2019 Movies Bryan Cranston Celebrities comedy drama Entertainment Famous People Film Critics Guru Jay Kevin Hart movie review Movies Nicole Kidman Rotten Tomatoes The Upside The Upside Movie Review

The Upside Movie Review


The Upside Movie Review

I decided to write a movie review on The Upside because it contains an important message.We must come to grip with our reality. The Upside is about a wealthy man and a poor man coming to grip with their reality. The two men both lack substance in their lives. On the one hand, the wealthy man seems to have it all. The poor man seems to have nothing. In the end, you’ll find out what true wealth is.

The wealthy man must come to grip with his situation. It isn’t in his power to be able to walk again. It is not his fault he can’t move his body. He must stop being hard on himself. Unfortunately, he needs help doing the little things people often take for granted such as: taking a shower, getting dressed, and eating.

The poor man must face his family. He has neglected them, and he hasn’t fulfilled his potential as a father, husband, and man. He’s made a ton of mistakes. He went to jail and paid his debt though. You can make excuses for him, but he’s failed multiple times. Just because you fail though, doesn’t make you a failure.

Obviously, the wealthy man is a success. That’s why he’s wealthy. He’s wrote books, buys art and loves opera. In his own words, he’s richer than Jay Z, and the man can buy the Brooklyn Nets. He’s both succeeded and failed simultaneously. You see, he can’t move on from his past marriage. In fact, he still wears his wedding ring.

The film is about making connections. The three main characters are played by Kevin Hart, Bryan Cranston, and Nicole Kidman. They are connected, just like we are connected. Everything is connected. The Upside is a love and life story. It is based on a true story. The message is that money can’t buy love or life.

Moreover, The Upside is about fate and faith. What is fate? What is faith? And how are the two concepts connected?

Overall, the acting in the film is phenomenal. The script is heartwarming. Everybody did a beautiful job. To make a movie like this come together takes brilliance.

I give the film a B+. The Upside earns 4 and a half stars out of 5. I think family and friends will enjoy every minute together (like they should) watching this movie. I would watch it twice because the message is very poignant.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

By iamgurujay

Iamgurujay is a blogger who writes, features, and tweets celebrities in music, movies, & TV. This is perfect for stars, fangirls, and entertainment junkies!