Actor Athlete Celebrities Comedian Fans How to Miley Cyrus Music Musicians Party Party Like A Rock Star Party Rock Anthem Personality Rock Star Rolling Stone Singers Writer

How to Party Like a Rock Star and Rock Like a Rolling Stone


Miley Cyrus
Photo By: Rob Sinclair

Invitation to My Party

How would you like to party like a movie scene straight from Project X? Yeah baby, I’m talking about toasting to the good life. If it gets too hot, jump in the pool to get wet.

You’re invited to my party. Please accept if you want to have a wild night. Bring your friends.

Where is it? The party is here on the Guru Jay blog. I hope you like the new layout.

You can now customize your experience. Choose from 7 cool features: Classic, Flipcard, Magazine, Mosaic, Sidebar, and Timeslide. By the way, you’re a VIP.


How do you party like a rock star? How do you rock like a rolling stone? You need style, substance and loyal fans.

Have you noticed how celebrities go out their way to thank their fans? Why are there so many “fantastic” celebrities? Loyalty is priceless.

Fandom comes with a price. If you want to make it, you have to work smart. You can work too hard, but you cannot work too smart.

Miley Cyrus is highly intelligent. Her brand is one of the most marketable products in show business. The young talented singer breaks the rules.

The first rule is to break the rules. Successful celebrities are on the edge. They’re constantly challenging the status quo.

Rihanna is a heartbreaker and also a rule breaker. She pushes the envelope and delivers the mail. She is number 1 on YouTube, because she makes her own rules.

The second rule is there is no such thing as bad publicity. Miley is at odds with the wrecking ball. She demands your undivided attention.

Creativity is a requirement to being a rock star. If you’re a regular 9 to 5 average Joe Doe, then the rock lifestyle is not for you. But, if you dare to be different come on and audition.

If you’re going to party, rock like Miley Cyrus. Miley understands her superstardom. She is a young superstar who has already established her place in music history.

I started following Miley Cyrus on Twitter today. Although I am a not a big fan of her music I am infatuated with her personality.

Her website is even different. Check it out here.

The best way to become a rock star is to be you. Real rock stars are one of a kind. Unlike poker players, you can’t bluff rocking like a Rolling Stone.

Your ego needs adjusting in order to party like a rock star. You can’t care about upsetting some people with your controversial views. You have to stay true to yourself.

The third rule is to break a leg. I’m not saying you should sprain your ankle or tear your Achilles tendon. All I am saying is luck plays a major part in your success.

Brad Pitt will be the first to tell you Lady Luck is his BFF. He says he is lucky to be in his position as an actor. He’s right.

In Hollywood, they tell you to break a leg right before your performance. If you want to be an actor, start acting like an actor. Faking it to you make it, is not the same as escaping reality.

Have you noticed how everyone’s ego in Tinseltown is bigger than a watermelon? Why are their egos the size of melons or Kanye West- bigger than Jupiter? You have to inflate your hot air balloon before the haters deflate your dreams.

The fourth rule is to learn how to play the guitar. If you don’t know how to play, grab a copy of Guitar Hero.  The commercial is cool and so is the game.

Guitar Hero

Learn from the greatest guitarist and rock star Jimi Hendrix. It’s easy to see why he is legendary. Here are links to the Jimi Hendrix Experience Album on YouTube and MySpace

The electric guitar is the rock star’s favorite instrument. There’s something about how the strings generate fires and echoes off of walls. You’ll learn the trade fi you’re serious about superstardom.

Break the rules. Better yet, make the rules. Live by your code.

Imagine waking up everyday whenever you feel like it. If you’re late, it’s okay because you’re the boss. Bruce Springsteen sings about you in his songs.

As soon as you walk out the door of your Malibu mansion, 100 fans are waiting for your autograph. What do you do? You kindly explain you got a job to do.

You are your job. There are impersonators who make a living emulating your style. But they will never be you, because you are one of a kind.

You’re also a jack-of-all-trades. American Idol, America Got Talent and The Voice have contacted you. They want you to be a judge on their shows.

You have so many choices and so little time. Do you wonder about the drawbacks? Well, you haven’t seen your lady in three months.

It’s too easy for groupies to fall in love with you. It’s so hard for you to fall in love with a groupie. What will you do for love?

You canceled three shows on your world tour in order to go back home. All these are scenarios. I say the perks out way the sacrifices.

Mr. Big Stuff, Who Do You Think You Are?

The following is a list of Rock Stars with the biggest fans:


James Patterson is a prolific novelist. If you’re a writer you respect Patterson. Can you name another author on his level?

