artists Bruno Mars Celebs country DJs entertainers Feels Right guitar Guru Jay Instrumentals John Mayer Katy Perry Mark Ronson Music pop producers Singers Taylor Swift Uptown Funk vocals

John Mayer Vs. Mark Ronson: Who is the Best Entertainer?

Is it ever too late to learn how to play the guitar? Instrumentals are just as invaluable as vocals. Does John Mayer’s voice beat Mark Ronson’s instruments?

Without question, Mayer’s vocal chords destroy Ronson’s, because Mark doesn’t sing. Who do you think is better overall as a complete entertainer? For me Mayer is more talented, but Ronson is more creative. 

To simultaneously play an instrument and carry a tune exceptionally well like the ‘Gravity’ singer, requires phenomenal skills. However, Ronson’s creativity scores are unbelievable. Remember he scratches and cuts records in addition to producing.
Why do you think everybody wants to collaborate with the ‘Oh My God’ hit maker? For two things, he is invisible and invincible.
Right now Mark Ronson is hotter than John Mayer. But that might change in the near future. Mayer is seeing Katy Perry, and you know Katy keeps bleeding his love.
Unfortunately, I have a feeling John messed over Taylor Swift pretty badly. That’s why it seems she made ‘Bad Blood’ with a vendetta. But what girl wouldn’t want to date the $10 million man? That’s right, according to Billboard, John earned over seven zeroes last year.
In contrast, Mark maintains a low profile. Some people prefer working behind the scenes. Sometimes great directors make more money than the greatest actors. In a sense, Mark Ronson is the Michael Bay of music.

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‘Uptown Funk’ and ‘Feel Right’ are definitely two songs in my queue.
The difference between Mark and John is, I don’t believe Ronson wants to be famous. But, Mayer seems to care immensely about his popularity. In entertainment, fame and money rarely come separately. And of course, bullshit is included too.
Actually, John plucks the strings stronger than Mark. Clearly, Ronson’s sound reaches more ears because he has an array of associated acts. For the most part, Mayer’s only musical companion is his trusty guitar.

Overall, I choose John Mayer as the best entertainer because he is a consistent storyteller, who has punctually arrived.

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Actress Astronaut Wives blondes Celebs Charlize Theron Gattaca Guru Jay Hancock Hollywood Kill Bill LookAlikes Mad Max Models Movies net worth Pulp Fiction Sean Penn South African Uma Thurman

Charlize Theron Vs. Uma Thurman: Battle of the Blondes

In a recent story, I wrote about the Astronaut’s Wives Club. Coincidentally, Charlize Theron starred in a movie called the Astronaut’s Wife. There’s one blonde in Astronaut Wives Club, Yvonne Strahovski, and she leads the way.

Charlize Theron plays Will Smith’s estranged wife in Hancock. The South African actress helps define beauty. Her long hair was more than gorgeous.
You like Charlize because she’s flexible. She stretches roles like in a Pilates video.
You can’t say enough about Uma Thurman. She is fantastic in Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill. Have you seen Gattaca? The actress is literally perfect in it. It’s one of my favorite movies starring lead actor Ethan Hawke.
I wonder if it is possible to transpose actor’s characters. Can you imagine Theron under Quentin Tarantino’s direction? Better even, what if Charlize worked with John Travolta?

Uma has done all those things. That’s why she has an advantage. But the war is still going on, and there will be many battles to come.
You see Charlize has a net worth of $110 million, compared to Uma’s $45 million. Why is this the case? Well, Theron has an entire industrialized nation behind her.
When you’re the most famous South African celebrity, you call some big shots. Plus, your marriage to Sean Penn dramatically assisted your career accolades. Also, considering Charlize is 39 to Uma’s 45, she has an age advantage.

At 5’ 10” Charlize Theron has the ideal figure of a fashion model. Plus, the green-eyed chick possessed natural blonde hair. However, at almost 40, is it possible she shed her locks because it’s turning gray? Still, the Mad Max: Fury Road actor is sexy as hell.
And so is Uma Thurman. If you met them in person, could you distinguish the two celebs? Or is it impossible to tell the difference like Jennifer Garner and Hilary Swank?
I like Charlize’s body better. But I appreciate Uma’s body of work more. If Tarantino is the top R-rated director, then Thurman is his most prized possession.

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In a nutshell, Charlize Theron and Uma Thurman are high quality movie stars. It’s all a matter of preferences. Which blonde do you prefer?
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What If Bruno Mars and Ariana Grande Sang Duets Together


Can you picture Bruno Mars and Ariana Grande singing duets together? You know Ariana Grande and Bruno Mars have taken music to a higher level. They’re on top of the totem pole.
Plus, they bring youthful energy to every song. That’s why their YouTube channels generate billions of views. What is more, the singers make music everyone can listen to.
It’s amazing how they control their pitch and tone. I would like Ariana Grande to voice my GPS. And Bruno Mars will sing my theme music.
These singers are in another stratosphere. Every girl loves hearing ‘Just the Way You Are’ because it’s perfect! Also, I have no problem with the way the ‘Problem’ musician sings.

