Actors Box Office Celebrities Departed directors Entertainment Great Gatsby Guru Jay Hollywood Inception Leonardo DiCaprio Movies producers Scorsese Spielberg Tarantino Titanic Wolf of Wall Street

Why Leonardo DiCaprio Is the Best


Do you think Leonardo DiCaprio is the best actor alive? How can you argue with his gigantic box office numbers and amazing body of work? Leonardo DiCaprio has developed into a powerful and unstoppable force in Hollywood, because he delivers great performances at will.
What director doesn’t want to associate with DiCaprio? Leonardo is the most talented and naturally gifted actor in the industry. Scorsese, Spielberg, Tarantino, and Eastwood practically got on both knees in order to work with DiCaprio.
What actor doesn’t dream of working alongside Leonardo? Jonah Hill worships at DiCaprio’s throne. While filming Wolf of Wall Street, Jonah latched onto Leonardo like a parasite.
DiCaprio’s name matters like Nicholson, De Niro, Pacino, and Clooney. Internationally, Leonardo’s brand is highly visible.

What are the best Leonardo DiCaprio movies?
Besides the Titanic, I recommend Inception, the Departed, and the Great Gatsby. Anything that DiCaprio touches turns to gold, silver, or bronze. Leonardo is an Olympian who competes in acting and film producing.

Hopefully, in the future DiCaprio will direct. He’s too talented not to teach aspiring actors. Leonardo is the best because the celebrity makes his colleagues perform better.
Watch the Wolf of Wall Street, and you’ll see how much Margot Robbie and Kyle Chandler lean on Leonardo DiCaprio’s gesturing, movements, and expertise. DiCaprio mastered the game since 2000 with the Beach movie. In 2002, Daniel Day-Lewis played supporting actor, while Leonardo starred in Gangs of New York. Furthermore, no movie star supersedes DiCaprio…not Channing Tatum, Brad Pitt, or Johnny Depp.

 Photos By: Wikimedia Commons

By participating in several lucrative projects, overtime the veteran actor has positioned himself as Hollywood’s King. According to Box Office Mojo, DiCaprio has generated over $6.3 billion in box office receipts. What is more, Leonardo doesn’t record voiceovers for animation. If Leonardo DiCaprio isn’t the best, who’s better?

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By iamgurujay

Iamgurujay is a blogger who writes, features, and tweets celebrities in music, movies, & TV. This is perfect for stars, fangirls, and entertainment junkies!