Writing is my life.  Of course, I am impartial to the writer’s lifestyle. It’s fun and rewarding.

I believe writers have the most loyal fans. Think about the Twilight Saga, Harry Potter, and the Hunger Games. Trust me, writers have some of the biggest fans.

I received a ton of fan mail during my time as a journalist. It was awesome. There is power with the pen.


Music makes the world spin. Being on stage  is an exciting feeling.  What is better than making a living by touring the world?

The best thrills come from being a Rock Star. Concerts are a way for superstars to connect with fans. The spotlight is always shining on you.

Many of your fans, know you better than your brand. You can’t party without music. That’s why musicians are so valuable.

They show up and bring the music with them. You don’t have to get intoxicated. All you have to do is boogie and have yourself a good time. It’s a natural ecstasy.


I heard Kobe Bryant parties hard. It makes sense because he lives in Hollywood. If you play basketball for the Los Angeles Lakers, no party is off limits to you. State your  last name and number and the hostess will escort you to your reserved seat.

It seems basketball, players have the most fun. But, Baseball stars come in at a close second.  I always read bout ball players messing up in the off-season.


Partying is part of an actor’s job description. It’s a no-brainer; if you have the chops become an actor.  Get in the right movie and you’ll be a celebrity overnight

Ken Jeong gave up practicing medicine for rehearsing roles. He became famous overnight by joining the Hangover cast. The Detroit native is a dream come true.

Actors are the most confident rock stars. They’re know for getting into trouble too. If you can be an actor, do it.


Comedians have the hardest jobs in show business. You may make a 100 people laugh but there will always be 1 heckler. The heckler’s job is to make your night hectic.

You need thick skin to get this shindig. Like actors, you must exude confidence. Otherwise, things go downhill fast.


Every writer, musician, athlete, actor and comedian is a personality in essence. There are exceptions But, most personalities are talented in another area.

Personalities have the most fun at parties. Why? Because they are either offending somebody or making us laugh or cry.


Everybody knows your name. The majority of local celebrities are well known in their regions. There are exceptions.

It is rare to see local rock stars expand worldwide. But it happens. Prince is a rare rock star who began in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Kid Rock Party

We’re going to party like a Rock Star. Were’ going to rock like a Rolling Stone. Like Kid Rock (Detroit Party Don’t Stop) We’re going to go at it non-stop.

Party Rock Anthem

Thank you for reading and sharing. Comments are welcome.

Betty White Celebrities commercial Easter healthy Jessica Chastain Kristen Bell Natalie Portman Ne-Yo Nutrition Russell Brand Thom Yorke Usher V8 Veganism Vegans Venus Williams

Part 3: 33 Celebrity Vegans



If you’re like a lot of people, you probably will eat an Easter Ham on Sunday. Before you take your first bite, read my story. You may think twice about chowing down on meat.

You get a thump on your head every time you could’ve had a V8. There are no exceptions to the rule. In other words, eat more fruits and vegetables.

Juicing fruits and veggies is a way of life for millions. Why not join the fun? Jump on the bandwagon of health nuts, fitness freaks and vegetarians.

I’ll admit to falling off the wagon sometimes. But, I always get back on and try again. We’re in for a wild ride and I’m riding until the wheels fall off this thing.

Becoming healthy is a process. Staying healthy is a process of elimination. If you want to be healthier you have to give up junk food, red meat and bad calories.

You may choose to give up meat and animal products. If so, you join 168 million vegans worldwide. Be proud of your accomplishment.

In part 1  I feature the first 11 celebrities. Part 2 consists of 12 – 22 celebrities. You’re reading part 3, the conclusion of the series. Now let’s get to the good stuff. Drum roll please…

V8 Commercial

Celebrities must take good care of their bodies. I appreciate celebrities who decided to go vegan. My post celebrates celebrities who made healthy choices.

You see, celebrities have star power. They can influence their fans to go vegan as well, which is totally awesome. Veganism is a lifestyle. Like all lifestyles veganism take hard work.

Don’t Thump My Forehead

23. Usher

Photo By: Loren Wohl

At number 23, superstar Usher is a famous vegan. I remember the time before Usher rose atop of the music world. He recorded a song called Nice and Slow. When I think of this song, it reminds me to put things in perspective.

If you ever feel like building Rome in a day, don’t forget to take it nice and slow. It works for Usher.
And, it may very well work for you.

24. Natalie Portman

Photo By: Courtney

Natalie Portman is number 24. Just look at her silhouette. She was fantastic in Black Swan. If you want to look like Natalie, chose to become a vegan.