As great as the Weeknd is, he’s no Bruno Mars. Replace the Weeknd’s part on ‘Love Me Harder’ with a Bruno Mars version. Wow, wouldn’t that be incredible?
You see, the musicians have built fortresses for  fan bases. Musically, there is hardly anybody better than them, which is scary because they’re neither one is even 30 years old. In fact, Ariana hasn’t turned 25 yet.
Something tells me Ariana Grande will get her chance to perform at the Super Bowl like Bruno Mars . It wouldn’t surprise me if she does the National Anthem and Half Time show, numerous times in her career.

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Who wants some concert tickets? Is Bruno Mars Superman, because his talent is beyond Planet Earth? How many days does it take you to get ‘Uptown Funk’ out your head?

It takes me 3 days to get Bruno’s songs out my brain. So, I listen to his music once about every 4 days. I’m convinced Bruno Mars is capable of brainwashing the masses.
Moreover, the whole world likes these music artists mainly because of their modesty. It seems like they’re unaware of their effect on people’s eardrums. Or maybe, it’s all an illusion.
One thing I do know is after Ariana Grande hits 3 high notes, she’s got you hooked. There’s no denying that she makes addicting music. Fans can’t wait until she goes on tour again.
Fans feel the same way about Bruno Mars. Who serenades better than the Hawaiian? Let’s get the Bruno Mars/Ariana Grande duet campaign officially started.

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! 
1960s actresses Astronaut Wives Club Celebrity drama Entertainment Erin Cummings Guru Jay Hollywood Joanna Garcia Launch Episode Mad Men Pilot Real Housewives Recap TV Yvonne Strahovski

Astronaut Wives Club Pilot Episode RECAP

You know I was an aspiring astronaut. That’s why my Google Plus and Twitter, shows the universe. You see, I fantasized about launching and orbiting deep into space.
I had it all figured out. I would conveniently bypass the moon on my way to Mars and Jupiter. Upon my arrivals, I would settle colonies with Elon Musk and Richard Branson, and vacation on Venus.
Back to story-> I still dream. But, I decided to become a guru instead of Stephen Hawking, III. And, I’m happy with my life choices.
Yesterday, I stumbled upon the Astronaut Wives Clubpilot episode. While browsing TV, I changed the channel to ABC, and discovered the new program just starting. Naturally, the premiere gained my attention.

The TV show is a mixture of Mad Men and Real Housewives. The story takes place in the 1960s. And, the premise is that a Life Magazine reporter reluctantly writes down the experiences of astronaut wives.
What an exclusive club to be in, especially around that time.

Moreover, Astronaut Wives uses real names and images of actual people like John Glenn and Alan Shepard. However, this time it’s not about the men leaping small steps. This time, it’s about the women telling their sides of the story.
Plus, you see how far technology has advanced. After seeing this, you appreciate your ability to communicate swiftly. Back then you couldn’t text, let alone talk on smartphones.
What is more, these redheads possess a protestant’s work ethic. They dutifully care for their husbands and families. Although they don’t despise their roles and positions, they desire R-E-S-P-E-C-T from their husbands.
In a pivotal scene, Trudy Cooper formulates a plot to catch her cheating husband. You see he lied to her one too many times. She is four five seconds from wilding in the 60s. 

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

Most likely, I will watch Astronaut Wives again. What about you? Are you joining the club?
I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1! 
Binge Watching Bisexual Crazy Eyes Dascha Polanco drama Entertainment Guru Jay Hollywood Laura Prepon Lesbian Netflix OITNB Orange Is the New Black Prison Season 3 Taylor Schilling TV

Are You Binge Watching Orange Is the New Black Season 3?

Netflix decided to release Orange Is the New Black (OITNB) Season 3 earlier than expected. It makes perfect sense to me. You see, you get let out of prison early for good behavior.
OITNB is good TV. Give the writers and producers their credits for excellent character developments. Seeing Piper (Taylor Schilling), and Alex (Laura Prepon), rekindle their relationship is a nice turn of events.
Laura Prepon reminds me of a nice girl I chilled with in my dormitory. Ironically, she was an actress and bisexual too. There was also a lesbian, who acted exactly like Crazy Eyes.

