity learn your lesson from Anna Faris. She is confident in her techniques but she isn’t smug. And she’s always ready for her close-up.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
A Time To Kill Academy Awards Actors Celebs Dallas Buyers Club drama Entertainment Guru Jay Hollywood Stars Interstellar Lincoln Lawyer Matthew McConaughey Movies Romance Flicks We Can All Be Godsends

Why Matthew McConaughey Is A Godsend


Matthew McConaughey is a godsend. He delivers passionate onscreen performances. The actor transposes into characters.
Quote me on this. There is no role that Matthew McConaughey cannot play. He has proven he is the best and sharpest movie lawyer in A Time To Kill and Lincoln Lawyer. Are you guilty of believing McConaughey is an attorney at law? His Lincoln Motors deal was well deserved.
I highly recommend watching this actor’s movies because he conveys human feelings and emotions like no one else. You see his characters convince you they’re real people.
The Hollywood star isn’t scared of getting his hands dirty? Have you seen Mud? It is a great Matthew McConaughey movie with Reese Witherspoon.

There is always a romantic element in the star’s script. Apparently, he is an attractive man. Check out Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. What is The Wedding Planner without Matthew McConaughey? If you want a tear-jerking flick, go see Matthew.

Did you know he won Best Lead Actor Academy Award for Dallas Buyers Club? He plays an HIV patient given 30 days to live by some quack. Don’t you dislike doctors trying to play God? The movie is based on a true story.

Moreover, it shows where there’s a will there’s a way. McConaughey (Ronald Woodroof) finds a life saving medicine that’s unapproved by the FDA, because a greedy pharmaceutical company is holding back progress. Luckily, Woodroof changes lives by giving the medicine to others who desperately need it. It is a must-see movie.

In Interstellar, his character (who’s travelling in space) communicates with his daughter back on Earth. The planet is faced with a food crisis. And NASA is exploring space in the shadows.

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Fortunately, in due time his daughter saves humanity. If you ever wondered about black holes, robotics, and time travel, Interstellaris the movie for you. It is a thought provoking and timeless tale.
We all have God-given talents. We should use them for the betterment of our society. I believe Matthew McConaughey is a godsend. His acting motivates others to do something valuable.

Life is like a movie. Everyone has a role to play, and no role is insignificant. Remember, we can all be godsends.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Action movies Celeb Updates Celebrity Blog Celebs Comeback Stories drama Entertainment Expendables 3 Guru Jay Hollywood Stars Money Train Movies Murder at 1600 Sugar Hill The Player Wesley Snipes

Wesley Snipes: Back in Action


Wesley Snipes is back in action. Right now, you can watch Wesley in the new hit TV show The Player. The Hollywood king has made a triumph return to filming. 

Every actor respects him because he’s the best. He is charismatic and dynamic. Who remembers Money Train, Liberty Stands Still, and Murder at 1600?
If studio executives want an amazing talent, they know where to find Wesley. Snipes usually plays good guys, but’s he’s also proven he can act “bad.” For instance, in Sugar Hill, Snipes stars as a narcotics kingpin.
Plus, he entertains everybody by showcasing his martial arts techniques. Sylvester Stallone is extremely lucky Snipes signed up for Expendables 3. But Blade is his calling card.
In addition, the actor is a convincing athlete. The Fan and White Men Can’t Jump are prime examples. Who can compete with Wesley’s unique filmography?

Mother and daughter appreciate his fine art. After watching at least 20 Wesley Snipes movies, I’ve never seen a flop. Wesley flips, but he doesn’t flop.
It’s a shame Mo Better’ Blues is the only movie he filmed with Denzel Washington. Hollywood needs to get its act together (pun intended). Wouldn’t you rather see a supreme actor instead of another superhero blockbuster?

Moviegoers are owed movie stars. Although I like watching Wesley Snipes every week in The Player, I’d prefer seeing him in more movies.
Actors are the gel that lubricates a movie’s wheel. You can’t reinvent the wheel. Also, if ain’t broke don’t fix it.
I’m in favor of top actors taking pay cuts only if CEOs take them too. This greedy business of finding cheap talent and giving corporate bonuses needs to stop. It is severely affecting the quality and experience of the show.