It sounds simple, but it’s not. However, with the right mindset you can be healthier and happier. You will never see Portman getting a thump on her head.

She is vegan for the long haul. If you are committed to an idea, you can do anything. There’s no reason your body can’t feel like Natalie Portman’s.

You won’t get there overnight. But give it 6 months to a year. You’ll be healthy and fit as a bull or ox.

25. Thom Yorke

Photo By: Goldberg

You’re not thumping Thom Yorke’s Radiohead either.  He is number 25 of 33 celebrity vegans. Thom would probably tell you that vegan life is hard.

Yorke can handle it. After all, he is a Rock star. Being a Rock star is difficult, because Rock fans are the hardest to please. Thom Yorke is rare. Most Rock stars naturally lead unhealthy lives, but not Thom.

26. Alanis Morissette

Photo By: livepict

Alanis Morissette comes in at number 26. I am not surprised the vocal singer is a vegan. Judging by her music, she is socially aware and conscience of her decisions.

We need more entertainers like Morissette in the business. While I am not a fan of all her music, I like her main message. So much music is pointless, but Morissette has a socially responsible story.

27. Venus Williams

Photo By: Wikimedia Commons 

At number 27, it is Venus Williams. This tennis icon is amazing. Just take a look at her body of work. Like all vegans and vegetarians, she is a winner.

As a vegan, Venus is a good role model for the youth. She shows you can have the best of both worlds. You can be healthy and happy.

28. Jennifer Connelly

Photo By: GlynLowe

How exactly has Jennifer Connelly lasted so long in show business? For starters, she is a vegan. By choosing to live healthier and happier, you can receive the same benefits as Jennifer.

29. Kristen Bell

Photo By: Mr. O

The actress Kristen Bell is number 29 of 33 celebrities, It’s encouraging to see a young individual such as Kristen choose the vegan way of life. Too much news coverage is focused on the negative aspect of the millennial generation.

30. Jessica Chastain

Photo By: Georges Biard

I know what you’re thinking. You want to thump Jessica Chastain in the head. Don’t we all?

Unfortunately, we can’t thump Jessica’s sexy forehead since she is a vegan. She makes the list at number 30. The versatile actress is on a strict diet.

Vegans stick together like a gang. When you’re a vegan, you’re a vegan all the way. From you’re last cigarette to your last living day. You are well protected. Yeah, I improvised a few lines from the West Side Story.

31. Ne-Yo

Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

Singer Ne-Yo is number 31 of celebrity vegans not eating Easter Ham. Doesn’t he look younger these days? Can you guess his age? He is in fact 31 years old.

It wouldn’t surprise me if the singer still gets carded at clubs and bars. Some of it is genetics. I look much younger than my age. If I were vegan, I probably could pass as a teenager.

32. Russell Brand

Photo By: Eva Rinaldi 

Comedian Russell Brand is 32 of 33 celebrity vegans not eating Easter ham. I was shocked when I confirmed that Brand switched to the vegan lifestyle. I would have never guessed it.

Everybody wants to be healthy and happy. If you don’t choose veganism, at least choose to be healthier and happier.  If Brand can do it, I know you can.

33. Betty White

Photo By: David Shankbone

Respect your elders. The sweet and beautiful Betty White is the 33rdcelebrity vegan not eating Easter

Ham today. She is living proof the vegan lifestyle has rewards. White is a burst of energy in Hot in
Cleveland. She inspires me to try veganism.

And so, there you have it. My video sums up all three parts. Watch and enjoy!

33 Celebrity Vegans Not Eating Easter Ham

If you like my post, please email to friends. You can email and share using the buttons on the bottom of the post. Thank you very much for reading, commenting and sharing.

Adele Alicia Keys Beyonce Knowles Bruno Mars Expressions Julia Roberts Justin Timberlake Life Love Love Song Lyrics Madonna Movies Music Origami Swan Quotes Romantic Movie Lines Tom Hanks Video

21 Love Quotes, Song Lyrics, and Movie Lines VIDEO


diet exercise Fitness Good Health Healthy Lifestyle How to be a celebrity How to Be Healthy Katy Perry and LeBron James Motivation Veganism Vegans Wealth Weight Loss workout

How To Be Healthy Like Katy Perry And Fit As LeBron James


Healthy Like Katy

Photo By: Wikimedia Commons
Katy Perry is the biggest name in entertainment. She is a superstar with superb stamina. How does Katy do it? Keep reading and you will find out…

It is no secret Katy Perry flirts with Veganism off and on. Right now, Katy is a vegan. Do you want to read more about celebrity vegans? Read these two fun articles…33 Celebrity Vegans Not Eating Easter Ham and Part 2: 33 Celebrity Vegans

Part 3: 33 Celebrity Vegans will be released on Easter. One way Katy keeps her shape is by intaking vitamins and supplements. Her mindset is focused on producing energy.

