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What Is Game of Thrones Without Emilia Clarke?


What Is Game of Thrones Without Emilia Clarke?

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I blogged about Emilia Clarke’s portrayal of Daenerys Targaryen as a major reason people watch Game of Thrones in a recent blogpost entitled Why Game of Thrones Is the Number 1 TV Show. I still stand by that assertion. Without Emilia Clarke, Game of Thrones would not be the same though. What Chris Martin is to Coldplay and what Kaley Cuoco is to the Big Bang Theory, Emilia Clarke is to Game of Thrones.

Her character and the actress herself has evolved through the years. This blogpost hopes to highlight or at least shine a light on some of her excellence. In my eyes, Emilia Clarke is the English version of Scarlett Johansson. You can’t deny that her beauty is a factor for fans tuning in every Sunday on HBO. Moreover, you can’t deny that her talent is another factor fans are glueing their eyeballs to their 4K Ultra and HD screens. The equation is simple. Beauty + Talent = Movie Star.

The Hollywood actress turned 30 years old on October 23rd. She started filming Game of Thrones in her mid-twenties. I believe she has became more beautiful and more talented within that time frame. Moreover, she has a good sense of humor and is a pleasant personality, which is rare. I recommend watching a few interviews and getting to know her when you get the chance. I’m providing a brief clip at the end of this post for your enjoyment.

What is Game of Thrones without Emilia Clarke? Her character’s long golden flowing locks are signature to the series. Plus, I can see the show staying in production for another 5 years. You see Game of Thrones is based on a book by George R.R. Martin. Emilia Clarke is appealing to book lovers, especially fantasy genre aficionados in the realm of television. Fans on both sides are pleased with her characterization. Chime in your comments. You’re welcome at

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Why Michelle Rodriguez Is a Rough Diamond


Cinematographers dream about filming Michelle Rodriguez. Her mindboggling beauty is elevated on the silver screen. Everybody from the makeup room to the boardroom enjoys working with Rodriguez.
You will hardly find a better supporting actress. When in doubt, directors call Michelle into audition. The Lost actress is the puzzle’s missing piece. 
Of course she has a hot body and hot body of work like Sofia Vergara. However, those eyes capture your full attention. Michelle Rodriguez’s eyes tell a story of their own. Who remembers her gorgeous gaze toward Vin Diesel in Furious 7?
I watched countless hours of Michelle’s movies this month. I can’t get enough of her. I saw at least 3 Lost episodes (the ones where she takes over). Plus I saw the Latina’s Battle: Los Angeles and SWAT. You can always count on Michelle Rodriguez to bring out her best.
Previously, I wrote a story called Who’s the Best? Michelle Rodriguez Vs. Eva Mendes. Check it out. If you’re anything like me, you want to know everything about Rodriguez. 
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You see showbiz has all shapes, sizes, and colors. That’s the beauty of it all. With so many choices, there’s no reason a movie should be boring. Entertainment business professionals must not make excuses for poor films. Also, give the supporting actresses more credit for their works.
According to Box Office Mojo, Michelle’s movies have grossed $2.1 billion domestically. What is more, Rodriguez is a worldwide box office attraction. Entertainment Weekly named her “the $5 billion Woman” in 2013. 2 years before Furious 7 became the fastest film to a billion dollars.
Outstanding supporting actress Michelle Rodriguez is a jewel too. You see she’s not a diamond in the rough. Michelle Rodriguez is a rough diamond.
A diamond in the rough is an unexpected treasure. A rough diamond is expected glory. Michelle Rodriguez meets great expectations.
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Why Sandra Bullock Is a Bankable Star

Tell me why Gravity won an Oscar, when it should have won a Razzie. I’ve never seen a worst space movie. Seriously, this herd mentality / group think culture has to stop. Gravity is nothing more than propaganda.
I saw it and was disappointed to say the least.
To think that this flick beat out American Hustlefor Best Picture is disturbing and disgusting. How much effort does it take to put out such a boring piece of shit? Maybe, Will Smith was right after all.

Now to the topic at hand: Sandra Bullock. Despite Gravity, she is an outstanding actress. Every actor stars in bad movies every now and then. No, don’t blame Sandra Bullock because she made a lot of loot from it.
If you were in the same position, then you would do it too, because a mega budget means mega bucks for you. Big box office numbers are expected with $100 million. Yes, that’s Hollywood’s problem.
Showbiz abuses Sandra Bullock’s lure. Her pretty face and hot body brings tons of butts to the show. Plus, the celebrity’s fans are friendly to her like Jennifer Aniston.
Sandra Bullock has a perfect smile. Do you find Julia Roberts’ smile to be more perfect? Also, Sandra Bullock has gorgeous legs. Her beauty is unquestionable.