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In a nutshell, we should anticipate the next Wesley Snipes and not the new Spider-Man.
I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! 
1960s actresses Astronaut Wives Club Celebrity drama Entertainment Erin Cummings Guru Jay Hollywood Joanna Garcia Launch Episode Mad Men Pilot Real Housewives Recap TV Yvonne Strahovski

Astronaut Wives Club Pilot Episode RECAP

You know I was an aspiring astronaut. That’s why my Google Plus and Twitter, shows the universe. You see, I fantasized about launching and orbiting deep into space.
I had it all figured out. I would conveniently bypass the moon on my way to Mars and Jupiter. Upon my arrivals, I would settle colonies with Elon Musk and Richard Branson, and vacation on Venus.
Back to story-> I still dream. But, I decided to become a guru instead of Stephen Hawking, III. And, I’m happy with my life choices.
Yesterday, I stumbled upon the Astronaut Wives Clubpilot episode. While browsing TV, I changed the channel to ABC, and discovered the new program just starting. Naturally, the premiere gained my attention.

The TV show is a mixture of Mad Men and Real Housewives. The story takes place in the 1960s. And, the premise is that a Life Magazine reporter reluctantly writes down the experiences of astronaut wives.
What an exclusive club to be in, especially around that time.

Moreover, Astronaut Wives uses real names and images of actual people like John Glenn and Alan Shepard. However, this time it’s not about the men leaping small steps. This time, it’s about the women telling their sides of the story.
Plus, you see how far technology has advanced. After seeing this, you appreciate your ability to communicate swiftly. Back then you couldn’t text, let alone talk on smartphones.
What is more, these redheads possess a protestant’s work ethic. They dutifully care for their husbands and families. Although they don’t despise their roles and positions, they desire R-E-S-P-E-C-T from their husbands.
In a pivotal scene, Trudy Cooper formulates a plot to catch her cheating husband. You see he lied to her one too many times. She is four five seconds from wilding in the 60s. 

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Most likely, I will watch Astronaut Wives again. What about you? Are you joining the club?
I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! 
Binge Watching Bisexual Crazy Eyes Dascha Polanco drama Entertainment Guru Jay Hollywood Laura Prepon Lesbian Netflix OITNB Orange Is the New Black Prison Season 3 Taylor Schilling TV

Are You Binge Watching Orange Is the New Black Season 3?

Netflix decided to release Orange Is the New Black (OITNB) Season 3 earlier than expected. It makes perfect sense to me. You see, you get let out of prison early for good behavior.
OITNB is good TV. Give the writers and producers their credits for excellent character developments. Seeing Piper (Taylor Schilling), and Alex (Laura Prepon), rekindle their relationship is a nice turn of events.
Laura Prepon reminds me of a nice girl I chilled with in my dormitory. Ironically, she was an actress and bisexual too. There was also a lesbian, who acted exactly like Crazy Eyes.

Why does Crazy Eyes always steal the show?
Also, Dascha Polanco plays an interesting role. I look forward to the Diaz character developing. Unfortunately, her story is the most saddening.
The program goes deeply inside criminal minds exposing their harsh memories. The reality of it all is that, these inmates are beating themselves up mentally. That’s why the new drama class is important to their survival. Moreover, it is crucial that the inmates express their emotions and feelings.

Have the 13 episodes lived up to the hype? I’ve tediously watched 4 shows so far. When I give a critique or review, I analyze every detail.

OITNB has stories abound. That’s why it never bores you. It’s always fun and witty.
The series has taken over social media. You’ll see thousands of tweets related to Season 3. That’s why it’s back, in full force, by popular demand.
Have you heard the expression, “there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians?” In this case there are too many Indians (inmates) and not enough chiefs (guards).

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Orange Is the New Black Season 3 has proven to be the best of the series without question. Who are your favorite characters? Are you binge watching OITNB? If so, let’s fade to orange. 

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!