The superstar has subscribed to the Harley Pasternak’s Five Factor Diet. As a result, she feels healthier, slimmer, and more energetic. As a society, we have to take back our energy.

I think everyone wants more productive lives. Katy is an excellent example of how to be healthy. You don’t have to go overboard. Do what you can.

If you can only do a little, that’s alright. The fact you are on a regime is enough.

Becoming healthy is a two fold process. First, you must eat right. I cannot stress this point enough. You eat what you are.

If you don’t know how to be healthy, read my post How To Be Healthy. Living healthy is a lifestyle. Consider making your good health a priority.

Your health is your wealth. If you want to be healthy you have to constantly work at it like a full time job. Motivation is the key to living well.

In my previous post, 33 Motivational, I provided encouragement. Life is too short for us to be unhappy. In order to become healthy, your mindset has to change.

Rather than consume food, produce food. When life gives you lemons make lemonade. You can try juicing vegetables and fruits.

This means substituting your junk food for apples, oranges, and bananas. Have you heard the saying eat green? Make sure you eat things such as spinach, green beans, and broccoli. 

Experience the benefits of being in good health. Since I started working out and eating better, I noticed a pep in my step. When I wakeup, I’m not exhausted. I feel refreshed.

Do I ever eat sugary snacks? Of Course, but now I am more aware of what I eat. It’s an easy decision and I’m glad I made it. 

Living a healthy lifestyle is a choice. Choose to lose weight. Read success stories about weight loss and study them. Above all, prepare yourself for battle.

Remember it’s a long road. You’re running a marathon, so stop sprinting. You have to pace yourself, because there will be times you stumble.

Again, it is important for you to eat right and exercise. A little exercise can make a big impact. Do not let your body decay. 

It is unfortunate people punish their bodies instead of rewarding them. Sugar is your best friend when it should be your worst enemy. Calories are your close cousins, when they should be distant relatives.

Fit As LeBron James

Photo By: Wikimedia Commons

LeBron James has a name synonymous with the sport of basketball. The two time NBA champion is the fittest athlete in the game. He is a natural talent with God-given abilities. And yet, he is in the gym everyday.

His work ethic is what separate him from others. When others are relaxing, he is in Miami studying how to get better. Moreover, his hard work has paid dividends.

I love statistics and LeBron James has the second best statistics this season behind MVP Kevin Durant.

How do you reach LeBron’s level? Simply, eat right and exercise.

Okay, let’s get real.  It’s not that simple. However, if you are half as fit as LeBron, you are in pretty good shape. James epitomizes health and fitness. He is an embodiment.

Whether he is working on free-throws, dunks or lifting weights, he stays active. If you don’t already have regular activities, find some. It is vital you keep active.

Work on the small things. You have to learn to lay up the ball before you shoot a three point shot. As you get deeper into exercising the benefits increase.

You can read what an average workout day is like with LeBron here. You see, even superstar athletes do basic exercises such as: pushups, pull-ups, jumping jacks and jumping ropes. Small steps lead to a bigger picture. 

If LeBron James were not healthy, he would not be wealthy. If you have to work long hours it is even more crucial to workout. James also recommends drinking water more frequently.

Short List interviewed the superstar about his training method. You can read the full interview with a click of a button. Like all good things being healthy and keeping fit takes time. So, take your time.

I urge you to take a little bit from Katy Perry and a little bit from LeBron James. If you begin to monitor your health like Katy and LeBron , you won’t regret it. Do not let your body control you. Control your body. 

If you enjoyed my post, please email to friends. You can email and share using the buttons on the bottom of the post. Thank you very much for reading, commenting and sharing. 

Alicia Keys Balads Beyonce Knowles Bruno Mars Celebrities City of Angels Katy Perry Kristen Stewart Love Lyrics Movie Lines Movies Music Quotes Romance Songs Taylor Swift Twilight Saga Will Smith

21 Love Quotes, Song Lyrics & Movie Lines



Love floats like a log on the river of life. So, what if you are bumped pushed or pulled astray? Whatever happens is for the best. If E = MC 2, then L.O.V.E. = 1 + 1.

Love is an act of desperation, commitment, and denial. Everyone wants to be loved. You have to give love to get love.

The best love is unconditional. In your worst moment, your lover is there to comfort you. She is a special light in your darkness.

