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The Interesting Tale of Mandy Moore


The Interesting Tale of Mandy Moore

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Once upon a time there were 3 princesses: Britney, Jessica, and Mandy. They were three of a kind so to say. At their peak potential, they rivaled one another.

Mandy Moore used to dominate MTV back when Carson Daly hosted Total Request Live (TRL). She could sing with the best of them including Britney Spears. She was more famous than Jessica Simpson at one point in time.

Then, something mysterious happened. She went away- not so much in the physical sense but in the supernatural sense. The pop princess was no longer famous in 2007. Yet, last year she comes out of nowhere like Supergirl all of a sudden.

I call this phenomenon the interesting tale of Mandy Moore. The multi-talented Mandy is a very intriguing specimen and fascinating story. She has her way- coming and going as she pleases. Few celebrities can enter and renter Tinseltown after spending time in Zombieland.

That’s why everybody is interested in Mandy Moore’s projects. This Is Us left fans literally dying for Moore. Moreover, the singer has proven she’s a wonderful actress. Whatever you do, don’t underestimate Mandy Moore’s magnetism.

This pop princess knows how to entertain the masses. From the Princess Diaries to Tangled, she came a long way on her journey. Who wants to be her Prince Charming? At 32 years old, Mandy is still young and vibrant.

Future Hollywood stars should learn from this celebrity. If you want to succeed in the entertainment business, sometimes you need to take it slow. Far too many actors/singers rush their game and don’t get to enjoy the fruits of their labors.

When you’re famous, work-life balance may become nonexistent. So try to be like Mandy who is living like a fairy tale. There’s a reason this princess is making headlines right now.

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Can You Get More Famous Than Michael Jackson?


Can you get more famous than Michael Jackson? The King of Pop ruled popular culture with a velvet glove and red leather jacket. He still has wild fans going crazy all over the place. Plus, he had a big fortune in addition to fame.

Nobody, not even Beyonce, can get more famous than Michael Jackson. Beyonce may wind up with more money, but not fame. Let me know if you disagree.

Like Prince, Whitney Houston and Aaliyah Michael Jackson gave his all. He displayed passion and compassion. Further, he was highly regarded as a humanitarian.

When it came to premium entertainers, Michael was the best they came. His singing voice was accurate beyond belief. His dance moves mesmerized crowds. He understood how to entertain. That’s why he was great.

When he died, people immediately thought he faked his death like Elvis and Tupac supposedly had done.

Everyone can name a Michael Jackson song. Almost everyone has seen one of his music videos. Have you tried moon walking? Michael popularized it!

What are your favorite Michael Jackson songs and music videos? Some of my favorites are: You Rock My World, Black or White, Smooth Criminal, and Dirty Diana. Are you a fan of the Jackson 5? I love Who’s Loving You?, I Want You Back, and ABC.

You’ll find people dancing to Thriller from New York to as far as Tokyo. The whole world knows “Billie Jean is not my lover.” “She’s just a girl who says I am the one.” And according to Maury, you are not the father!

Michael Jackson has sold an estimated 400 million records internationally. Moreover, the Thriller album is the greatest selling album of all time with 65 million claimed sales. It’s easy to claim that billions around the world are familiar with MJ’s rhythm and blues.

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Final thoughts, can you get more famous than the King of Pop? Without question, you simply can’t get more famous than Michael Jackson. Many will try to, though.

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Why Fifth Harmony Should Stay the Course


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Dancing and singing in synchronization is Fifth Harmony’s forte. Don’t confuse the Work From Home girl group with the Real Housewives of Atlanta, who are out of synch. Right now the spotlight is shining on Fifth Harmony. Their performances turn heads, move feet, and pop eyeballs.
Finally, Fifth Harmony has become a force to be reckoned with. From here on out expect nothing less than the best from your girls. These five will do anything to make us happy.
Plus, they make Lil Mix look like a little recipe. If Fifth Harmony is a grapefruit, then Lil Mix is a grape. You can get by on only a grapefruit for breakfast but try eating 1 grape alone.
Nicole Scherzinger needs the Pussycat Dolls as much as Camila Cabello needs Fifth Harmony. Sure, Camila Cabello could go on and have a nice solo career. However, music doesn’t need this. Music needs more Maroon 5s, Coldplays, U2s, and Metallicas.
Before jumping to a conclusion, name a top all female band that’s been around for generations. You can’t do it! Fifth Harmony has the opportunity to make music history here but they have to stay together and do it.
Rain on the parade
Camila Cabello won’t ever be more famous than Beyoncé. However, I feel Fifth Harmony can outperform and outsell Destiny’s Child though. Fifth Harmony should stay the course because their stronger collectively than separate.
College students dread the incomplete grade. Wouldn’t you rather have a C instead? Fifth Harmony has some unfinished business. They are still developing their skills. They’re good dancers, great singers, and excellent entertainers.
Overall, Fifth Harmony has the talent and potential to become legends. 10 years down the road, they could be bigger than the Spice Girls. Hopefully, they can put their egos aside and put in more work.

