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Priyanka Chopra: From Bollywood to Hollywood


Priyanka Chopra: From Bollywood to Hollywood

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What’s your favorite TV show? ABC offers excellent programming choices. Do you like sitcoms such as Modern Family or dramas such as Scandal? How about Quantico? Whatever you have a taste for is on ABC. Lately, I’ve been consuming episodes of Quantico on demand.

I can’t get enough of Priyanka Chopra. The Quantico star is someone to write home about. Isn’t she something special? This former Miss World may be the hottest babe on TV.

I hope they give Priyanka a pay raise because she’s too good to lose. Moreover, the actor is the main reason we watch Quantico, right? Let’s face it, Chopra presents a hot body of work like Sofia VergaraTV viewers are treated to one of a kind good looks.

Still, if you go beyond her charming good looks, you’ll discover she’s extremely talented too. She’s already made a name for herself in Bollywood. Right now, she’s taking her turn on Hollywood Boulevard.

Are you looking forward to watching her performance in Baywatch or what? Picture Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron both vying for her attention on the silver screen. They already publicly admitted they’re infatuation with her. Who do you think is more her type? That’s right Priyanka Chopra can have any man she likes.

Who else can’t get enough of Priyanka Chopra? The Indian beauty is easy on the eyes. Additionally, she’s devoted to developing her gifts.

Clearly, Chopra knows she’s one of the best in showbiz. Plus, Priyanka can handle the entertainment world’s pressure. Her Bollywood experience counts for something.

Chopra can convince anyone of anything. Whatever she’s selling, people are buying. They eat her up like chocolate chip cookies. They need more of her sugar. The Bollywood to Hollywood actress is maximizing her potential and fulfilling her dreams. What is more, she’s making the man very rich.

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The Like Factor of Michael Strahan


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What makes you like someone? Why do certain people have a special effect on you? I believe there is something called The Like Factor.

You’re either likable or you’re not. You have it or you don’t. And Michael Strahan has it. Plus, the personality is a likable guy.

He has a big stature minus the big head. All this means he wears big pants with the deep pockets. He also wears many hats. Best known for Live! with Kelly and Michael. Right now he hosts Good Morning America.

Next up on his plate is serving as host of $100,000 Pyramid. Have you seen the commercials? He says something along the lines of “this is not what mama had in mind when she told me to get a summer job.” That’s another reason I like Michael Strahan.

The celebrity cares a great deal about his family.  He speaks highly of his father who is an army veteran. We have that in common. Army Brats stick together.

Moreover, Michael Strahan is becoming more like LL Cool J. Ladies love this most eligible bachelor. It wouldn’t surprise me if ABC arrange for him to appear on the hit TV show- The Bachelor.   

At this point in time, Michael Strahan can bank on his good name. Frankly, he is the bank with a $55 million net worth. Who wants a bailout?

For the most part, he keeps it light. He’s not afraid to try new things. In Entertainment, it’s important to be adjustable. That’s why I go with the flow.

The Like Factor of Michael Strahan has a very strong effect on people. His charisma plays a large role in his appeal to a wide audience. He’s famous for his sharp intellect and powerful work ethic too. All these qualities and more define his status.

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Who’s Watching? Jimmy Kimmel Vs. Jimmy Fallon


Jimmy Kimmel doesn’t go on live, though they call his show Jimmy Kimmel Live. Imagine Saturday Night Live prerecording episodes. Despite this misleading title, I shamefully watch Kimmel more often than the Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.
Overall, Kimmel built a better platform because the offbeat comedian surrounds himself with terrific talents from Cousin Sal to Guillermo to Matt Damon. Fallon works harder and relies on himself more than others. Sometimes, Fallon seems exhausted as if he’s burning out like birthday candles in Antarctica.
Kimmel’s sense of humor is more sustaining, although Fallon is the most entertaining  What will happen when Stephen Colbert takes over after David Letterman? Can Colbert compete with awaken forces Fat Jimmy and Slim Jim? Who’s ratings will nosedive?