You know she will help you when you are helpless. Her smile gives you hope when you are hopeless. Although the water is deep, she is in the same boat you are in.

We’re sailing on high waters together. We save each other from drowning. I chose these quotes to highlight the best love sayings. Last week I wrote about motivational quotes, photos and videos

MSN has a special section dedicated to living, love, and relationships. I noticed when I turn on the TV all I see is hate. Where is the love? The beauty of love is that it lasts for an eternity. When we are long gone, our love will still be here.

The music we made, the ballads we recited, the words we felt will live forever. Love is always part of the equation. What is more, love is free.

Yes, you can’t buy love. If you bought some, get a full refund- because you can’t sell love. I believe love is in your veins. It is love that keeps your heart beating.

When you’re about to give up love keeps lifting you higher. Love is the ultimate expression of life. It’s what makes life worth living.

You have to first love yourself in order to love others. Take time to know yourself and realize you are your own celebrity. You are the best.

What does it mean to be in love? Scientists have tried to figure out that question since the beginning of science itself. I think only artists can answer the meaning of love.



You see, you can prove science. Nevertheless, you can’t explain art. Art in its purest form is passionate love. Passion is the adrenaline that is pumped in your veins to your heart.

When passion enters into the heart, love is everywhere. I applaud artists like Alicia Keys, Beyonce and Bruno Mars. They understand the love story.

Love is a piece of wood carved by amateur lovers. Love isn’t a perfect piece. Love is designed to have imperfections.

Love will take you where you want to go. If you ask me, love is better than money, time, and power. For love is the reproduction of life itself. 

What is better than life? It’s a philosophy to prescribe to like medicine. Chemistry is just a tiny part of true love. 

You need an unwavering nonnegotiable spirit. You have to search deep down to reach the bottom of your heart. When you’re inside the heart and you can feel your heartbeat, then you have found the real meaning of love.

To be in love is an illusion. The heart can only take so much. It is made to endure pain and pleasure. A big heart may be filled with hatred or with love.

Love is a long journey. Bruno Mars’ ballad Just The Way You Are demonstrates the meaning behind love. Your love is perfect in your eyes.

In the Top 10 Actresses, I discuss how the highest paying actresses act in Romantic Comedies. I go more in depth, later on in the blog. Music and movies have a huge potential to change circumstances.

Bruno Mars Just The Way You Are may help a girl who is insecure about her looks. Society constantly conveys the message about what is considered beautiful. Consequently, girls with God-given curves hate their bodies; But men love every inch!

Beyonce is full figured. She has a good slice of meat on her bones. And, the mainstream accepts her. My opinion of beauty is that if you’re happy, you are beautiful.


It doesn’t matter what size you wear. No man is going to fall out of love with you because you went up or down 1 size. We’re going to love you for what you’re made of on the inside.

I want to know if she’s kind, lovable and a good cook. You might want to know something different. Beyonce’s Halois beautiful. Her voice is as close to an angel as you can get. The lyrics are sweet, elegant, and intriguing. You can listen to Halo from now until forever.

Many of the most memorable movies deal with love. The Titanic is a classic love story. Leonardo DiCaprio’s words are well scripted.

Love is an action. You have to do the deed. Otherwise, your words are meaningless.

A lot of action actors like Angelina Jolie star in romantic films. Angelina Jolie earns every cent of her paycheck. She makes movie bosses a fortune.

Tom Cruise is a top actor. He has starred in several film genres from science fiction to romance. I believe the best actors have the ability to play multiple roles.

Moreover, Cruise is known for his role in Jerry Maguire. Jerry Maguire has a dozen of memorable lines. For instance, “Jerry, Show me the Money!” is a line that helped Cuba Gooding Jr. win a Best Supporting Actor Oscar Statue.

Of course, the “You had me at hello” sequence became an instant classic. The fact is life is nothing without love. In a sense, love is the definition of a meaningful life.

I admire actresses, because it’s a lot harder being an actress than an actor. First, there are fewer roles for female leads. As a result, there are less lines.

Love is what you make of it. Like all great things, you have to take time out to practice. Don’t neglect love.

If you haven’t found love, be patient. Sometimes, love will find you. Love is somewhere close to us…

What Would You Do For Love?

If you enjoyed my post, please email to friends. You can email and share using the buttons on the bottom of the post. Thank you very much for reading, commenting and sharing. 

Bono Celebrities Chuck Norris Clint Eastwood Famous Halle Berry Inspiration Julia Roberts Motivation Oprah Winfrey Quotes Spirituality Tom Hanks Will Smith Words

33 Motivational Quotes, Photos and Videos

By: Guru Jay

Life is a rollercoaster ride. It’s filled with thrills, twists, and twirls. There are ups, downs and turnarounds. No matter what your situation is, you can turn it all around. You can do it!

