Celebrity Elvis Presley entertainers Famous People Graceland Guru Jay Hollywood Actors icons legends Madonna Marilyn Monroe Michael Jackson Music Rock and Roll Singers The King of Rock and Roll

Elvis Presley aka the King of Rock and Roll Rules!


Uncle Jesse from Full House had an Elvis Presley obsession. This was a recurring theme on the show. Do you remember how John Stamos wore his hair just like the legend?
Let me take you on an adventure to Graceland. Imagine being in the presence of royalty. The King of Rock and Roll is alive and well because he faked his death. I’m pulling your leg but let’s keep visualizing His Imperial Majesty ruling his faithful subjects.
You worship the ground he walks on. Of course, he walks around in blue suede shoes. Don’t step on them! He never bought into Michael Jordan’s Nike brand.
“It’s one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready. Now go cat go!” What are your favorite Elvis Presley songs? Without question, Elvis broke down barriers and defined popular culture.

In an alternate universe Marilyn Monroe is Mrs. Elvis Presley. Unfortunately, celebrities aren’t created like this anymore. Elvis was the ultimate celebrity. He epitomized fame and glory.
What is baseball without Babe Ruth? What is music without Elvis Presley? There’s no way you can talk about the history of baseball without bringing up Babe and it’s impossible to discuss music without acknowledging the greatness of Elvis.
I’ll take you to the gift shop here in Graceland. Maybe, I’ll let you go on a shopping spree. Wait; there goes Michael Jackson and Tupac Shakur. They tell us Elvis is underground partying with Madonna and Rihanna. Oh, the contrast! Michael’s tone sounds so soft and Tupac has a deep voice.

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What you say, Pac? Gaga’s upset because Madonna’s making it difficult for her to spend time with the king. She thought Tony Bennett could give her some leverage because he knew Elvis in the beginning.
Back to reality, ironically Elvis appealed to your fantasies.
Elvis Presley was a lion of a man. Lionesses love serving their king the absolute best. Are you a party animal? “Wild thing, you make my heart sing…”

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

By iamgurujay

Iamgurujay is a blogger who writes, features, and tweets celebrities in music, movies, & TV. This is perfect for stars, fangirls, and entertainment junkies!