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Why You Should Binge-Watch Goliath Season 1


Why You Should Binge-Watch Goliath Season 1

Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

Goliath Season 2 is coming to your home tomorrow through Amazon Prime video. If you haven’t heard about it already, Amazon Studios has produced 8 fresh episodes. And if they’re anything like Season 1, you are in for a special treat.

You should binge-watch Goliath season 1 so that you have a recap. Plus, binge-watching the first season will make binge-watching the second season a lot more better. You see, every show has a twist and a cliff hanger. There’s no other way to put it, but to say that the writing on Goliath is brilliant. Moreover, the scenes keep the fans on the edge of their seats.

Do you want to have a fun weekend? If you’re a fan of suspense, drama, and a little comedy, then this is your show to binge-watch. I will tell you more about the show in this blog.

Believe it or not, everyone doesn’t have Amazon Prime and everyone doesn’t know about this great TV show. You’ll be surprised. The legal thriller is really about life in two different worlds.

Goliath is an unprecedented tale of one man taking on a greedy corporation. Attorney Billy McBride doesn’t take crap from anybody, including his ex-wife who works for the law firm representing this greediness. He is not afraid of their thugs. Moreover, he has his resources and his own way to get information.

Billy used to belong to the “superior” world until he lost his path. Donald Cooperman a former buddy and now is a formidable foe. Right now Billy is in an “inferior” world and is in a fragile state of mind.

Still, he fights back not in a physical sense but with his brains. I don’t want to give too much away. But there are some sexy characters and ugly ones too, depending how you look at it.

To conclude, Billy McBride pounces on the opportunity to make something of himself and the world he lives in, all the while being addicted to alcohol. The Amazon Prime series is highly entertaining and addictive. I suggest you binge-watch season 1 when you have the chance.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!
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Who’s Watching The Tick?


Who’s Watching The Tick?

Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

This Saturday I spent some time watching The Tick with family. We were looking for a fun comedy and came across the Amazon Prime series. I had a feeling it was going to be good.

I noticed #TheTick trending on Twitter. These days I find some of my best stories originate from Twitter. I’d love to hear your take on the new TV show. Here are my thoughts on the new Amazon Prime series.

First of all, the acting was over the top, borderline bad. I don’t remember ever seeing the cartoon, but if I did it was probably better than this malarkey. I think it should have stayed a cartoon; at least in that format, I could better understand and excuse the plot holes and poor character developments.

As the Original Entertainment Guru, I value original entertainment. The Tick lacked creativity. You see I heard those jokes before already. I wanted them to say something new and different for a change. It didn’t happen. Comedy is all about discovering new perspectives. At the end of the day, I saw the same ole perspective. I had high expectations for The Tick. Maybe, I set the bar too high.

On the bright side, the cinematography was fine. I think it was a good setting. Still, there wasn’t enough excitement for me. It has potential in a parallel universe.

Overall, I gave it 2 stars out of 5. After watching the pilot and the second episode, we had to call it a day. It wasn’t our cup of tea. It wasn’t a total waste of time though, because I took a nap.

They tried to be like the Green Lantern, but failed. I haven’t seen this much bad TV in a long time. I was disappointed. Who’s watching The Tick? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!