Stay strong. Tough times may avail but better days are ahead. You must first live to learn, in order to learn to live.


Halle Berry has starred in many great films. Her career is exemplary. She wagered both successful and unsuccessful bets. My uncle told me that nothing ventured, nothing gained.


Smith is a risk taker. As a consequence, he has starred in movies that should not have been made. What is more, his movies were successful at the box office in spite of poor reviews.


Stallone embodies success. He shows us you have to have heart. You might stumble but that’s o.k.

Get back up and hit the ground running. You might fall flat on your face, but that’s o.k. Get stitched up; and, get back to work. Connect with your inner being, because your inner strength is the most superior power.


Tom Hanks is a movie legend. All his films have made the movie executives extremely rich. Who could forget him in Forrest Gump? He brings characters to life. I like Hanks, because his message is simply stay strong.


Whenever there is a film with Julia Roberts and Tom Hanks fireworks flare. They have mind-blowing chemistry. I think the reason is because they have similar mindsets. When two people are on one accord, they bond together in harmony.


Eastwood is a respectable actor. If you give respect, you get respected. If you’re disrespectful, you are disrespected.

It starts with self-discipline. Train your brain to think good thoughts. And then, your actions will align with your dreams.


If you want self-discipline, try martial arts. Karate, Judo, Aikido and others require a concentrated mind. Ask Chuck Norris. He can tell you that much is required of you. You have to dedicate your life to the arts.

Commitment means everything. Tackle your obstacles. Don’t let your obstacles tackle you.


Bono believes in big ideas. Because of his beliefs he has won over celebrities, politicians, and the world herself. He is respected because he is respectable.


Demi Lovato is young, but she is smart. Her insights surprise me for someone her age. Lovato is poetic. You can hear poetry in her music. She has soul. She’s got rhythm.


Oprah Winfrey is true to herself. She is true to her audience. You can’t overlook the fact she has failed. The television executives demoted her.

But, she proves where one door shuts another door opens. What would have happened if she’d quit? Don’t stop dreaming. It’s okay to fail. In fact, in order to succeed, you must fail.


Michael Jordan is a big failure. However, Jordan is a bigger success story. The moral of the story is you can fail big but succeed bigger. 

MJ had a vision. He kept going. He kept trying. Most importantly, he believed in himself.


Believe in yourself. Trust your gut feeling. You can put a price on tuition, but intuition is priceless.

Safeguard your values. I believe your beliefs determine who you are. If you believe you can fly, then you should soar with the hawks and eagles.

You will never win an Oscar by self-doubting. Don’t doubt yourself. Trust your


Author: Musicontent

There is a Grammy waiting for you to grasp ahold of the gold. Do you want it? Figure out what you have to do, and it is yours.


Author: The Grotto

Do you want a Tony too? William Shakespeare said the world is a stage. So the moment when you step on stage, the world is yours.


Author: Sajibabu79

Have you dreamed of performing on Broadway? Aim high. After aiming high, aim higher. Your ambition will take you to higher places.

There is no reason you cannot perform on Broadway. If this is you, then do you. Broadway Street is right around the corner from Radio City Music Hall.


Author: Oreos

If you want to fly, let’s fly to Hollywood. If you don’t sing or act, then consider screenplay writing. Also you can produce, direct or assist.

It takes thousands to make a movie. Why won’t you join the cast? Why won’t you live your dreams?


Lolo Jones pushes on and beats defeatism. Even in defeat, she wins. What can you learn from Lolo?

You learn from Lolo the meaning of perseverance. Life is full of hurdles. If you’re going to jump over obstacles, do like Lolo and kick them out your way.


Michael Phelps defines greatness. He motivates you to go after the gold. Be the best at what you do.

Do what you love. Love what you’re doing. Don’t look back; just move forward.


Life is a sport. You are an athlete. As a Hockey player your ultimate goal is to win the Stanley Cup.

If you don’t win the trophy this year. There’s always next year. The best thing you can do is practice.


If you’re a football star, you want to win the Vince Lombardi Trophy. How do you win the Super Bowl? Ask Tom Brady who wears three Championship rings.

The New England Patriots drafted Tom Brady in the sixth round. 198 players were chosen before the Patriots selected Brady. Fast forward 14 years, Brady is the best Quarterback of his generation.

That’s it. That’s all you have to do.You have to be the best. It takes time. But, you tackle your issues on your way. At times, your problems will tackle you.


