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Worship the Queen of Pop: Madonna


Worship the Queen of Pop. Madonna receives adulation from millions of enthusiastic fans. Madge flipped the script by entertaining crowds while you watch the throne.
Madonna is all on my Twitter. Images from her Rebel Heart Tour are fascinating. Right now The Material Girl is in Melbourne, Australia cutting the rug.
Money isn’t a concern for the future billionaire. Few folks can compare to her level of popularity. Her fandom and fame reaches absurd heights.
We’re talking about diehard fans willing and ready to do anything to make her happy. Honor Madonna because the celebrity exceeds limitations at concerts. Also, the world warmly embraces the star.
She aims to please. And Madonna serves her guests the best bread and finest wines. What’s better than her amazing performances?
Aren’t you a little Madonna stalker? What are your favorite albums? How many concerts have you been to?
You see the red carpet unravels wherever the Hollywood star walks. True followers throw rose pedals at her feet. Your dream job is to serve as Madonna’s personal assistant.
Imagine what the pop star’s lifestyle must be like. She lives higher on the hog than Princess Kate. The sex symbol engages with the most interesting people on a daily basis. Plus, she truly loves her profession.
Photos By: Wikimedia Commons
I hear the haters saying, “Royalty doesn’t need to work.” My answer is Madge doesn’t have to work either. She works because The Queen of Pop has a reputation to uphold.
In my book, Madonna became a legend years ago. I rarely call a living person a legend because I feel you’re whole body of work should be evaluated first. However, Madonna is an exception to the rule.
What is more, Madonna’s influence on popular culture is felt from continent to continent, country to country, state to state, city to city, and person to person.
Final thought, would you go crazy after meeting Madonna for the very first time…Like A Virgin? 
I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

By iamgurujay

Iamgurujay is a blogger who writes, features, and tweets celebrities in music, movies, & TV. This is perfect for stars, fangirls, and entertainment junkies!