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Why There Won’t Be Another Kid Rock


When Kid Rock is in the studio or onstage he utilizes electronic instruments and technology to the fullest. He maintains his relevancy and remains unflustered by technology’s rapidness. Looking at his Twitter, glancing at his Facebook, or reading his Wikipedia won’t fully measure his superstardom. Kid Rock may be old school but the new kids on the block respect him.
What’s more, he loves performing in front of thousands. It is an unbelievable feeling hearing fans scream at the top of their lungs. Everyone occupying the space is there on your behalf.
Cherish Kid Rock while you can. There won’t be another like him. The musician leads a fascinating lifestyle.
He’s a single man, so groupies will do anything to gain his attention. Who doesn’t want to be a pop or rock star? Celebrities make small fortunes from appearances alone.

Celebs are given free stuff all the time. Kid Rock is a rare sighting because he’s an outlaw. You see although Rock receives star treatment, he understands the price of freedom.
The celeb stirs controversy like coffee every morning. Moreover, he’s loyal to his roots. He represents Michigan better than congressmen. Also, Eminem owes him a steak dinner because Kid wasn’t served a full course meal on a silver platter.
As a white boy, he engaged in risky behavior associating with Murder Capital aka Detroit. Kid Rock defines celebrity because he always celebrates.

Photos By: Wikimedia Commons
The Born Free songwriter lives the American Dream unapologetically. Who else has successfully crossed rock, rap, pop, and country genres? His duets with Sheryl Crowe are priceless.
There’s no doubt he is one of a kind. This self-taught musician can play various instruments. Kid doesn’t need to make the band, because he is the band. 5 am trains don’t deliver like Kid Rock delivers to his people.

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

By iamgurujay

Iamgurujay is a blogger who writes, features, and tweets celebrities in music, movies, & TV. This is perfect for stars, fangirls, and entertainment junkies!