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From this point forward I’ll occasionally address Kimmel as Big Jimmy and Fallon as Slim Jim. Big Jimmy built his show from scratch, while Slim Jim took part of a hostile takeover. Conan O’Brien should have been bigger than Johnny Carson. Is that the real reason why Jay Leno stalled Conan’s initiation ruining the Tonight show’s ratings and standing? 

I understand Conan has a huge ego, but Colbert’s ego isn’t any larger. O’Brien was simply the best. In fact, Conan was ABC’s worst nightmare.
Slim Jim is highly creative and wildly talented. But Fallon took a shortcut on the roads to riches- road blocking Conan O’Brien. NBC’s executives have made disgusting decisions. Although Fallon serves as a wonderful host, look at how this network treated past hosts and tell me if Slim Jim won’t get eaten alive.
In the end, Big Jimmy is victorious because he’s well established in Hollywood. The real debate is whether the new CBS Late Show with Stephen Colbert can put the Tonight Show to bed. While I’m a Jimmy Fallon fan, I won’t watch NBC until they act right.

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Scandal ‘No More Blood’ Recap: From Powerless to Powerful


 Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

Finally, the utility company also known as Shondaland restored Olivia Pope’s power. Were you worried that they would neutralize this supposed threat to national security? Once again, Scandal comes to a brilliant closing.
At a pivotal moment, Pope’s captor asks her a trick question. Does she want to leave with the Russians or Marie Wallace? Olivia seems to make the costly assumption that they give a damn!
Jake gets inside Huck’s mind by identifying their inner struggles with the “beast.” He tells Huck he deals with similar problems. The Gladiators make Huck promise to stop all the killing. Hence the episode title “No More Blood” is their new motto.
In the beginning, White House Chief of Staff Cyrus Beene (Jeff Perry) daydreams about resigning and giving the president an earful lecture. Instead, he secretly meets with intelligence and attempts to murder Olivia without President Fitzgerald Grant’s approval. Luckily, fate plans another course of action and Cyrus (Jeff Perry) cancels the neutralization in an abrupt and dramatic fashion. In the end, Perry’s character saves the day by carefully observing the predicament and recognizing Stephen Finch.
Finch is Olivia’s old colleague with Russian connections. Fortunately, Olivia would have won either way because the Gladiators were on the other end. Earlier in the episode, Pope spoke Farsi and talked herself out of becoming Iran’s hostage.
Olivia Pope went from the most powerful female TV character to the most powerless. She neutralized herself mentally. Pope was prepared to give her life for the country she loved and the greater good. 
President Grant was prepared to sacrifice everything for the woman he loved. Olivia lost respect for Grant because he allowed the Vice President to force him to wage an unjust war against Angola. In the words of Bobby Caldwell, what you won’t do for love!

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! 
ABC Bill O'Reilly Celebrity Chris Matthews CNN Fox news Glenn Beck Guru Jay House of Cards Kerry Washington Kevin Spacey MSNBC Netflix politics Russ Limbaugh Scandal TV TV and Showbiz

TV Politics: Scandal And House of Cards


Do you study political science? Political science is the ninth most popular college major. Even if you declared a major in something else, I bet you will take Introduction to Government. 

TV Politics captures the reality of political science. And, I’m not talking about a reality TV show with Glenn Beck, Russ Limbaugh, or Don Imus. There’s a dark side to politics no one will talk about until now…
Politics is dirty. Are your hands clean? As a politician, your private life is made public like Facebook stock. Be careful. And, tread lightly.
Einstein was partially correct when he said, “politics is more difficult than physics.” I’ve taken both politics and physics. Political classes are way easier than physics. But, politicians have a much harder job.
Political junkies get their fixes from shows like Scandaland House of Cards. I call this trend TV Politics. TV + politics = high ratings. Are you a TV Politics fan?
Scandal shows no signs of slowing down. Momentum is on Kerry Washington’s side. She plays Olivia Pope like a fiddle. ABC is lucky to have her.
Kerry Washington no longer has to prove herself. She’s worthy of our recognition. Now she needs to put some skin in the game.
Why isn’t Kerry Washington a producer? Kevin Spacey is an executive producer of House of Cards? But the most powerful woman on TV is an employee rather than an employer.

