action Actors Celebrities Colin Firth comedy Entertainment fighting Hollywood James Bond Kingsman: The Secret Service Mark Strong Michael Caine Movies Samuel L. Jackson Sophie Cookson Taron Egerton

Kingsman: The Secret Service Movie Review


Want to watch an action-packed movie? Go see Kingsman: The Secret Service. Now playing, Kingsman has already received international recognition.
You’ll enjoy interesting characters played by veteran actors Colin Firth, Michael Caine, and Samuel L. Jackson. Also, newcomers Taron Egerton and Sophie Cookson give noteworthy performances. The casting director selected a talented cast with a nice mixture of skills.
Colin Firth stars as Kingsman Harry, who bailouts Gary (Egerton). Gary’s father died while saving Harry’s life. So, Harry takes Gary under his wing out of respect; and, he grooms the lad.
Gary and the group of recruits undergo tough Kingsman training. They’re drowned. Tied to train tracks. And they jumped out of a jet.
The agency informs the recruits that there’s room for only one Kingsman. Unfortunately, Gary failed their last test. However, in a way he passed with flying colors in my book.
As agent Harry, Firth, makes you believe he is a killing machine. Harry will fight Tom and Dick anywhere and anytime. The film contains the most incredible fight scenes since Bourne Supremacy.
“ Something’s rotten in the state of Denmark.”
Samuel L. Jackson plays Richmond Valentine, a billionaire who concocts an evil notion to reduce world population. Valentine envisions a massacre where everybody kills one another.
Richmond Valentine’s right-hand woman Gazelle kicks ass similar to Edward Scissorhands in the barber seat. Gazelle uses her legs to lower ears. She is one of my favorites.
Harry pays the ultimate sacrifice while trying to stop Valentine. Now, Gary and the Kingsman Secret Service must save the world. Meanwhile, the Swedish Princess lies in Richmond’s prison.
Overall, I give the film 4 stars. Director Matthew Vaughn earns a B+. Give extra credit to the music and editing departments. The screenwriters composed an excellent script. Want to see Kingsman: The Secret Service?
I am Guru Jay launching off into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!

By iamgurujay

Iamgurujay is a blogger who writes, features, and tweets celebrities in music, movies, & TV. This is perfect for stars, fangirls, and entertainment junkies!