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Why Steve Harvey Is the #1 Answer


Are you sick and tired of seeing these tensed uptight people? They walk around with their snotty noses up in the air and look down on everybody. Don’t let it get you upset. The truth is they’re miserable inside. They don’t have any sense. And they definitely don’t have a sense of humor.
Steve Harvey is the answer to their problems. Buy a Steve Harvey DVD and give it to these people. They desperately need more laughter in their lives. Over the years, Harvey has a built a name for himself on TV, radio, and in movies.
Consider his dominant TV presence. Hosting Family Feud is a prestigious honor. His hit show Little Big Shots is a new sensation. Also, the comedian’s daytime talk show helps establish his durable brand. The multitalented entertainer can sing a little too.
He’s up for all challenges. He’s a workaholic. But it’s his moment. You rise up to the occasion when it’s your chance to swing. Opportunities have an expiration date like milk. Don’t spoil your talent and waste my time.

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Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man changed the game for Mr. Harvey. Can I keep it real? Before that he was a borderline has-been. However, he never quit… thank God. The celebrity is too resilient to succumb to defeat. Moreover, Steve’s spirituality keeps him whole.
Yes, his net worth stands at $100 million and growing. But his real value is his manhood. He takes care of his responsibilities and provides for his wife and family in non-financial ways as well.

At the end of the day, remind people to get their priorities in line. Realize what’s truly important before it’s too late. Forgive yourself for making mistakes. But shame on you for making the same mistakes repeatedly. Ironically, Steve Harvey is most likely the highest profile comedian in the world because of his Miss Universe screw-up. The takeaway is to learn from your failures in order to succeed.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
Actors brand Celebs Cover Girl Desperate Housewives Entertainment Eva Longoria Frontera Guru Jay Hollywood Hot Pursuit Latinas Modern Family Movies sitcoms Sofia Vergara Star Power TV

Sofía Vergara, Eva Longoria, and Brand/ Star Power

How dirty is Hollywood’s politics? How shady is Hollywood’s business? Are you sure you want to work in this entertainment industry?

Sofía Vergara is a bigger brand but Eva Longoria is a brighter star. There is a clear distinction between brand and star power. The brand will last long after the star has burnt out.
Did you know Vergara gets paid to drink Diet Pepsi? Also, Sofía stars in Rooms to Go commercials. Plus, she is a Cover Girl.

Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Pressley, and Bob Marley died but their image and likeness lives on through merchandising. I respect Sofía Vergara’s brand and marketing. Sources say Vergara has a net worth of $85 million and counting. In comparison, estimates put Eva Longoria’s value at $35 million.
I wonder sometimes whether Longoria realizes her star power, because she’s seriously underutilizing her famous name. Nonetheless, I applaud the celebrity’s charitable activities. What is more, I believe her philanthropy is making a difference.
By no means is Eva the perfect role model. However, she gladly confronts challenging issues. Plus, Eva seems humble.

I like Sofía but she appears overconfident. Nobody is above the law of Father Time. At some point beauty fades fast. I’m not saying Vergara can’t act, but Longoria is better.
Doesn’t Sofía deserve recognition for Modern Family? The Colombian-American plays her part terrifically. Latinos should embrace Vergara with open arms. It’s amazing the highest paid TV star is Latina.
I consider Longoria and Vergara the TV version of Cameron Diaz and Jessica Alba. Like Diaz and Alba, they are both dazzling and in high demand. So, why aren’t Eva and Sofía in more movies?

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I’ve heard Hot Pursuit starring Reese Witherspoon and Sofía Vergara is giggle-filled. Furthermore, Frontera is some of Eva Longoria’s best work. Do you see why Sofía and Eva are the best Latina actresses? 

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
brand businessmen Ciroc Common Diddy Empire Entertainment ever-changing family Fashion Guru Jay Hip Hop Jay Z Kanye West money pop culture rap music Revolt TV Sean John vodka

Why Diddy’s Brand Is Ever-Changing


How many times has Diddy (Puff Daddy, Puffy) changed his brand name? The Hip-Hop impresario reinvents and expands his businesses. Sure you know that he maintains Sean John, a fashion company. But did you also know in October 2013, Diddy founded a digital cable television network named Revolt?
These days some people see Diddy as the Ciroc playboy. In actuality, Puffy’s empire crosses over into a variety of industries. Furthermore, Diddy represents diversity. That’s why Diddy conducts business with all kinds.
More so than Jay-Z, Diddy influences Kanye West and the Hip-Hop world. Master P was unsuccessful as an agent but there’s no doubt he inspired Jay-Z’s formation of Roc Nation Sports. If Jay-Z is the Warren Buffett of Hip-Hop, then Diddy is Bill Gates, and Dr. Dre is Carlos Slim. At the end of the day, they’re all about the Benjamins, baby!

The entertainment business has enough entertainers but not enough businessmen. What should be done to reverse this course? How about stopping young men from only thinking in the temporary mindset? What if they invested in themselves instead of buying Bentleys, Maseratis, and Ferraris?
There’s nothing wrong with splurging and flossing when you’re financially educated. Diddy owns fancy cars, clothes, and gems but he’s also highly invested in lucrative businesses. How many stars own stocks?
Diddy’s brand is ever-changing because the rap icon understands living in a violent world. Harlem’s globetrotter realizes that rough and tough circumstances make you stronger and don’t dictate unfavorable outcomes. While predicting the future is fool’s gold, preparing for the worst is not only best but also wise.
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Look beyond Puffy’s personas and you’ll find class and personality. In every instance, Diddy makes mention of his family. Oscar winning music artist Common was right, “Even in this generation living through computers, only love…can reboot us.” What is more, Diddy recognizes the common thread bridging together both prosperity and posterity.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!