Remember to stay strong. If you’re focused nothing is impossible. When you’re properly prepared, greatness is right beside you.

Again, the key to winning is practice. The New York Yankees have won 18 division titles, 40 American League Pennants and 27 World Series Championships. The Yankees have lost more championships than any other MLB team has won.

Reggie Jackson is known for winning 5 World Series Championships with the Yankees. Did you know he holds the record for most strikeouts? He failed so much to the point he succeeded.


The San Antonio Spurs have won four Larry O’Brien trophies. What makes San Antonio strong year after year, is their teamwork. The Spurs play excellent team basketball.

They have been successful because of their willingness to pass up an opportunity for the sake of their teammates. The players think team first and that’s why they have won four NBA championships.


Here is a video I made called 11 Motivational Quotes That Will Inspire You To Take Action. It may seem celebrities are superficial. However, many celebrities are motivational. Their stories have meanings.

If you want to make it to the top, you have to keep your focus. It’s too easy to lose sight of you vision. Remember: live to learn, so you can learn how to live.


This We Are The World Video is moving. It inspires you to take action. You must act in order for your dreams to come alive. So, remember to audition.

Don’t forget the world is big. Fortunately, love is bigger. We share this world together. It is your duty to give back to the world.

We have to come together. We have so much division and not enough multiplication. Every bit adds up. What are you doing to help the misfortunate?


This is the We Are The World Video 25 years later. It highlights the original. It’s very inspiring.

I admire how celebrities came together to help Haiti. Singers used their musical gifts to uplift a downtrodden nation. They donated their money and time to assist Haitians after the devastating earthquake.


The Stand By Me Around the World video shows the passionate and compassionate sides of society. It shows the beauty of music as well as the beauty of people. Although these times are dark, brighter days are coming.
You can see the sun shine in this video.

You feel the heart beat as the drum beats. As the guitar plays, love spews. Hatred is not in the equation. 


Here is a succinct movie clip. The Pursuit of Happyness, based on a true story, is one of my favorite films. Although Christopher Gardner is homeless he somehow manages to overcome his shortcomings for the sake of his family.

You will find the bond of father and son is strong. It is strengthened by love. Love is the answer to the equation of life…


The Rocky video epitomizes what determination is. Rocky gave it his all. He put it all on the line. 

If you get knocked down, get back up. If you get knocked out, fight another fight. If you lose, recognize you are one step closer to winning.


Here is an insightful and inspiring video. Floyd Mayweather is the best boxer because he worked smart and hard. Boxing is an art as well as a science.

The key to greatness is to aim for perfection. Perfect is rare. Greatness is attainable.


In this video, Al Pacino uses bold and frank language to convey his message. He explains that life has hardships. But, under no circumstance do you give up…

Greatness is a thin line. In the words of Al Pacino, a few inches can make the difference between winning and losing. You have to make sacrifices for your family. 


In this video, a homeless young man uses his talent to elevate his circumstances. While auditioning for Korea’s Got Talent, he wins the hearts of the audience and judges. His story is clearly compelling.

Even though society gave up on him, he never gave up on himself. You have to find your purpose. Run toward your goals and don’t look back. Look ahead.


I am convinced you have to lose to win. The more you lose, the more you win; provided that you learn from your mistakes. You’re in a comfortable position if you experienced setbacks.

Don’t be afraid of failure. If you keep trying your best, you will succeed. You can also learn a lot for others. Find a mentor and listen closely.


Here is a powerful video. Be sure to watch. It shows you that life will give you heartaches as well as stomachaches. It will give you dreams and nightmares.

What you have to do is grasp ahold of your dream tightly. Nurture your thoughts. In order to achieve, you must 1. conceive, 2. believe, and 3. receive.

First, conceive in your mind your definition of greatness. Second, believe you can be great. Finally, receive what is rightfully yours.

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10 Celebrities E.L. James Howard Stern James Patterson Jerry Bruckheimer Lady Gaga Madonna Michael Bay Simon Cowell Steven Spielberg Top Ten

Top 10 Celebrities with the Most to Lose!

By: Guru Jay
10 Celebrities With the Most 2 Lose

Celebrities lose a lot of stuff. Some lose their minds. Some lose their keys to their Airplanes, Jets or Yachts. Some lose their mansions and limousines due to foreclosure and repossession.

Celebrities have it rough. Whenever Britney Spears goes to Starbucks, the cameras constantly flash. Celebrities don’t have privacy.

