Love floats like a log on the river of life. So, what if you are bumped pushed or pulled astray? Whatever happens is for the best. If E = MC 2, then L.O.V.E. = 1 + 1.
Love is an act of desperation, commitment, and denial. Everyone wants to be loved. You have to give love to get love.
The best love is unconditional. In your worst moment, your lover is there to comfort you. She is a special light in your darkness.
You know she will help you when you are helpless. Her smile gives you hope when you are hopeless. Although the water is deep, she is in the same boat you are in.
We’re sailing on high waters together. We save each other from drowning. I chose these quotes to highlight the best love sayings. Last week I wrote about motivational quotes, photos and videos.
MSN has a special section dedicated to living, love, and relationships. I noticed when I turn on the TV all I see is hate. Where is the love? The beauty of love is that it lasts for an eternity. When we are long gone, our love will still be here.
The music we made, the ballads we recited, the words we felt will live forever. Love is always part of the equation. What is more, love is free.
Yes, you can’t buy love. If you bought some, get a full refund- because you can’t sell love. I believe love is in your veins. It is love that keeps your heart beating.
When you’re about to give up love keeps lifting you higher. Love is the ultimate expression of life. It’s what makes life worth living.
You have to first love yourself in order to love others. Take time to know yourself and realize you are your own celebrity. You are the best.
What does it mean to be in love? Scientists have tried to figure out that question since the beginning of science itself. I think only artists can answer the meaning of love.

You see, you can prove science. Nevertheless, you can’t explain art. Art in its purest form is passionate love. Passion is the adrenaline that is pumped in your veins to your heart.
When passion enters into the heart, love is everywhere. I applaud artists like Alicia Keys, Beyonce and Bruno Mars. They understand the love story.
Love is a piece of wood carved by amateur lovers. Love isn’t a perfect piece. Love is designed to have imperfections.
Love will take you where you want to go. If you ask me, love is better than money, time, and power. For love is the reproduction of life itself.
What is better than life? It’s a philosophy to prescribe to like medicine. Chemistry is just a tiny part of true love.
You need an unwavering nonnegotiable spirit. You have to search deep down to reach the bottom of your heart. When you’re inside the heart and you can feel your heartbeat, then you have found the real meaning of love.
To be in love is an illusion. The heart can only take so much. It is made to endure pain and pleasure. A big heart may be filled with hatred or with love.
Love is a long journey. Bruno Mars’ ballad Just The Way You Are demonstrates the meaning behind love. Your love is perfect in your eyes.
In the Top 10 Actresses, I discuss how the highest paying actresses act in Romantic Comedies. I go more in depth, later on in the blog. Music and movies have a huge potential to change circumstances.
Bruno Mars Just The Way You Are may help a girl who is insecure about her looks. Society constantly conveys the message about what is considered beautiful. Consequently, girls with God-given curves hate their bodies; But men love every inch!
Beyonce is full figured. She has a good slice of meat on her bones. And, the mainstream accepts her. My opinion of beauty is that if you’re happy, you are beautiful.
It doesn’t matter what size you wear. No man is going to fall out of love with you because you went up or down 1 size. We’re going to love you for what you’re made of on the inside.
I want to know if she’s kind, lovable and a good cook. You might want to know something different. Beyonce’s Halois beautiful. Her voice is as close to an angel as you can get. The lyrics are sweet, elegant, and intriguing. You can listen to Halo from now until forever.
Many of the most memorable movies deal with love. The Titanic is a classic love story. Leonardo DiCaprio’s words are well scripted.
Love is an action. You have to do the deed. Otherwise, your words are meaningless.
Tom Cruise is a top actor. He has starred in several film genres from science fiction to romance. I believe the best actors have the ability to play multiple roles.
Moreover, Cruise is known for his role in Jerry Maguire. Jerry Maguire has a dozen of memorable lines. For instance, “Jerry, Show me the Money!” is a line that helped Cuba Gooding Jr. win a Best Supporting Actor Oscar Statue.
Of course, the “You had me at hello” sequence became an instant classic. The fact is life is nothing without love. In a sense, love is the definition of a meaningful life.
I admire actresses, because it’s a lot harder being an actress than an actor. First, there are fewer roles for female leads. As a result, there are less lines.
If you haven’t found love, be patient. Sometimes, love will find you. Love is somewhere close to us…
What Would You Do For Love?
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