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Glitz and glamor is the essence of Hollywood. Tinseltown demands perfection. You had better look your best when on film, in public, and at photo shoots.
Can you imagine if Scarlett Johansson fell apart? No more Black Widow for you doll face. What if Kim Kardashian neglected her perfect ass? Her fans would revolt in a snap. Only then, would we learn the true meaning behind body shaming.

Without question, Sandra Bullock is high caliber and top notch. Miss Congeniality, The Proposal, and The Blind Side are her best movies. Sandra Bullock is a bankable star because she has all the right assets. Plus people are dying to make deposits in the Bank of Sandra.

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If Loving Viola Davis Is Wrong, I Don’t Want To Be Right

Viola Davis is one of my favorite actresses.
On Twitter, there is a hashtag called #TBT standing for Throwback Thursday. You see Viola is a TBT because she’s classic and yet contemporary. Maybe, her schooling at Juilliard has something to do with it. Or maybe, her beauty just mesmerizes me.
Also, there is another hashtag on Twitter called #TGIT standing for Thank God It’s Thursday. Shonda Rhimes owns a block of ABC shows (Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder), which comes on one after another. Of course, Viola Davis works her ass off on #HTGAWM. The actress embodies passion and talent.
If loving Viola Davis is wrong, I don’t want to be right. Rest in peace Luther Ingram. I love the way Davis digs deep into her character’s soul. You sense a commitment to excellence in every element. She does the little things perfect, and the big things more perfect.

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She is a walking sculpture. The How to Get Away with Murder actress knows how to use her hammer and chisel. Moreover, the celebrity can make the most from the least. Viola has an active imagination and indisputable creativity too.
Viola Davis should play Oprah Winfrey in a movie. Oprah deserves only the best and that’s why Viola is ideal. We’re not only dealing with a veteran but a 4 star general here. 
The highly decorated actress won 4 SAG Awards. Plus, she earned 2 Tony Awards and was nominated for 2 Oscars. In 2015, Viola Davis won the prestigious Primetime Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series. Davis delivers dazzling acts time and time again.

Ever since The Help, the fine actress has finally received the recognition she deserves. Pay attention to anything involving Viola Davis. Trust me, you don’t want to miss her performances.

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Kissing Kylie Jenner



Can you picture having it all? There’s no need to worry about bills piling up to your ceiling fan. Everything is under control.
You see Kylie Jenner has it all. What more could she want? She’s rich, young, and beautiful. In other words, “Baby, kiss me.” Fly me to the moon!
Look at those lips. You want to kiss them. Kissing Kylie Jenner is on everybody’s to-do list. After seeing her enticing eyes, long flowing hair, and curvaceous body you’re hooked.

While we’re on this topic, enjoy Jennifer Aniston Vs. Angelina Jolie: Why Angelina Should Kiss Jennifer’s Feet.
Plus Jenner’s brand is highly marketable. She has already reached over 56 million Instagram followers. Few can live up to the reputation she’s built on and off social media. Her fans absolutely adore her every action.
The spotlight literally shines on Kylie for a living. Moreover, the sensual reality TV star is a sensation. You can bank on her tender image and likeness selling all types of products. Every corporation wants to lock her down in 7 figure deals right now. They must wait their turn though. 

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Fortunately, Kylie learned from the best- “momager” Kris Jenner and the one and only Kim Kardashian. I like Kim because she didn’t leave her sisters in the dust. You know that scene from Lilo and Stitch, “Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind.”
Video Game App
So, you think you want to be like Kylie Jenner, check out Kendall and Kylie. Imagine you were a celebrity. You are finally granted access to VIP. These parties and rendezvouses are amazing, aren’t they?
What is the secret to cultivating Kylie Jenner’s kind of brand and star power? I can’t reveal it. But Nick Jonas provides a clue in his Levels lyrics “There’s so much to discover…” You see premium information comes at a cost.  
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How To Be Like Kim Kardashian


Kim Kardashian is a reality TV pioneer. You appreciate her because she made something out of nothing. Right now, she has everybody talking.
There’s nothing wrong with trying to be like Kim. If you desire fame and fortune, Kardashian can give you guidance.
The Hollywood celebrity has perfect timing. And she doesn’t beat around the bush, despite dating NFL Running Back Reggie Bush.
If you want to be famous like Kim, start taking Selfies. Kardashians are known to self promote. Remember your most valuable investment is you.
Don’t forget to add squats, jumping jacks, and Pilates to your routine. If you need more tips, check out Kanye West’s New Workout Plan. Also, when you’re out partying make sure you look and act the part.