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How Jessie J Is Doing It Her Way


Jessie J disrupts the old way of doing things. Her music isn’t cookie cutting. The Who You Are singer is in control of her identity.
Jessie J embraces freedom. Many musicians complain about feeling restricted. It’s almost like there are invisible shackles holding down entertainers.
From the start, Jessie J boldly stated that she is not for sell. What is more, her lyrics repeatedly reflect her strong beliefs and values. She continues expressing a poignant message.
Isn’t Jessie J the total package? Most men want women with good heads on their shoulders. We don’t care if it’s curled or straight. All jokes aside, Jessie is a cultured young lady.

Watch her interviews. Read articles about the celebrity. You see Jessie J always presents a compelling story.
If you’re unfamiliar with her work, familiarize yourself this moment. Right now, Jessie J’s popularity is soaring because at 27 years old she’s in the prime of her career. Fortunately, her fans have stayed loyal.
Often times singers are labeled one hit wonders and forgotten. The Flashlight singer’s fame hasn’t faded (pun intended) because the beautiful brunette looks like a pleasing model. Also, I believe she would make a fine actress with a little help from Angelina Jolie.
Did you know Jessie J can twerk that booty too? Check out her Bang Bang VMA performance with Nicki Minaj and Ariana Grande. This demonstrates Jessie’s versatility.

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Jessie Jis one of my favorite musicians because of her unstoppable energy. She drives utility companies wild. Plus, Jessie’s star power attracts the best singers and producers for collaboration.
Have you ever been to a Jessie J concert? I read a statistic that said less than 1 % of Adele’s fans have seen Adele perform live in person. In this digital age, technology allows consumers to experience music differently.
I appreciate a music star’s originality. In the beginning, Jessie J took a page from Frank Sinatra’s playbook and did it her way. What is more, Jessie J is doing it her way fearlessly.

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Why Janet Jackson and Lauryn Hill Are Natural Phenomena


Believe it or not, many celebrities enjoy their private worlds. Unless you’re a reality star like Kourtney Kardashian or Kendall Jenner, you don’t desire to sign autographs while spending family time. Because Janet Jackson keeps to herself, it’s rare seeing the superstar caught up in a scandal. That’s why Jackson’s Super Bowl scene is out of the ordinary.
The beautiful Janet looks like a cross between Beyoncé and Halle Berry. She’s very conscious about appearances. Moreover, Miss Jackson is famous in her own right and not just Michael Jackson’s sister.
When I was a teenager I watched Jackson’s music videos all day long on MTV and VH1. She has the best choreography. Plus, she is an amazing dancer.
The ultimate entertainer must master many molds of entertainment. That’s why Janet is a trained actress. She started on Good Times as a little girl. Now, the Poetic Justice star has played in 3 Tyler Perry movies.
No one gets on her level just because of sexiness. Yes, the All for You singer cleans up nicely, but she commands the scene as well. People need icons to celebrate, and Jackson definitely meets the criteria.
Ideally, celebrities operate on a higher plane. When you’re as famous as Janet you can’t engage in every battle. We all should live by Janet’s motto. Next time when you and your partner get into an argument just ask them “What have you done for me lately?”
Janet Jackson markets her brand like Prince. She makes moves when, where, and how she wants. It takes guts to stand up to the Paparazzi. Janet doesn’t play their game or feed into their maniacal questions.
Although the former Virgin label singer is quiet and shy, she is also exotic and mysterious.

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When my Usher album won’t suffice, I listen to Mystery of Iniquity singer Lauryn Hill. I admire Lauryn because she created her own category. The Ex Factor was one of the first female singers/rappers.

