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Is Nicole Beharie the Next Kerry Washington?


I watch Sleepy Hollow occasionally mainly because I’ve got crush on Nicole Beharie. If Nicole doesn’t renew her contract, then the show wouldn’t last another episode. Did you know Nicole Beharie went to Julliard?
She’s highly educated and accomplished in and out of Hollywood. That’s why I know she can be the next Kerry Washington. Beharie recently turned 30, and she’s getting sexier year after year.
Hopefully, the fine actress doesn’t let her ego enlarge. The best policy is humility. Careers are ruined because actors think they’re irreplaceable. Give Beharie the benefit of doubt since she isn’t boastful.
In the next 3 years I expect Nikki to start filming mega budget movies. Why can’t she star as the lead sometimes? You see show business is about making connections and networking. Have faith in Nicole because she has developed fruitful relationships.
Ironically, Scandal helped Kerry Washington’s career blossom. She’s received more opportunities since signing up for the show. Beharie is in a superior position to transition heavily into movies.

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If I were managing Nicole, she’d be hotter than pancakes in Africa. Agents notoriously hold entertainers back. Often times promoters look out only for themselves at the expense of their clients.

Nicole Beharie is too talented to be on the B list. I believe she’s an A list actress with bad representation. For Nicole to advance, she needs to pick Kerry Washington’s brain. People purposely give bad advice because they want to sabotage you.
Look around and ask yourself do you really need that person in your entourage. Nicole Beharie doesn’t necessarily have to become the next Kerry Washington. She could choose a different direction.
Nicole can make People’s front cover. She can take number 1 on Maxim’s Hot 100. Actors must pay their dues. Is Nicole Beharie paying to play?

I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

By iamgurujay

Iamgurujay is a blogger who writes, features, and tweets celebrities in music, movies, & TV. This is perfect for stars, fangirls, and entertainment junkies!