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Put Aubrey Plaza on the To Do List This Weekend!

What are you doing this weekend? Do you want to have some fun? Read this!

Put the 2013 The To Do List actor on the 2023 To Do List! I’m referring to the Hollywood star Aubrey Plaza. She is hosting NBC’s Saturday Night Live on January 21, 2023. Here at Guru Jay Entertainment, we’re going to see to it that she shines as bright as possible. I write about celebrities because I like celebrating. Aubrey Plaza is someone who excites the audience. You come to expect great things from this entertainer. I love her work. She works hard and it shows. Some may even say she’s a little showoff, but I disagree.

What are you doing this weekend? Do you want to have some fun? Read this!

Put the 2013 The To Do List actor on the 2023 To Do List! I’m referring to the Hollywood star Aubrey Plaza. She is hosting NBC’s Saturday Night Live on January 21, 2023. Here at Guru Jay Entertainment, we’re going to see to it that she shines as bright as possible. I write about celebrities because I like celebrating. Aubrey Plaza is someone who excites the audience. You come to expect great things from this entertainer. I love her work. She works hard and it shows. Some may even say she’s a little showoff, but I disagree. 

So, where did this celebrity come from? Well, we know she was a regular on Parks and Recreation. But did you also know she was an intern on Saturday Night Live in 2005? I found that out via watching the Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. The point is everybody starts from somewhere. Where you go is up to factors: some beyond your control and others within. I like Plaza’s touch to productions. Have you seen the star perform in Fx’s Legion? 

If you enjoy comedy and Elizabeth Olsen, I encourage you to watch Ingrid Goes West. It’s an intriguing plot with dynamic characters and a nice setting. Also, if you want to see some of Plaza’s newer material, queue Black Bear and Emily the Criminal. Lastly, everybody is talking about the actress in the White Lotus. 

Plus, the comedic actor’s body of work is full of successes. If she had a gym franchise, it would be worth over a billion dollars. I’m looking forward to seeing her SNL performance. It’s long overdue.

Let’s have some fun this weekend and watch SNL hosted by Aubrey Plaza. LET AUBREY PLAZA SHINE.

By iamgurujay

Iamgurujay is a blogger who writes, features, and tweets celebrities in music, movies, & TV. This is perfect for stars, fangirls, and entertainment junkies!

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