Although Lauryn Hill has a sweet smile, she frowns on corporate politics. Kanye West said it best “I wish her heart was still in rhyming.” Her time with the Fugees was valuable. Remember Killing Me Softly, Nothing Even Matters, and Doo-Wop (That Thing). Don’t forget Lauryn was one of the most celebrated singers in the late 1990s and early 2000s. 
1998’s the Miseducation of Lauryn Hill went number 1. And 2002’s MTV Unplugged No 2.0 was number 2. Furthermore, Hill received numerous awards for her music. While Lauryn’s work is scarce, she is strong. What’s more, she influences today’s music artists.
Lauryn lets it all go to the point she bares her soul. On the other hand, Janet Jackson gives you just enough so you’ll come back for more. I would like to see a Lauryn and Janet collaborative concert. 

Lauryn Hill and Janet Jackson are successful in different ways. Yet, they are one and the same. If Janet is a hurricane, then Lauryn Hill is a tornado.

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How Shakira Became a Quadruple Threat


Recently, Shakira amassed 100 million Facebook likes, setting a Guinness World Record. Socially, what celebrity can compete with the musician’s global appeal and international recognition? Evidentially, the Beautiful Liar songstress leads more followers than Twitter suggests.
As her ship’s captain, the Colombian singer steals booty like a Caribbean pirate. Because she sings in Spanish and English, her influence reaches twice as many people. Who affects more individuals than the Latin American sensation?
In a nutshell, Shakira became a quadruple threat by consistently creating exciting movements. Judging by her body of work, the music lover likes dancing and keeping her lovely figure. Anatomically, Shakira defines sexiness with her curvaceous physical structure.
If Kim Kardashian supposedly broke the Internet, then the Can’t Remember to Forget You celebrity breaks YouTube all the time. The Bohemian is iconic and legendary in entertainment circles. According to Forbes, the entertainer resides in Nassau, Bahamas.

The Whenever Wherever musician maintains a relentless mentality and elevated attitude. What is more, Shakira seems confident and capable. Though the first-class entertainer plays multiple instruments, she doesn’t play second fiddle.

Furthermore, the multi-talented celebrity keeps muliti-millions in her Swiss and Cayman bank accounts. It makes perfect sense why she isn’t an American citizen… One word: taxes. Facebook cofounder Eduardo Saverin renounced his American citizenship in order to avoid taxation before the social media company’s historic Initial Public Offering.  
If they were stocks, I would buy Shakira before Madonna. While the Material Girl pays better dividends, the She Wolf has a higher valuation. Although they’re both sex symbols, the Colombian singer commands more attention.
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What’s stopping Voice judge from recording and performing with American Idol judge Jennifer Lopez? A diverse population wants to see this collaboration happen. And we all know Shakira makes it happen! That’s how she became a quadruple threat.

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Top 33 Triple Threat And Multi-Talented Celebrities + Video


Celebrities need thick skin in order to survive the tough entertainment world. First of all, they are monitored non-stop. Did you know celebrities have more privacy in prisons than in their own homes? That’s why Justin Bieber doesn’t mind NOT passing go (directly to jail).
When celebs walk outside TMZ starts flashing cameras and asking questions. These days the Paparazzi cross lines with yellow tapes. They’re ruthless, I tell you!
But still, there’s not a celebrity on earth that would trade places with the average Joe. Planet Hollywood is a place where stars shine and fans collect autographs. Rehab is about the only place a celebrity can hide.
For the most part, celebrities are treated like royalty. And, they receive endless royalty checks. ‘Jerry Seinfeld’ makes millions from his syndicated sitcom.
For one thing, most celebs are multimillionaires. In fact, Oprah Winfrey and Steven Spielberg are billionaires. Whatever the case, celebrities teach you to persevere.
This blog post pays tribute to the top triple threat and multi-talented celebrities.
Zac Efron

All the ladies like Zac Efron. The young actor finds a way to make money. He can act, sing, dance and model. He’s a combination of Charlie Sheen and Channing Tatum.
Vanessa Hudgens
The vivacious Vanessa Hudgens is Zac Efron’s Best Friend Forever (BFF). She has a bright future. See Hottest HollywoodStarlets.
Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling has the whole world ahead of him. He is underpaid but sooner or later his stock will skyrocket. Read Ryan Is the New Robert for full story.
Wayne Brady

There’s a story of a man named Wayne Brady. His many talents are unfortunately not fully appreciated. What can’t he do? He’s a game show host, actor, singer and comedian.
Julianne Hough

Julianne Hough is a woman with many talents. We know her best from Dancing With the Stars. But the beauty also earns a living from her country music and acting.
Miley Cyrus                

Hannah Montanacemented Miley Cyrus’s career as an actress and singer. Now, the ‘grownup’ Miley has taken on dance. She has transformed into a twerking princess.
Janet Jackson