We know she can do it! Kerry can do whatever she wants. She is one of the best Black actresses.
Her beauty complements her talent. She is a work of art from head to toe. What is more, her character is a positive image for young Black females.
Hats off to the Scandal writers. They literally keep you on the edge of your seat. They find a way to twist the plot at the ideal moment.

Kerry carries this show. That’s her job as Olivia Pope. We like Scandal so much, because there is finally a woman in charge who gives orders.
She is an elite actress. But, also give credit to her teammates. Let’s put the cast on blast!
Guillermo Diaz plays hired gun Huck. He has ties to the CIA. Don’t get in his way.
He is pivotal to the plot. No one can replace him. Do you want to see more Latinos on TV?

Tony Goldwyn plays President Fitzgerald Grant, III. He’s having a lengthy affair with Olivia Pope. All the hoopla stems from the ‘scandal.’
Scandal is exceeding expectations. It wouldn’t surprise me if this show lasted 10 seasons. You don’t kill a cash cow and serve  steak. Milk that sucker dry.

House of Cards
Why are you ashamed of your House of Cards addiction? Please don’t feel guilty about binge-watching House of Cards. You’re supposed to be addicted. Everyone is obsessed over it.
This is not CNN! This is Netflix…Only subscribers are allowed to enter the House of Cards. 

Leave political correctness at the doorstep under the welcome mat. Kevin Spacey plays President Francis Underwood, who has enough skeletons in his closet to fill a cemetery. I wish I was joking.
President Frank is the scariest Halloween costume. Spacey rules his spacious world. The dictator sparks fear in Anderson Cooper, Bill O’Reilly and Chris Matthews. He makes Dick Cheney look like a Pope. 

House of Cards produces premium content. A good TV show needs a big budget nowadays. There’s a lot of competition so you have to find an edge and grind.

Even so, House of Cards is the number 1 political thriller. It addresses tough issues. 

Machiavellians really love House.
Season 3 will debut February 2015. It’s highly anticipated because no one knows what to expect. Just when we warmed up to Zoe, they killed her off.
Well, you can count on Spacey making a scene. Do you remember Remy Martin? I predict they will kill off this character too. Can a good thing last?
The question is why do significant characters die on House of Cards. My theory is Netflix doesn’t want to foot the bill for these actors. So, you’re watching underpaid actors on screen with overpriced Kevin.

It’s a sneaky tactic to save money in the long run. If I’m wrong, give us a better explanation. It doesn’t make sense to write off great roles.
You should aim to build. But, their objective is to destroy. I disagree with the writers. That’s my one pet peeve of an otherwise sensational storyline. Maybe, they’re sending a message: ‘everybody dies.’
Pope Vs. President
Who is more powerful, Pope or Underwood? What if they met at a neutral location? Who would sit at the head of the table? Can you trust either of them?
Olivia Pope is very pleasing to our eyes. She’s supportive and dependable. You can call Kerry Washington when you have a problem.
Now, President Underwood is America’s worst nightmare.He loves power more than money, sex, and life itself. I don’t trust him at all.
Spacey smiles in your face like the O’Jays song. He’s a backstabber with an agenda bigger than the Big Dipper. Underwood has a doctorate in deception.
Pope and President have one thing in common. Both of them are equally manipulative. They make up rules in the middle of a chess match.
The striking difference is Spacey doesn’t give you a rematch. You get one chance. Screw up and you’re screwed.
If I had to watch one show I’d choose Scandal. House of Cards gets dull after a while. Scandal is a roller coaster ride. It grabs and holds your attention.
ABC pays the Scandal staff top dollar. Netflix is more frugal with their cash. What’s wrong with spending more if it makes the show more entertaining? 

As an accountant, I know a few things about budgeting. The bottom line is profit. Obviously, you don’t want to spend more than you have.

But I live by my motto “nothing ventured nothing gained.” And “No risk. No reward.”
In the Internet age we live in, TV Politics is popular because we need to connect offline as well as online. 20 years ago, we used to say put the remote away. Now, we say put down that Tablet or Smart Phone.

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