Let your hair down, and ask the DJ to play your favorite song. Oh yeah, ditch those nerdy glasses. Google glass is ok though, because it is geeky.
The sex symbol is a big tease. I believe she learned how to market her brand from Jennifer Lopez. Check out How To Be Famous In Seven Steps.
Becoming Kim Kardashian-like involves sacrifices. Your personal life is broadcasted for the whole world to see. They’re going to judge every action you take.
You must be comfortable around cameras. This is a good time to practice your poses. Trust and believe the Paparazzi will record all your drama and leave nothing out. So get ready.
You should always be accommodating. Watch your bitch fits, because public opinion pays your bills. Be kind, and teach your sisters how to play your game.

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I’m not talking about Kim’s self-titled Hollywood game. Her real game is called Monopoly. The Huffington Post reports Kim Kardashian has a net worth of $85 million.
Can you keep up with Kim Kardashian?
Right now, she is making fast moves. What is stopping you from doing the same? Try out new things, and live out your dreams.

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Alicia Keys Anaconda beauty Beyoncé Celebs Drake Feeling Myself Girl on Fire Guru Jay Hip Hop hobbies Lil Wayne listening to music Meek Mill Music Nicki Minaj personalities Sexy Tidal twerking

What Beyoncé and Alicia Keys Can Teach Nicki Minaj


Do you listen to music as a hobby like I do? Do you download your favorite songs and albums on iTunes or Google Play? Isn’t technology wonderful? Are you impressed by the array of gadgets and products available for sale?
Who knew when the iPod came on the market it would phase out so soon? Nowadays, the iPod seems prehistoric. Who was on your iPod?
Beyoncé and Alicia Keys songs are always first on my playlist. And Nicki Minaj is working her way up there too. The good thing about Alicia Keys and Beyoncé is their music never gets old. Moreover, they can mentor talented acts.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I’ve had a secret crush on Alicia Keys and Beyoncé for a long time. Now that the cat is out of the bag, I might as well mention my infatuation with Nicki Minaj and her fresh hip music.

Isn’t it great to see the three beauties hugging and kissing? Beyoncé and Alicia can teach Nicki the importance of developing your own sound and style. Angel Alicia and No Angel Beyoncé are greatly admired because they aspire to be great.
No one sings ‘No One’ like Keys because the artist has perfected her voice. Who sings ‘Halo’ better than Beyoncé? Who raps ‘Feeling Myself’ as good as Nicki Minaj?
Plus, Alicia paints the big picture. Beyoncé’s image is carefully crafted. And Nicki defines the word: photogenic.
You see, every artist adds a different flavor to the mix. The Pills N Potions Minaj learned the essential ingredients of longevity in the entertainment business from Keys and Queen Bee. Have you seen Alicia Keys- Girl on Fire (Inferno Version) featuring Nicki Minaj?
How can I best describe Minaj’s music? Currently, Nicki is clearly one of the top 10 rappers male or female. Also, I don’t believe she’s done shattering records yet.

She figuratively flips on the Hip Hop balance beam like Gabby Douglas. Shorty choreographs her movements and routines better than experts. Watch her videos and you’ll see what I’m saying.

Alicia Keys taught the ambitious Anaconda rapper how to critically think in an Empire State of Mind. Beyoncé taught Minaj how to problem solve in Houston. When the music superstars align their cosmopolitans, magic happens.
Business, entertainment especially, is about making connections. Nicki Minaj is in good shape because she takes excellent care of her body and has formed great relationships with key people. Lil Wayne, Drake, and Meek Mill all socialize with the Only songstress.

In addition, the diva’s American Idol days prospered her career. Do you remember when television paused because Mariah Carey confronted Nicki Minaj for showing up late? I coin this term “personality clashing.” Doesn’t it make good TV?

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If you want to make it as far as Nicki Minaj you need a big mindset. Don’t ever doubt Nicki’s street smarts and credibility. Keep learning.

Who grinds and works harder than Beyoncé? Who else but Alicia Keys sings like a blue jay? Right now, Nicki is increasing her attributes and becoming an incredible sensation thanks to amazing mentors.

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