By: Guru Jay
The first episode of HBO’s the Last of Us aired two days ago. Could a pilot episode launch any better than this one? If you haven’t seen it yet, or you want to know additional details, keep reading for more. In my opinion, the series couldn’t have debuted at a more perfect time. It’s 2023 and a whole lot is happening in the world. Based on a popular video game, HBO’s new TV show is relevant is edgy. In “When You’re Lost in the Darkness,” the episode goes deep into the zombies/ fungus themes.
It begins in 1968, then goes into 2003 (where all hell breaks loose in Texas), finally it comes around to Boston 2023. The actors do a fine job conveying the mission statement. From the lead character to the extras, everyone plays a vital role in this masterpiece. How does the series compare to the video game? Do you want to play the game now that you’ve seen the TV show? If you like television, the Last of Us is the TV show for you. This is not your typical Hollywood story. I believe HBO was surprised by the pilot’s success. I am looking forward to watching more episodes. Do you want to read a recap of some of the season? Is this your favorite new TV program?
The main question that is on everybody’s mind is how did we get here? The Last of Us is at a point of no return. The post-apocalyptic plot is full of twists and turns. What do you think is the best scene? How does this compare to The Walking Dead? Like the Walking Dead had, I see the Last of Us as having enormous potential. Right now, stars are being born on the TV show. All the hard efforts are noticed. Putting together something of such high quality takes blood, sweat, and tears. In summary, the Last of Us is more than a game now. It’s a TV hit!