The soft-spoken Janet Jackson is dynamic. Pull up her YouTube Channel and watch the talented artist go to work. Miley may have stolen a few of Jackson’s moves.
Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez made a small fortune from her Disney days. Now, the starlet can sit back and watch her money grow. These Nickelodeon kids are set for life.
Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman (Logan/Wolverine) is very versatile. The Australian actor also finds work as a producer, singer, and dancer. He has hosted the Tony’s four times. You can’t be a one-trick pony.
Neil Patrick Harris
The three-named actor Neil Patrick Harris is a triple threat. He’s the V.I.P. of Harold & Kumar. He’s not a doctor he just plays one on TV. I just discovered that he directs, produces and sings too. 
Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson comes from a multi-talented family. Her mother is Goldie Hawn. And her father is actor, comedian, and musician Bill Hudson. It’s safe to say entertainment runs in her family. She is a fine actress. I wish her all the best in her endeavors.
Christina Applegate

Married With Children made Christina Applegate famous. Of course, we know her best as Kelly Bundy. But she is also a terrific dancer and stage performer.
Kevin Bacon

Kevin Bacon is a screenwriter’s actor. He brings his characters to life. The Hollywood star does voice acting as well. He also has a rock band called Bacon Brothers.
Justin Timberlake
Justin Timberlake owns MySpace. The savvy businessman also sings and acts. Do you doubt Timberlake’s many talents? If you do, you’re jealous. Every celebrity has his haters.
Jamie Foxx

Jamie Foxx has his own category. The multi-talented Academy Award winner has had an exceptional career. He is a legitimate force in film, comedy and music.
John Travolta
Movie star John Travolta is one of Hollywood’s biggest triple threats. What don’t you know about John? You know he acts, sings and dances. But, Travolta produces, writes, and flies a jet as well.
Amy Adams

Does the name Amy Adams ring a bell? Amy earns her paycheck the hard way. Let’s give her a round of applause.
Renee Zellweger

Let’s give Renee Zellweger a standing ovation. The creative celebrity is well known for her work as an actress. But, she also produces and lends her voice to animated films.

The multi-talented Madonna is used to adjectives before her name. The businesswoman has brokered several key deals over the years. See blog post 10 Celebrities With the Most 2 Lose!
Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep is the director’s actress. She does everything right. Meryl’s name will live on forever. Are you familiar with her theatrical performances? Streep is highly trained.
Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez has a special place on my website. Check out my past blog posts about JLO. Jennifer Lopez can do no wrong as an actress, singer, dancer and entrepreneur.
Christopher Walken

Christopher Walken is one of my all time favorite actors. He has a distinct voice. I am surprised he hasn’t done any voice acting. Moreover, he is smooth. Walken writes screenplays and directs.
Sarah Jessica Parker

The three-named actress Sarah Jessica Parker is the wife of a triple threat. Sarah owes Sex and the City for her success. It is time for Sarah to get serious. Take on more challenging roles.

Steve Harvey

Where do I start with comedian Steve Harvey? He has his own talk show and is the host of Family Feud. He’s an author and a disc jockey. Harvey really does it all.
Catherine Zeta-Jones

Lately, Catherine Zeta-Jones has been busy. 2013 was one of her best years. Overall, she’s had a nice career.


Usher introduced the world to Justin Bieber. The one name star has continued his domination of music. Also, he’s playing Sugar Ray Leonard in the upcoming film Hands of Stone.
Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato found success on the Disney Channel. Is this a coincidence? No, there is actually a famous formula. Check Out How to Be Famous in Seven Steps.

Queen Latifah

Queen Latifah acts, sings, models and raps. She even has a daytime talk show. I hope she stays on the air.
Daniel Day Lewis

Daniel Day Lewis is arguably the best actor ever. No one else can compare. What is more, he is great on stage.
Sean Combs

Sean Combs goes by many names. Call him Diddy. He is a record producer, rapper, actor, dancer and businessman.

Matthew Broderick

Matthew Broderick married Sarah Jessica Parker in 1997. The star shunned the limelight in favor of peace and quiet. Don’t call the successful actor a comeback story. 
Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow acts, sings and writes. She is Beyoncé’s close friend. It makes perfect sense. You see she can teach Beyoncé how to act better. And, Beyoncé can teach Gwyneth how to sing.

Beyoncé defines entertainment. The triple threat entertainer is a great singer, sensational dancer and a delightful actress. Beyoncé is a clear first choice.

Thank you for reading, sharing, and commenting. I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

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