Here are the facts. Lady Gaga who is 10th on our list made more money last year than the top three highest paid actresses combined. Take a moment to digest what this mean. She is worth more than Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lawrence, and Kristen Stewart put together.

I am fascinated by statistics. I have a love affair with words and numbers. The fact is letters and digits are powerful.

Lady Gaga, Steven Spielberg and Madonna rank high in the top 50 celebrities around the entertainment world. 

Shahrukh Khan ranks first in India. He is someone to look to for financial advice. A conservative estimation of his net worth is $600 Million

Shahrukh Khan

What would you do with $600 million?

Simon Cowell holds the number one spot in Britain. His net worth is growing. According to the Celebrity Net Worth, Cowell has an estimated value of $400 million.

There’s two weeks until tax day (April 15), which is an unofficial holiday for accountants, tax attorneys and tax preparers. Everybody has an Uncle named Sam.

No one is above Tax Law. So, don’t find out the hard way. Many celebrities have found out the delicates of taxes the difficult method.

If I were a celebrity (hey, I can dream right?) If I were a celebrity, I would be frugal like Warren Buffett. I’d cash in on the free stuff and perks.

But if you think I’m going to buy a vacation property in the Bahamas, you’re the one dreaming. I’d create a collective time-share, and vacation virtually everywhere.

I’m curious to see how the warm beige Brazilian beach sand feels between my toes. I want to travel to India and meet my fellow Guru Shahrukh Khan. Perhaps, I’d study under his tutelage and bring his good graces back to the Americas.

If I were a celebrity I would have a lot to lose. The life of a celebrity is challenging. Every day presents possibilities.

Today your agent asks you do you want to endorse Pepsi. Tomorrow he tells you Coca-Cola will give you $250,000 more than PepsiCo. What do you do?

Which one tastes better? To be exact, Coke is $250,000 richer in taste. Hey, I’m human. I have physical, emotional, and financial needs.

Celebrity Losers

Celebrities have a lot to lose. Because of my inquisitive nature, I researched the Forbes Celebrity 100. If you have never been on the site, there is a nifty ranking tool.

You can organize celebrity data on Forbes. Please don’t forget to pay your taxes. You don’t want to be reminded by the IRS. 

I just wanted to show the hard numbers. I don’t want to give you opinions.  I want to give you a perspective.

I don’t want to name names, but there are gossip columns that make money off of defaming celebrity characters. That’s wrong.What?

You don’t have anything positive to say? Oh, but you watch his movies, listen to his music, and subscribe to his channel. But, he’s the scum of the earth?

Seriously, these so called “entertainment experts” need to shut up and keep their mouths closed. Don’t speak until we speak to you?

Chelsea Lately, Perez Hilton, and Wendy Williams think they own the entertainment world. They think they can say whatever they want. Guess what? We have the power to change the channel and go to a better blog.

We don’t have to listen to your garbage every time.  Those three, of all people, should understand celebrities have a lost to lose. Yet, they make a fortune off of telling you misinformation.

Here’s the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. Perez Hilton was on Wendy William’s show defaming Lindsay Lohan’s character to the core. I shouldn’t even repeat half of what he said about Lohan.

So, Perez Hilton told Wendy Williams Lindsay Lohan doesn’t have a soul. We want to know who died and made Perez Hilton God. Also, who is watching this trash on TV?

Chelsea Handler is a so called comedian/model who exercises her first amendment right to hate on celebrities and anyone else who is Gay, Jewish, Black, Latino, Asian or Arab.

I haven’t watched her show in over three years. And, I won’t ever watch her. She needs to get her act together ASAP. Give us more than gossip!

Chelsea Handler, Perez Hilton and Wendy Williams are so called “celebrities” who have lost credibility in the entertainment world. What celebrity wants to do an interview with these three stooges? AKA Celebrity Losers.

What would you do if you were a celebrity?

In my How To Be Justin Bieber blog post, I defend Bieber from character assassination. He’s not even 21 years old but they talk about him like he’s a lifelong criminal.

Al Capone was treated better in the media than Justin Bieber is right now. I want to know what gives these hooligans the audacity to berate entertainers on a daily basis. I don’t get it.

Chime in on the discussion and share the love. Share the love because there’s too much hate going around. More people need to get the message.

Come Back

Madonna is coming back.  At 55 years, she is still famous because of her legacy. Remember, it takes time to build a brand.

Steven Spielberg was rejected from the USC School of Cinema Arts. Now, Steven Spielberg is the greatest film director of all time. It shows you the stupidity of college admissions.

If you ever get rejected, don’t let it get you down. You could be the Steven Spielberg of writing, music, sports or business. In other words, keep dreaming.