Why does Crazy Eyes always steal the show?
Also, Dascha Polanco plays an interesting role. I look forward to the Diaz character developing. Unfortunately, her story is the most saddening.
The program goes deeply inside criminal minds exposing their harsh memories. The reality of it all is that, these inmates are beating themselves up mentally. That’s why the new drama class is important to their survival. Moreover, it is crucial that the inmates express their emotions and feelings.

Have the 13 episodes lived up to the hype? I’ve tediously watched 4 shows so far. When I give a critique or review, I analyze every detail.

OITNB has stories abound. That’s why it never bores you. It’s always fun and witty.
The series has taken over social media. You’ll see thousands of tweets related to Season 3. That’s why it’s back, in full force, by popular demand.
Have you heard the expression, “there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians?” In this case there are too many Indians (inmates) and not enough chiefs (guards).

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Orange Is the New Black Season 3 has proven to be the best of the series without question. Who are your favorite characters? Are you binge watching OITNB? If so, let’s fade to orange. 

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Actors Bliss Celebrity Devious Maids entertainers Glee Gleeks Guru Jay Happiness Happy Hollywood Stars Latinas Lea Michele Music Musicals Naya Rivera Singers Smile TV vocals

Who Feels Gleeful? Lea Michele Vs. Naya Rivera

There is a lot to be happy about. Cheer up! Take a break. Treat yourself to this story. Have fun!

Who thought Glee would last forever? Great things require closure. Glee was a great show with a great cast. Moreover, Glee cast members Lea Michele and Naya Rivera stood out because of their greatness.
I really don’t know how the show managed to maintain the two phenomenal actresses under contract for so long. You look back and see a program with limitless possibilities. Lea and Naya are fine actresses and amazing musicians. It is a joy watching their careers launch off from their starting points.
I’m firmly against bandwagon jumping. I’m an Early Adopter. And I’m a diehard supporter.
I support Lea Michele and Naya Rivera as individuals and brands, because they are more than rising stars. They are shooting stars! The elite Latina entertainers have everybody chitchatting.
I pay close attention to trends and tune out gossip. By checking up on who is hot, you learn what is happening now. I like Lea and Naya because they’re hard workers with easygoing attitudes.

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Do you like it easy? Well, if you watch YouTube videos, just type Glee into the search bar. You’ll find awesome content by simply clicking your left mouse button, or punching your enter key.
Most Glee cast members are underrated as singers and entertainers, because the show ran effortlessly for 7 straight years. Fans value this consistency. Furthermore, everyday the Latinas are becoming more beautiful.
I estimate Naya and Lea get more money from beauty endorsements than acting and singing.
Imagine you were tempting like them. Picture living in a SoCal Mansion overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Have you mailed Papi his postcard yet?
Ironically, Rivera and Michele represent a gleeful lifestyle. There is not a care in the world they need to worry about. The moral of the story is: get those bills paid on time, and do what makes you happy.

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A list Academy Awards Actors B list Ben Affleck brunettes Celebs Entertainment Guru Jay Hilary Swank Hollywood hot Jennifer Garner LookAlikes Million Dollar Baby Movies Sexy show business Stars

Hollywood LookAlikes: Hilary Swank Vs. Jennifer Garner


Believe it or not, Hilary Swank and Jennifer Garner are not the same person. These Hollywood lookalikes are frequently mistaken for one another. If you’re ever confused, just remember Garner married Ben Affleck. Plus, Jennifer stands 2 inches taller than Hilary.
Through the years, Swank received better roles because she’s prettier. They are both B+ list actresses. However, I’ve heard Garner is easier to work with. But, Hilary plays it cool and makes up for her flaws.
Appearances can trick you. Hollywood is a strange and funny place. How many beautiful people come through town and leave disappointed? Even a perfect audition is no guarantee.
In show business, your best may not be good enough. Still, keep getting better like Jessica Alba. Sooner than later, everyone will recognize you; and, you won’t get ignored.
I like when Swank and Garner play soldiers or spies. Both brunettes give and take excruciating pain. Though, I believe Jennifer is tougher. Wouldn’t you rather see Garner in Million Dollar Baby instead of Swank?

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Listen, I’m not trying to take away from Hilary’s accomplishments. We’ve seen this actress put on amazing performances. All I am saying is that Jennifer’s career was stalled, because executives screwed up her story.
For instance, did you know Jennifer Garner was born in Houston? Her family relocated to West Virginia, then Canada. Moreover, Hilary hails from Nebraska, although she spent most of her teenage years in Seattle for High School.

Can you believe the Hollywood lookalikes have an identical net worth of $40 million apiece? Keep in mind Hilary is three years younger. So, she’ll probably be richer in the future.

Can you tell the difference between the actresses? Do you think the celebrities ever pass themselves off as each other? What are your favorite Hilary Swank and Jennifer Garner movies? Who is the better actor?

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